CSV / QBO to IIF converter.

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Quickbooks QBO / CSV to IIF converter

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Disclaimer: Use at your own risk. I made this app for my needs and it works fantastically. If you use this app back up your company file before importing the iif file.

This program lets you import a CSV, QBO or OFX file and convert it to an IIF file to import into Quickbooks.

This program is for people who import Bank, Credit card, and Transfer accounts. It does not support accounts receivable in Quickbooks.

It also includes a pattern file editor, which lets you match up, rename, split, and put them in the correct account before you create the iif file. This does A LOT of the heavy lifting for you, so you won't even have to handle them once they get imported into Quickbooks.

I'm giving this app away for free due to Intuit's greed. I'm sure people will be death-gripping older versions of QuickBooks for years. They will need some way to import their transactions into QuickBooks. Before this program, the only other app out there I could find with the same functionality was $120 per year.

Unlike other free converters, you do not have to create an account or provide any personal information to use it.

The app (4.1 or newer) has a donation button if you want to donate.

This is a program I created in conjunction with Chatgpt. It's in Python, but I do have some EXEs available. You can also take the source code available here and compile it on your own. The Dropbox links are toward the bottom

I am aware of only a few other programs that do this, and they cost $120 per year.

The iff file should be imported without issue up to Quickbooks 2018. In Quickbooks 2019 and newer, if you import your iif file the new way, it will work, but descriptions on deposit for bank transactions seem to be left blank, and check numbers are added for each debit.

The iff file should be imported without issue up to Quickbooks 2018. In Quickbooks 2019 and newer, if you import your iif file the new way, it will work, but descriptions on deposit for bank transactions seem to be left blank, and check numbers are added for each debit.

2019 and newer still give you the option to.

**"Import it for me. I'll fix it later."**This is the old method used up until Quickbooks 2018

People on the internet say using that method IIF's import without issue

Starting with version 4.1, if the program tells you that your CSV file is incompatible, you can map the fields yourself by clicking the "Let me try mapping it by hand" button at the bottom right of the box. Even though that should let you open the CSV just fine, I would still like to be contacted about your CSV so I can add native support for the CSV file into the app for everyone else.


There is a tutorial video at the bottom; give it a watch! Come back here for updates on the latest versions, posted at the bottom of this page.

 This is what the program looks like. 


Included in the app is a pattern editor


The Pattern Editor allows you to create, modify, and edit transaction rules to import into the first program. The pattern file allows you to tell the program...

  • If a transaction has X in the name, rename the transaction to X for (Example, if a transaction has WM SUPERCENTER in the name such as 648105 PURCHASE WM SUPERCENTER #1625 712-546-4900 IA 10277255 4041 .. rename to "WAL-MART"
  • If a transaction is named X and has X amount name it this. If it does not have X amount, still give it a name but just put it over in Premier Offset so I can tell it where to go.
  • If a transaction has X in the name, rename it and add it to this account. For example, if a transaction had " HY-VEE F&F" in the name, such as "995471 PURCHASE HY-VEE F&F LE MARS 5382 LE MARS IA 4445043046110 4," rename it to "HY-VEE FUEL" and add it to the account "Business:Automobile Expense:Fuel."
  • Split a transaction to the tune of 2 splits. I wasn't aware that you could split a transaction in an IIF file, but it works great! You just enter amount 1 for account 1 and amount 2 for account 2. (it's in the screenshot)
  • If a transaction has X in the name and transaction amount is X $ rename the transaction and put it in this account. I did this because my Verizon gets put on my VISA card every month, but other things get put on there too. So in months when the VISA matches $36.38 it automatically puts VISA in Business:Direct Expenses - Business:Telephone:Cellphone.
  • You can also have it automatically add memo's for certain transactions who's name/total or just name matches.
  • You can mark a vendor as "Transfer," so all of their transactions are always marked as "Transfer and are automatically checked

IIF Import Troubleshooter

The app includes an import troubleshooter. This tool allows you to take the message Quickbooks gives you after a failed import (2019 and newer), paste it in, and convert it to plain English.


