F1: Stars in reasonable cars

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I saw this on James Allen and thought it was a really interesting thing to do, so I thought I'd do it here as well. You need to pick your top 5 drivers who made the best of a bad situation in the 2010 Formula one season.

The rules are fairly simple;

- The people you vote for cannot have won a race

- They cannot be in a team that won a race

- You can only pick five drivers.

- It doesn't matter how long they raced for

2010 was filled with some fairly great and fairly average cars. Some drivers made good use of a bad car and others made poor use of a good car, but what it comes down to is a bit of skill and luck. So who are your top picks for the best use of an average car for the last season? and why?

For example, mine would be:

1) Robert Kubica - He is amazingly talented and though the car wasn't massively competitive, he scored some good points this year

2) Kamui Kobayashi - Amazing courage in passing this year and slightly kamikaze, he brought Sauber some much needed points

3) Karun Chandhok - This fella did more for HRT in his short time, than the rest of the drivers combined

4) Rubens Barrichello - Average season for good old Barrichello, but he pulled out consistant q3 appearances and made the best of it.

5) Nico Rosberg - What do you do when you're paired with a 7 times world champion? you beat him in overall points for the year.. good lad.

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Chandock for me by far for the reason you put, shame he didnt drive for most of the year but he was epic in the 5 live commentary during the practice sessions :)

Edit : yeah i know i only picked one but it's too early in the morning lol

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Kamui Kobayashi - He isn't scared of "going for it" give him a few years to learn from his mistakes and put him in a fast car, you will have great things ;)

Vitaly Petrov - First season and he has done a brilliant job. Certainly in the last race. Keeping Alonso (of all drivers) at bay for pretty much the entire race. Not great performance over the season but keep an eye on this guy, he has potential.

Nico Hulkenberg - Pole in Brazil in the rain. Hard for any world championship winning driver to do, let alone a rookie. Good performance over the entire season.

Heikki Kovalainen - Highest ranking driver from the new comer teams. A lot of previous experience from previous seasons. Lotus and this guy will be the ones to watch next season (i don't mean the will be up there with ferrari/red bull/mclaren but they will be fighting with renault/force india/etc)

Karun Chandhok - I think he was a bit of a dark horse this season, when he started the season he was certainly one to watch out of the new teams however HRT and their... lets say. Unique management style felt differently. That said they went through god knows how many drivers to avoid the pay cheques. Hope he gets a seat next season ;)

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honestly? in my opinion none did...

if it was vettel he would have been champ 4 races before season ending already, same with webber.

alonso made big driving mistakes all the time.

hamilton looked so till monza. then he clearly lost it.

maybe it was kubica or petrov but then it could as well be that the renault is not such a bad car after the annoying briatore and alonso left the team it could only go upwards.

i was very impressed with felipe massa who was leading the wdc after race 2 despite having the biggest tire issues of all and was challenging alonso till ferrari forced him to slow down in hockenheim.

also i think rosberg did very well at the beginning of the season making most out of that slow car.

anyway, in no order:






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I don't know how you came to that conclusion, with the possible exception of Hockenheim where I felt Massa deserved to win, I found his performances to be grossly underwhelming.

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I don't know how you came to that conclusion, with the possible exception of Hockenheim where I felt Massa deserved to win, I found his performances to be grossly underwhelming.

hehe, i'm sure you know by now he has a blind bias towards hamilton and massa? plus according to the rules in the OP, they cannot be nominated in this thread since hamilton won a race and massa was in a team that won a race

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hehe, i'm sure you know by now he has a blind bias towards hamilton and massa? plus according to the rules in the OP, they cannot be nominated in this thread since hamilton won a race and massa was in a team that won a race

I am a big fan of Hamilton's myself, but I accept that he simply wasn't quite good enough to take the title this year.

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according to the rules in the OP, they cannot be nominated in this thread since hamilton won a race and massa was in a team that won a race

havent read that, sorry.

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havent read that, sorry.

Why not? It's not like the thread was 50 pages long....

Chandhok for me, he was amazing for the time he was about.

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Why not? It's not like the thread was 50 pages long....

Chandhok for me, he was amazing for the time he was about.

well, i was not logged in so couldnt see the poll and the limited selection of the drivers there.

and then i was short of time and just read the first line.

never happend to you?

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