Avalon DLLs

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I don't percieve this as warez, as it is a couple files that won't work on any OS other than Longhorn.

Could someone post the Avalon DLLs (as far as I know in C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Windows, not sure, something like that)? I would like to look at the IL a little so I can have a little more info for my Avalon substitute project for Windows XP. Some filenames (to search for them) are: windowsbase.dll, presentationcore.dll, presentationframework.dll.

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that's called reserve engineering and makes you liable.

no its called research and developement,

and unassembling software is not illeagle (reuseing the code is) .. thats how you make good compatible software by understanding the platform your designing on ..

Of course the easiest way to do this is to get the SDK for it if and when its available

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if the license tells you not to reverse engineer that and you do, you're liable. and i think all ms licenses say that.

besides that, watching IL doesn't help. just implement your own version, you've the list of all classes on msdn. though i doubt you'll ever get it done. ms got a boatload of people working on avalon, you're not going to do it on your own.

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if the license tells you not to reverse engineer that and you do, you're liable. and i think all ms licenses say that.

besides that, watching IL doesn't help. just implement your own version, you've the list of all classes on msdn. though i doubt you'll ever get it done. ms got a boatload of people working on avalon, you're not going to do it on your own.

I'm just doing the basic stuff. Enough to do an XAML replacement. :) Also, the API docs are horrible. Look at them for yourselves. Look at MSAvalon.Threading.UIContext, MSAvalon.Windows.Vector, and some others to see what I mean. :(

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why? :huh: so you can just rewrite the entire thing when longhorn is finished?

what build are they in/do you want?

Build 4051. :) Well, the whole point is so everyone can have Avalon soon. I don't care that it will be obsolete when Longhorn comes out because then we'll have all upgraded. :p

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1) Download Longhorn from IRC..it will save you some time

2)XAML is always changing. Every single build adds 5 (or so) different features and pulls 5 more. The actual compiler for XAML would take months (if not years) to make on your own and still then it would be crap.

3) Also do you not think that Microsoft does stuff to there .NET Framework apps so that you can?t reverse engineer them that easily?

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1) I actually already have it, it won't install on VPC or VMWare, at least not without a lot of time and work, more than it is worth.

2) Then I'll add the 5 features and remove the 5 features. I'm versed with System.XML, I should be able to do it. For code blocks I'll just research the runtime CodeDOM/compilation features. How hard can it be, load the element, create a corresponding object from the Avalon substitute, position it, assign event handlers, add it to a collection. :p

3) Actually, they don't. I've looked at the IL of the .NET Framework. :p And that is a released product.

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