Nintendo Switch Outsells PS4, Xbox One In US August Sales

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Nintendo Switch Outsells PS4, Xbox One In US August Sales

Nintendo's hybrid console has now been the top-selling console in the US for four of six months since launch.

Last updated by Eddie Makuch on September 14, 2017 at 8:39PM


The NPD Group today released its monthly report for August 2017 sales in the United States, and on the hardware front, the Nintendo Switch took the cake. Nintendo's hybrid console was the best-selling system in the US during the month. The Switch has been the best-selling system in four of the six months since launch in March, only beaten by the PlayStation 4 in May and June.


On a year-to-date basis, the PS4 remains the best-selling console in the US, according to NPD data. The group does not release specific sales numbers, so we don't know how substantial Nintendo's margin of victory this month.


Overall, hardware spending in the US for August 2017 dropped 6 percent, falling to $168 million. There were "declines" in sales of the Xbox One and old-generation consoles during the month, which the NPD Group noted offset the gains that the Switch helped drive.




GG Switch :woot:

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I was very skeptical about the Switch. Thought it was a piece of junk nobody other than Nintendo fans will buy. Reasoned that people who wanted portable gaming could do that on a phone and those who wanted a console would go for a PS/Xbox.

But then, i was wrong. GG indeed, Switch!

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