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How to print to PDF in Windows 10 and 11

Hi, I'm Adam, I'm known as Warwagon on the forum. For the past 19 years, I've been operating my own computer repair business. In doing so, I deal with the average computer user on a day-to-day basis.

Every bit of information I provide for people I do so with the lowest common denominator in mind. It's a common misconception that everyone who joins or browses a tech site is a techie. Some people are just looking for guidance. That is why for some, these tech tips may seem a bit too simplistic but they are educational for others.

print to pdf

Did you know that Windows 10 and 11 has a built-in PDF printer? This allows you to save things directly to a PDF file. Simply go about printing like you normally would, but when it comes time to select a printer, select the “Microsoft to PDF" printer option.

Once you tell it to print, a save dialog will appear asking you where you wish to save the PDF to.

This feature is useful because it lets you create PDF files for emailing or just save them for your own records. Nobody likes dealing with paper, and it's environmentally responsible too!

print to pdf

Happy Computing!

If you learned something today, great! If not, maybe share your own tech tip in the comments below!

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