Download Link

If you find a bug in the "Latest" release, please report the bug to me. In the meantime, try the release ending in "Previous" on the drop box.

Files ending in Beta or Alpha are test versions, so there may be bugs.



Change logs

v4.4.6 Latest
July 22th, 2024 :

  • Fix : Fixed the misspelling of a column header for PNC Bank
  • New: Added CSV support for Paypal payment exports.

v4.4.5 Latest
July 12th, 2024 :

  • Updated : Added CSV support for PNC Bank

v4.4.4 Previous
July 10th, 2024 :

  • Updated: If you have transactions with the same name and different amounts, and if you set an amount rule it now matches by amount first. Then it goes back and matches the nonamount rules. This prevents the first rule from renaming the transaction and leaving the 2nd rule no transaction to match by amount

July 9th, 2024 :

  • New: I added an "Other options" in the top right—at least, that's what I'm calling it for now. I also added the "select by amount."
  • New: Added another option in that drop-down called "Replace Vendor / Pay With memo".
  • New: Took an IIF file removed core required text from it and tried importing it into QuickBooks, then recorded all the error messages QuickBooks gave me and added it to the troubleshooter. Now it pops up telling the user there is a bug and to contact me.
  • Updated: Added more content to the help guide
  • Updated: Made the troubleshooter a bit better to look at and bigger.
  • Fixed: While certifying 4.4.3 for wide release, I fixed a CSV date crash bug that would occur on specific CSV files that's been there since 4.3. I just happened to open a certain CSV that was formatted strangely.
  • New: I've Added a Credit Card as a donation payment option. If you don't have Venmo, Cash App, or Paypal, you can use your credit by clicking credit card. It takes you to a Square payment page. However, I'd prefer you use one of the other 3 if you have them, as no fees are taken out.
  • Fix: I had the wrong last 4 of my phone number in the donation box for Venmo payments. DOH!
  • Updated: I added my payment addresses for Venmo, Cash, and Paypal in case anyone wanted to use the websites instead.

v4.4.2 Previous
June 27th, 2024 :

  • Fix: No longer able to load the pattern file back to back, as I did find some issues doing that. To Load another pattern you need to reload the CSV and QBO file.. You can still load CSV and QBO without a restart of the app
  • Fix: Fixed a crash, that would occur after clicking on ok the box it tells you on export that your splits don't match on export..

v4.4.1 (pulled)
June 26th, 2024 :

  • New: New Help menu. It currently does not have screenshots as i'm trying to figure out how to get it compiled and still have them load.
  • New: Replaced "Tutorial" with a drop down help button which has "Help Menu" and "Youtube tutorial".
  • Replaced: All references to Pattern and Patterns have been replaced with Rule and Rules.
  • New: Now once it adds headers to a file that doesn't already have them, when you press ok it instantly loads the file with the headers into the matching tool.
  • New: Modified the successfully saved iif box, to color code the account and the type. Removed the word account. Also added text letting people to know that if the iif import were to fail how they can copy the info and use the troubleshooter.
  • New: Added Show Welcome box to the help drop down.
  • New: Added Created "Contact me" in the help dropdown.
  • New: Added some text if the troubleshooter does not know about the error code pasted in the box. With text telling them if they wish to send me the error they can and I could add it to the box. Then added a contact me button on that box.
  • Fixed Fixed a long standing bug that's been there for a very long time. The IIF file wouldn't actually get written to the file until after you would press ok on the successful box.
  • Fix: The application no longer restarts when clicking on load CSV and load QBO and you can load a new pattern file back to back.
  • New: When a rules file is loaded you can reload the same rules file again as much as you want. But when you choose a different rules file, you will be told to reload the csv or qbo file
  • New: Description column has been renamed to Vendor and Account as bee renamed to Expense/Income Account.
  • New: After you load the rules file once, you will not be asked again if you want the description on the memo line, until you reload the csv or qbo.

