The name of Windows 'Longhorn' wil be....

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The name of Windows 'Longhorn', as mentioned in a video from MSDN, wil be.... *drum roll*

:woot: Windows 6 !!!! :woot:

Congrats to every1 who guessed that in the 'What do you think the name of 'Longhorn' will be' thread.

Now we can make the boxshots knowing that we know the correct name. :D

I have tried to locate the video on MSDN again, but I cannot seem to find it :s All I know is that the video is 95mb and in the first few minutes of the video, Windows 6 locks up :p

So there you have it, 'Longhorn' will be 'Windows 6'

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There's no way on earth they are going to name it that. Say it out loud; doesn't exactly roll off the tongue does it. Also, that would be a rather boring name in my opinion. With a release this big I'm sure they will want to go with something catchy and fresh sounding (though it will probably be something stupid like Me was). Anyway it's still way too early for them to be announcing names, it's not even in beta yet. I'm sure the guy who called it that in the video did so because it's going to be version 6, not because that is going to be the name. :)

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I don't believe that calling it Windows 6.0 will cause too much confusion. Microsoftites are stupid and will buy it even if it were called "Windows Screw You XYZ". It does make some sense that Microsoft would return to version numbers as the market is getting rather fed up with dates replacing version numbers. I myself am getting rather annoyed because some companies are referring to other software programs by annuals rather than version numbers. I recently saw an ad in PC World from some upstart probably building crap boxes in their parent's garage offering StarOffice 2003!

However, it's still up in the air as to whether the next version of Windows will be called Windows 6.0. Given the looming date of their jury trial against I believe Microsoft will lose it trademark to the generic use of Windows. Microsoft's trademarks of Office would also be revoked.

Note: Microsoft does hold specific trademarks such as Microsoft Office, Windows ME, Windows XP, and Microsoft Wiindows. Its generic trademark of Windows (and Office among others) are in question. These are what MS is using in it's battle against

I don't believe that suggested names like Windows Advance will be used as it would create confusion with its server line (ie Advanced Server). Microsoft could opt for suffixes such as Windows Advanced Desktop (Home)/Worstation (Pro)/Server.

They were changing the name for 2003 server until the very end, and it happend quite a few times.

Let's see:

Whistler Server (codename)

Windows 2002 Server (no real reson to change it, but needs to involve .Net somehow)

Windows Server 2002 (Group Vice President Jim Allchin allegedly disliked)

Windows.NET Server (no one seems to understand what .Net is)

Windows Server 2003

Edited by El_Cu_Guy
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:o Yep, h99120351 is refering to Lap Around Longhorn, a very dull video available from Microsoft;

And it's jumping the gun; just cuz in the video it's Windows 6, does not mean Microsoft will not change the name.

The video is nearly 95 megs, is only funny for the first 10 seconds, and I do not think many people will understand much from it. It talks about Avalon and Indigo and writing development programs.

Two thumbs down on this clip. :rolleyes:

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The name of Windows 'Longhorn', as mentioned in a video from MSDN, wil be.... *drum roll*

:woot: Windows 6 !!!! :woot:

Congrats to every1 who guessed that in the 'What do you think the name of 'Longhorn' will be' thread.

Now we can make the boxshots knowing that we know the correct name. :D

I have tried to locate the video on MSDN again, but I cannot seem to find it :s All I know is that the video is 95mb and in the first few minutes of the video, Windows 6 locks up :p

So there you have it, 'Longhorn' will be 'Windows 6'

So this is the final name of Microsoft's next OS? Give us the link to where you found this info please...

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The name of Windows 'Longhorn', as mentioned in a video from MSDN, wil be.... *drum roll*

:woot: Windows 6 !!!! :woot:

Congrats to every1 who guessed that in the 'What do you think the name of 'Longhorn' will be' thread.

Now we can make the boxshots knowing that we know the correct name. :D

I have tried to locate the video on MSDN again, but I cannot seem to find it :s All I know is that the video is 95mb and in the first few minutes of the video, Windows 6 locks up :p

So there you have it, 'Longhorn' will be 'Windows 6'

*sniff sniff*

Dude, you must be smoking crack laced with poop. Windows 6? Have you gone mad? They should just leave it as Longhorn...that or "The I'm Gonna Rip you all Off, Love Bill Gates OS." Just rolls of the tongue.


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have a look for urself find the video and watch it. They say on the video that its called Windows 6

I've watched the video, and I believe that he is referring to the version number of Windows, not the final name. Think and ask yourselves this question: Why would Microsoft decide the final name of a major product 2 years before the product's release date?

As some one already pointed out, Windows Server 2003 was renamed a couple of times before its release.

Another thing people need to think about is that programmers are used to using version numbers when referring applications. What are the guys in the video doing? Programming.

Don't get wishful thinking get in the way of the obvious, guys. :no:

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I still say its gonna be named "Windows ML" (more l33t).

Seeing as how the whole "leet" thing lasted about 5 minutes. I kind of doubt it. Then again, Microsoft is all about jumping on "fads" a little late. They were afterall the Johnny Come Lately to the Internet hoopla.

Any Windoze luser who refers to him/herself or any Microsoft product as "1337" should be shot in the face.

Edited by El_Cu_Guy
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