Mars Science Laboratory - 'Curiosity'

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The Mars Science Laboratory, aka Curiosity, is scheduled for launch Nov. 25, 2011. Curiosity will be the largest robotic rover so far, about the size of a Mini Cooper car & weighing 900 kg, and will be nuclear powered so no downtime due to lack of solar power. It also has a high degree of autonomy - not needing a full time driver they can tell it where to go and it'll drive itself.

Curiosity will have a wide array of sensors ranging from multiple high resolution cameras & HD video to an x-ray spectrometer, chemical laboratory, biological laboratory, radiation sensors, etc. etc. It even has a powerful laser with which it can vaporize materials at a range of up to 7 meters so an optical spectrograph (ChemCam) can analyse the resulting plasma. Energy at the focal point: 10 megawatts. A bigtime powerhouse.

Curiosity will ride on an Atlas V 541 launcher, the numbers indicating a 5.4 meter diameter payload fairing, 1 core booster, and 4 solid fuel rockets strapped to the core. The second stage will have 2 Centaur liquid hydrogen engines. Big.

This is going to be fun :)

MER-Spirit/Opportunity, Sojourner, and MSL-Curiosity


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Go Curiosity, go go go!!! love her, what a beaut. and nuclear power....yum! i hope she brings us a lot of good new science and will help mobilize the public to see what's our natural and destined path to the future.

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