June 23th, 2024 :

  • New: Added support for UTF-8 with DOM
  • New: You can now resize the Description, Account, and Memo Column
  • New: When adding an account to the export dialog, it now checks for the presence of a · and gives an error message. If a · is present in an account name, Quickbooks will throw up an incompatible transaction error.
  • Updated: The Dates when compatible files are loaded are now sorted from Oldest to Newest
  • Fix: Fixed a bug when mapping the fields of an incompatible CSV file. The data would be displayed on the table correctly but actually be written incorrectly. So, when you exported to iif, the credits and debits would be reversed.
  • New: When you save a newly added account in to the conversion box, it becomes the currently selected account.
  • Updated: Added instructions to the add account box while exporting. This shows you show to enter a sub account.
  • New: Left clicking on the description box also brings up the transaction edit box.
  • New: Right clicking on a cell brings up a "Copy" button allowing you to quicky copy data.
  • New: The file name of the currently opened CSV/QBO or OFX is listed in the top left of the application.
  • Fix: Fixed an issue where certain QBO files wouldn't load
  • Fix: Fixed a crash that would occur when mapping the data due to a file path issue.
  • New: QBO file memo data is now recorded to the memo line
  • New: Because not everyone wants the memo data, Especially if it's the same as the transaction data, It now asks you when loading a QBO file if you wish to use the memo line
  • New: Added the same incompatible dialog box for QBO as CSV's minus the map button
  • Updated: Changed the version number from 4.3.1 to 4.
  • New: Created a new button one the top bar to Consolidate two other buttons into. The button is called Select all Except. When you click it, it drops down and gives you the option of select all deposits except ignore and select all credits except ignore. This gives me more room to add a couple more buttons on top**
  • New: Added new button called "Select by Amount" this lets you only select transactions of a certain amount. If you enter the amount and select the check mark button "select all Except this amount" it will select all the transactions except the transactions with that amount
  • Fix: Fixed a bug that was causing a crash during export if someone had an account name with a : such as "Personal Checking : Banking" the space around the : was crashi
  • New: Added a CSV import Troubleshooter to the convert to IIF box. If you import your IIF into QuickBooks and if it fails, click "Review Now" then copy the text on the screen. Then go back to the convert box and click "Click me, if your import failed". then past the text into the box and click on "What does that mean" it will then output in plain English why the import failed. At the moment it knows about 5 of the most common errors
  • New: If you attempt to map a CSV file that does not automatically match a single header, the program will assume the file has no headers. It will then ask you if you'd like it to add some headers. If yes it creates a new csv with the original file name and the words Headers added. It adds the headers 1,2,3,4,5,6,7. You then load the file back up and play a game of map by number.
  • New: It now remembers the last location of newly created or loaded pattern file
  • New: It now remembers the location of the last saved IIF file.
  • New: It now remembers the location of the last loaded CSV or QBO file.

v4.3 Latest (Removed Mapping Button due to bug listed above)
June 11th, 2024 :

  • Fix : In the process of fixing the splits I broke the matching feature of unchecking transactions already in Quickbooks. It should work again now. The only thing it won't uncheck are split transactions.
  • New: Added another CSV bank format.
  • New: Added autocomplete to the transaction edit box. When you rename a transactions name and account it creates an autocomplete.json file in the same directly as the exe. It uses that file to store all the names and accounts you use to autocomplete them.
  • New: When a pattern file is loaded into the app the names and accounts of that pattern are automatically added to the autocomplete.json file. This way you could load numerous pattern files into the app and have all the accounts you've ever used available to you.
  • New: Added a "Clear Autocomplete data" button to the autocomplete options box. When that is pressed you are asked if you want to clear the autocomplete data. If you choose yes it will erase the contents of the autocomplete.json file.
  • New: Added the option to import an account list and vendor list from Quickbooks
  • New: Added a help button that says "How do I create an account or vendor CSV file?" it gives you instructions how to create the file.
  • Update: Changed the version number from 4.2.1 to 4.3
  • New: Autocomplete added to the "Replace with" field of the pattern editor.
  • New: Unified Autocomplete. The pattern editor and the main app now share the same autocomplete data via autocomplete.json. The pattern file data no longer gets added to the autocomplete when you load the file into the main app but instead when it gets loaded into the pattern editor and when items are being added or updated
  • Fixed: Fixed a bug that would crash the program when a CSV would be opened with the headers not at the top of the file. When clicking on Let me try mapping it, the program crashes
  • New: Added a button to the mapping app that says, “Why is my data not showing up”. When clicked, it brings up a box telling people how to open and edit their CSV file and remove the data from the top of the file, to make sure that the headers are at the top.
  • New: Added shortcut keys
Shortcut Key Cheat Sheet

