New Soluto Version - Details

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New Version (1.1.1369.0 - release date 13/02)

We?ve released a new minor version, on our way to a major version with new features very soon.

The version number, 1.1.1369.0, will be updated on our website download and thank you page soon. You can check which version you are running by CTRL+Clicking the tray icon.

Uninstall first, as updates/upgrades are not yet enabled at this beta time. Sorry.

Here?s a breakdown of changes, features and fixes (there?s lots more little fixes and changes that will not be included in this update):

PC Readiness Always Show option

right click Soluto tray icon to see 3 new options in the ?PC Readiness Monitor? sub-menu: Show every boot; Show after boot changes; Never show.

New Driver

Our low level driver has been re-written and is labeled Soluto.sys (previous driver name was PCGenFam.sys).

Residue items appear in required bar (darker grey ? see screenshot)

Some apps do not support complete removal from the Windows startup, those items will appear in darker grey within the console.

Next releases will show advanced information for these apps.


Beta sticker moved to right side (quick way to identify version you are using ? see screenshot above)

?Operation aborted? message for updaters/help applications ? Fixed.

?Can?t connect to PC Genome servers? error for home users - Fixed.

Home users who were getting a "cannot connect to PC Genome error" should now be able to run. If you're still experiencing problems, please email us for details (

Right Click - ?My PC Just Frustrated Me? & ?Disable Ongoing Frustration Research? options removed from tray icon.

We've improved our algorithms to identify automatically PC frustrations, and to allow our ongoing research to run in the background without a hitch. If you do not wish to use these option, you can still select the Exit after boot feature.

This is a minor version update, here's a list of some of the features and fixes not yet implemented:

? Full proxy support

? WPF Font Cache cleanup - a fix for the Soluto window crash when attempting to launch the program (?Soluto encountered an error and needs to close? error message)

? Running delayed apps in a Log off/Log on scenarios.

? Core affinity for delayed apps.

? Installer to cleanup and repair Soluto corrupt installations.

? White rectangular box might appear after usage.

Lots of exciting things happening soon, as we're working very hard on our next features, way beyond the boot and the launch of the PC Genome website.


Sourcr[Soluto ]

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Um..a summary of what the program is all about is welcomed without going to the site, I was a bit confused what the program is actually doing :)

But looking from your screenshot, seems like a boot analysis and mangement tool?

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Yeah it an anti-frustrating software that what it claims.

What is Soluto Beta?

Soluto Beta allows you to understand your boot, discover which applications are slowing it down (and keep running later in the background, affecting your ongoing experience), and allows you to significantly improve it. While Soluto Beta focuses on the boot, it already researches for frustrations and helps map the PC Genome, allowing you to share your wisdom with others.

Video -

Um..a summary of what the program is all about is welcomed without going to the site, I was a bit confused what the program is actually doing :)

But looking from your screenshot, seems like a boot analysis and mangement tool?

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I used to love this program, before they decided to not allow me to delay a program until they finished researching it. So after weeks of not being able to manage my startup programs the way I wanted I ditched it and went with Winpatrol (not as fancy but does what I tell it to). Maybe I'll try this again when they're out of beta but given their update schedule that could be years.

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I forgot about this app, it is pretty useful, I have an SSD now so boot-up is fairly quick and there's no delays when the computer hits desktop, but it still shaved quite some time off boot-up. was 43 seconds, now 23 seconds.

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Ah alright, thanks for the explanations lol I barely shut down my computer anymore (mostly go to Sleep) but should come in handy for those who want their boot-up a tad faster

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