Search in Firefox

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Would it be possible for someone to write a search plugin for Firefox that would allow it to search neowin with the [ctrl]+[k] ?

I know that some sites have plugins, but not neowin, and it would be quite a useful feature to just be able to search neowin right away from another site, to look something up, for example.

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IPB doesn't care if it's POSTed or GETted - it's just POST by default.

I haven't tested this too much (did 2 searches for "test"), but it seems to work. Testing done in a Firebird nightly (I'm too lazy to upgrade).

Instructions: Create a file named "neowin.src" in {Browser Path}\searchengines\ and restart your browser. That should be all.

 name="Neowin Forum"
 description="Neowin Forum"

<!-- Action codes - don't mess with them -->
<input name="act" value="Search">
<input name="CODE" value="01">

<!-- Forum IDs - just leave this at all -->
<input name="forums" value="all">

<!-- From this amount of days and... - Possible values: any number -->
<input name="prune" value="60">

<!-- ...newer or older? - Possible values: newer and older -->
<input name="prune_type" value="newer">

<!-- Sort by? - Possible values: last_post, posts (topic replies), starter_name (topic starter name), forum_id (Forum Name) -->
<input name="sort_key" value="last_post">

<!-- Sort order? - Possible values: asc, desc -->
<input name="sort_order" value="desc">

<!-- Where to search? - Possible values: titles, posts -->
<input name="search_in" value="titles">

<!-- Show results as * - Possible values: topics, posts -->
<input name="result_type" value="topics">

<!-- Leave this one. -->
<input name="keywords" user="">

<!-- Interpreting - Lite skin - UNTESTED but not needed for basic searching -->
 resultListStart="<table cellpadding='2' cellspacing='1' border='0' width='98%' bgcolor='#90A0B0' align='center'>"
 resultListEnd="<tr><td colspan='8' class='titlemedium'> </td></tr>"
 resultItemStart="<span class='linkthru'> "

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