Select All: Ctrl + A
Select All Except Ignore: Ctrl + I
Select None: Ctrl + N
Swap Debit/Credit: Ctrl + S
Load Patterns from File: Ctrl + L
Show Uncategorized Transactions: Ctrl + U
Convert to IIF: Ctrl + E
Set New Default Account: Ctrl + Shift + N
Select All Credits Except Ignore: Ctrl + Shift + C
Select All Debits Except Ignore: Ctrl + D
Autocomplete Options: Ctrl + O

May 26th, 2024 :

  • Fix: Splits are now getting recorded to the IIF file again. The issue was introduced when I added the ability to type directly onto the description and account line without having the pattern file loaded. I brought back a feature that I had in the app but removed. You can no longer type in on the description and have it be recorded. Instead, click on the account box, and you will see a box appear which lets you enter a description and an account. I removed the memo from that box as I could not get it to show up on the memo line after pressing ok. You can still type directly on the memo line and have it recorded.
  • New: Made the warning box about splits not matching bigger, just like the final box that appears when you export a CSV.
  • Updated: Removed the warning about the 32-character limit on the account name. That feature was shortening the account names which had previously worked without issue.
  • Like 1
  • Thanks 2
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  • 2 weeks later...

OLD POST. I thought I would leave it here so that you can see how fugly the first version of the pattern file was was 😄

Here is a definition editor. It's super sweet. I used to add everything to my definitions file. It allows you to create a definition file using the file name of your choosing. Once you save it it opens it up and you can start adding stuff to it. You can also load it or a different one later

On the left shows your code in the definition file as you add new items. The right shows you every company you've added to the file. It automatically saves as you add stuff.



pip install PyQt5
pip install wxPython

Compiled EXE on Dropbox


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  • 4 months later...


I was super excited to come across your solution, as I am also looking at the ProperConvert app and thinking that it's priced a little too high for my use case (which would essentially be a once-a-year affair). However, I tried your app and it doesn't work for me. The app loads, however, when I load my CSV (40KB) which I downloaded directly from my bank, the app just closes. I tried the .exe on Windows 11 both natively on an Intel machine and also in a Win 11 VM on Arm via VMware Fusion (running on a M3 mac w/ Somoma) with the same result. The ProperConvert app I am trialing opens the file without issue.

Any ideas?


Edited by NexGen.Media
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It's also possible that all CSV's are not created equal. I created that app, around the CSV I was given to by my bank.

If you wanted to get an error message you would have to install Python from the Microsoft store, then open a command prompt and type in these 2 commands.

pip install PyQt5
pip install wxPython

Then you would have to take the code I posted above, paste it into a notepad document and save it as a py file. Then in the command prompt type python filename.py and load the app that way. then when it crashes, it should give you some error inside the back box. I suspect your CSV file is formatted differently than mine.

I'm super bummed the app crashed on you. I was excited for you to use the app.

If you open your CSV file with notepad do your column headers look like this


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I really appreciate the quick response and you trying to assist. I actually run a web/software dev firm so familiar with code/Python. Before I came across your post I was thinking about writing something myself. I did try to load the app via Python 3.12 using the .py file and couldn't get the app to run or even log an error (just opened and closed). Again this is all on Win 11 and never tried on Win 10.  Nevertheless, with the time already spent in researching a solution and then trying your solution I am already past 1-hour of billable time, so decided to purchase the ProperSoft app and move on.

