Lets Get Fizz-cal

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A bizarre museum that shows how Coca-Cola was once used as a contraceptive has become a massive hit in the straight-laced Austrian capital, Vienna.

The Museum of Contraception shows the dozens of oddball ways couples have tried to keep out of the family way throughout the centuries.

Visitors see how sliced lemons were used to prevent babies in the 18th century while bottles of Coke were used as a kind of fizzy douche after sex.

Early condoms, made from sheep's intestines, were often handed down from father to son.

Curator - gynaecologist Christian Fiala - shows how frogs were used in pregnancy testing up until the 1960s.

Women thought to be pregnant had their urine injected into a frog. If the frog laid eggs within three hours the patient was told she was pregnant.

The museum also houses hundreds of years of gruesome equipment used in abortions.

Dr Fiala explained: "As a doctor I can only teach a limited number of people about how they can best manage their fertility."

"The as a scientist and lecturer the number of people I can reach is slightly larger.

"But only with a museum is it possible to bring knowledge about reliable contraception and medically safe abortion to the whole world," he added.


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