Windows 8 not Metro enough?

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I'm of the opinion, that Windows 8 (as far as we know) isn't Metro enough!

The desktop has Aero interface, with some Metro elements here and there. But the tablet interface has a completely Metro interface.

Windows 8 seems like a mixture of two different operating system, rather than a single operating system. If both were Metro, the transition between them wouldn't be so incoherent.

Going from Tile to desktop interface almost seems like going back a few years to Windows 7. Not that there is anything wrong with it. I use it as my primary operating system. But the shift doesn't feel smooth.

If the similarities in the interfaces were increased, the criticism about having two interfaces would be decreased. We have this Aero interface from Vista. That's almost 7 years ago! And it's starting to feel a bit old.

Some people also believe that Microsoft should remove the Desktop version from the ARM version. Microsoft strongly disagrees. And I believe that this disapproval only exists because of UI inconsistencies. They don't match... at all.

But not only will Metro Desktop look great, it would solve these design problems, and also "it just works!".

Metro on desktop and Ribbon is not only possible, but several design concepts have been made by many people. I have looked over them for months, and really liked them. And was sure, that they will make it to the original thing. But that doesn't appears to be the case.

People have been making these concepts since the inception of Zune HD, and were sure that W8 would look something like this. I was looking forward to it too. To an OS which will have a Zune software like feel. Here is the image of header.


May be they will have a fully Metrofied version, by Windows 9. They just wanted the Metro haters, to get a taste for it in 8. And to keep some of that "Windows familiarity".

This is Windows re-imagined, but not fully.

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I agree with you, FMH. One of the first things I am going to do with the CP is see if Themes are supported on the desktop and if not will be on the lookout for hacks to Metrify the desktop. Dont see a reason why they cant keep the functionality but update the look to match the Start screen.

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You can only have one application up at a time with the Windows 8 metro interface. Hence, "Window" since there is only 1 window.

Or you could think of it as each tile can provide us with a "window" into the application. You don't have to launch the mail app to know if you have mail, activity in social apps, etc.

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Windows 8 is a disaster waiting happen in terms of the UI for desktops and laptops, I agree its an awesome design for a tablet OS, but you can't just mix things like this without there being teething issues.

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LOL at the allcaps in some of those it looks like the UI IS YELLING AT ME

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The only one of those I like is the mail one..

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I read that in fry's voice too LMAO

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metro interface is good for tablets/phones etc (since you usually do a single thing there) but is not good enough for full desktop environment. IMO they should've separated the two products. I don't plan running windows8 on anything with touchscreen therefor metro is useless for me.

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