Thanks again though! :)

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Version 2.0 Released

I noticed I never released the code for the JSON editor. Well, now I uploaded it.

It's too bad the one person who tried it, couldn't get it to work. Hopefully, more banks share my banks CSV format. I just used it today to balance my account, to test it out before posting the code here.

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On 22/02/2024 at 13:19, NexGen.Media said:


I really appreciate the quick response and you trying to assist. I actually run a web/software dev firm so familiar with code/Python. Before I came across your post I was thinking about writing something myself. I did try to load the app via Python 3.12 using the .py file and couldn't get the app to run or even log an error (just opened and closed). Again this is all on Win 11 and never tried on Win 10.  Nevertheless, with the time already spent in researching a solution and then trying your solution I am already past 1-hour of billable time, so decided to purchase the ProperSoft app and move on.

Thanks again though! :)

I know you already purchased the other solution, but I wanted to let you know that I have added support for QBO files, which should be standard across all banks.  So if The financial institution got rid of iif files but still gives you CSV as well as QBO, you can also import QBO.

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  • +Warwagon changed the title to CSV / QBO to Quickbooks IIF converter.
  • +Warwagon changed the title to CSV / QBO to IIF converter.

I installed your program today. In the account section imported I entered my categories. When I try to import into QBOOKS as an IIF I get an error that states failed. These are a small few credit card transactions. I review and Failed. The error file shows. 

;Some of your records have errors.
;1. Search for the errors by typing "[ERROR]" to see only the failed records.
;2. Fix the errors and try to import the file again
; [ERROR]  is an invalid value for field TRNSTYPE. [15106] 
TRNS    03/17/2024        American Express Bonvoy        Brilliant Dining Credit        22.47
SPL    03/17/2024        PremierEcorp Debit Offset                -22.47
; [ERROR]  is an invalid value for field TRNSTYPE. [15106] 
TRNS    03/15/2024        American Express Bonvoy        AUTOPAY PAYMENT THANK YOU        51.88
SPL    03/15/2024        PremierEcorp Debit Offset                -51.88
; [ERROR]  is an invalid value for field TRNSTYPE. [15106] 
TRNS    03/12/2024        American Express Bonvoy        TST AUNT LULUS NY SBOCA RATON FL        -22.47
SPL    03/12/2024        PremierEcorp Debit Offset                22.47

In the transactions are any new vendors.credit card added into Quickbooks on the fly, or do I need to add them first? 
My edits of those transactions showing the proper account numbers did not save into the IIF file. I did this a few times. 
I must be missing something. I attached a screenshot of what I had before I clicked convert to IIF.

Any ideas?

Screenshot 2024-03-22 115411.png

Screenshot 2024-03-22 115536.png

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On 22/03/2024 at 10:56, robertwe4774 said:

I installed your program today. In the account section imported I entered my categories. When I try to import into QBOOKS as an IIF I get an error that states failed. These are a small few credit card transactions. I review and Failed. The error file shows. 

;Some of your records have errors.
;1. Search for the errors by typing "[ERROR]" to see only the failed records.
;2. Fix the errors and try to import the file again
; [ERROR]  is an invalid value for field TRNSTYPE. [15106] 
TRNS    03/17/2024        American Express Bonvoy        Brilliant Dining Credit        22.47
SPL    03/17/2024        PremierEcorp Debit Offset                -22.47
; [ERROR]  is an invalid value for field TRNSTYPE. [15106] 
TRNS    03/15/2024        American Express Bonvoy        AUTOPAY PAYMENT THANK YOU        51.88
SPL    03/15/2024        PremierEcorp Debit Offset                -51.88
; [ERROR]  is an invalid value for field TRNSTYPE. [15106] 
TRNS    03/12/2024        American Express Bonvoy        TST AUNT LULUS NY SBOCA RATON FL        -22.47
SPL    03/12/2024        PremierEcorp Debit Offset                22.47

In the transactions are any new vendors.credit card added into Quickbooks on the fly, or do I need to add them first? 
My edits of those transactions showing the proper account numbers did not save into the IIF file. I did this a few times. 
I must be missing something. I attached a screenshot of what I had before I clicked convert to IIF.

