Keith Martin -- The World's Fattest Man ?

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42-year-old British man Keith Martin has been declared the world?s fatted man, tipping the scales at a whopping 812 lbs.

Martin has been bed-ridden for years and hasn?t had a girlfriend in two decades. Martin?s needs are reportedly costing the taxpayers thousands of dollars as he requires an army of 18 medical professionals to look after him, including ambulance staff and nurses.

Eight ambulance workers must be on hand to help lift his giant frame to a reinforced vehicle for frequent hospital visits close to his home in Harlesden, North-West London.

He also requires two visits a day and four nurses three times a week to wash him and monitor his health as his staggering weight is putting massive strain on his heart and other internal organs.

Martin?s dining includes:

Breakfast: Keith Martin typically starts the day with eight hot dogs and four slices of bread, or a pile of ham sandwiches followed by coffee with sugar.

Lunch: A selection of chocolate bars, cakes, a packet of biscuits plus more coffees with sugar.

Dinner: Two whole roast dinners with all the trimmings, or 16 sausages plus a family-sized bag of oven chips washed down with coffee.

According to Martin his weight gain was due to the sudden death of his mother.



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They should let the pig die! It's disgusting, that's all!

You seem like a nice chap.... Oh, wait.

I'm pretty amazed that they actually let him eat as much as he does. Couldn't he have some kinda surgery to get his weight under control?

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According to Martin his weight gain was due to the sudden death of his mother.

Uh, the weight gain is due to:

Breakfast: Keith Martin typically starts the day with eight hot dogs and four slices of bread, or a pile of ham sandwiches followed by coffee with sugar.

Lunch: A selection of chocolate bars, cakes, a packet of biscuits plus more coffees with sugar.

Dinner: Two whole roast dinners with all the trimmings, or 16 sausages plus a family-sized bag of oven chips washed down with coffee.

Not the death of his mother!

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Poor guy. Why don't all these medical professionals help him lose all that weight instead of enabling is? :s I guess it's not easy

Poor guy?? He lays in bed all day, watches TV and eats whatever he wants and our money pays for it. It's his own fault.

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Yea, damn him, there's probably not an underlying cause as to why he's become so obese and he's definitely enjoying the state that he's in.

Yes there is an underlying cause as to why he has become so disgustingly fat, because he eats too much! Not rocket science! Why do you have so much sympathy for him? Do you know him?

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why do they keep feeding him that? feed him a normal meal and if he doesn't like it, wait until he can get up on his own to get more food!


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Yes there is an underlying cause as to why he has become so disgustingly fat, because he eats too much! Not rocket science! Why do you have so much sympathy for him? Do you know him?

What annoys me is that he MUST'VE realised that he was getting too fat once he reached.. say.. 15 stone or something. But he's passed 20, 30, 40 and 50 stone. It's ridiculous. He should be ashamed. :/

But hey. He's allowed news websites to make the rounds with his story.. What a fool. :p

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Yes there is an underlying cause as to why he has become so disgustingly fat, because he eats too much! Not rocket science! Why do you have so much sympathy for him? Do you know him?

Actually, it's depression. "According to Martin his weight gain was due to the sudden death of his mother."

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Actually, it's depression. "According to Martin his weight gain was due to the sudden death of his mother."

Sorry, I am also depressed and I only weigh 190lbs (6'1") As someone else pointed out, when he got to a certain point he should have stopped the gluttonous behaviour!

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This is really disgusting. He is finding pleasure in food and all he does is eat, eat.

I weighted 135kg back in december but because I got so sick of having to find clothes that fit me and having no fun in life, I have started to turn around and now lost 10kg so far and is still in progress of losing. I now eat only a single plate of salad a day along with a few snacks of pitted prunes (to help iwth my hemorrhoids issue) and I am very happy with my progress.

Some people just don't want to bother and are just too lazy to try.

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This is really disgusting. He is finding pleasure in food and all he does is eat, eat.

I weighted 135kg back in december but because I got so sick of having to find clothes that fit me and having no fun in life, I have started to turn around and now lost 10kg so far and is still in progress of losing. I now eat only a single plate of salad a day along with a few snacks of pitted prunes (to help iwth my hemorrhoids issue) and I am very happy with my progress.

That's not really a healthy diet either. You can shock your body that way, depending on your eating habits before. And also, you need something with a lot of protein, or your body will start burning muscle (which happens before fat, if it doesn't have enough protein.) I'd recommend eating a lean meat in your diet once a day, such as a steak, with little salt, and no sauces. Or look into whey protein. About three servings a day in between meals, if you are really staving off meat for some reason.

But protein, and I cannot stress enough, is very important, and should never be skipped. You can chow on (lean, unsalted, plain) steak all day long and still continue to lose weight, just stay away from carbs (pasta, bread, starch, sauces, salad dressings, bread, potatoes, did I mention bread?)

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People who get this big should be offered a dedicated trainer and dietitian, if they don't want or use the help properly then they should be on their own.

Depression can be a big cause of this kind of weight gain as you begin to feel worthless and the weight gain just psychologically reinforces those feelings, getting fit can give you back your self respect, improve your respiratory and vascular health, as well as giving you the natural reward chemicals the body produces and reduce the depressive symptoms.

Staying in bed and eating hot dogs and cakes gives you nothing but more weight and more self loathing.

As Andy Dufresne says in The Shawshank Redemption...

"Get busy living or get busy dying"

There seems to be a lot of people out of work, those who are physically fit could be paid to be a "buddy" for the more ill or depressive, this would decrease the feelings of isolation, both parties would be kept fit, busy and more productive. Kind of how a gym buddy works, it's a win-win :)

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