Any ideas?

Screenshot 2024-03-22 115411.png

Screenshot 2024-03-22 115536.png

Thanks for the error reports. I'm not sure if they are added on the fly or not. Add those new accounts to quickbooks and try it again

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On 22/03/2024 at 10:56, robertwe4774 said:

I installed your program today. In the account section imported I entered my categories. When I try to import into QBOOKS as an IIF I get an error that states failed. These are a small few credit card transactions. I review and Failed. The error file shows. 

;Some of your records have errors.
;1. Search for the errors by typing "[ERROR]" to see only the failed records.
;2. Fix the errors and try to import the file again
; [ERROR]  is an invalid value for field TRNSTYPE. [15106] 
TRNS    03/17/2024        American Express Bonvoy        Brilliant Dining Credit        22.47
SPL    03/17/2024        PremierEcorp Debit Offset                -22.47
; [ERROR]  is an invalid value for field TRNSTYPE. [15106] 
TRNS    03/15/2024        American Express Bonvoy        AUTOPAY PAYMENT THANK YOU        51.88
SPL    03/15/2024        PremierEcorp Debit Offset                -51.88
; [ERROR]  is an invalid value for field TRNSTYPE. [15106] 
TRNS    03/12/2024        American Express Bonvoy        TST AUNT LULUS NY SBOCA RATON FL        -22.47
SPL    03/12/2024        PremierEcorp Debit Offset                22.47

In the transactions are any new vendors.credit card added into Quickbooks on the fly, or do I need to add them first? 
My edits of those transactions showing the proper account numbers did not save into the IIF file. I did this a few times. 
I must be missing something. I attached a screenshot of what I had before I clicked convert to IIF.

Any ideas?

Screenshot 2024-03-22 115411.png


Also when entering an account that is a sub of another account it has to be in this format "Business:Indirect Expense:Utilities:Water" each sub-account separated by a colon.

So in your screenshot if meals was a subcategory of 6640 it should be entered as 6640:Meals


I tried to recreate the issue without much luck. Those account names did not throw an error, at least for me.  I also sent you a personal message

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On 22/03/2024 at 10:56, robertwe4774 said:


So I recreated everything as best I could and it imported into QuickBooks without issue. In the future, I'll make a note of this in the app but If you want to add an account for a transaction in the account column, it has to be added from the definition file. If you type in the account field, it's ignored on export.image.thumb.png.87d2426aab39f081cfaadcdbb68ba0a7.png


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Thank you so much for delving into this. I am trying out your Python code to convert QBO to IIF and import to QB Desktop 2021. I know you are using 2018 and perhaps 2019. Just for SA, I am getting errors when I try and import into 2021 currently.

I tell ya, with QB Desktop 2021 about to stop allowing transaction QBO imports at end of May, your code here may become the genesis of something very much needed by many. 2021 is the LAST Quickbooks that is an indefinite time license. Many folks will be using 2021 for years to come, including myself, who refuses to go online with my company's data, so I'll fight tooth and nail to continue to do transaction imports from banks and credit cards, as that's the functionality that will be needed to keep QB Desktop 2021 truly functional an efficient.

I know how to Python code and do UIs myself. I'll take a look at your code. My issue is I don't know Quickbook formats things and it's basic construct nearly as well as you. Would like to collaborate.


Jason Doster


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Belay that, reading through your puts I ignored the errors and imported anyway. It worked in QB 2021. OK, now looking at your patterns editor, what would be awesome is if we could export the current QB accounts, and have them available to choose from automatically in a list. Right now it would be copy and paste, but perhaps that is the way it goes initially until the pattern file is done.

Love what you've done here man. Outstanding.

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On 14/04/2024 at 23:46, Jason Doster said:

Belay that, reading through your puts I ignored the errors and imported anyway. It worked in QB 2021. OK, now looking at your patterns editor, what would be awesome is if we could export the current QB accounts, and have them available to choose from automatically in a list. Right now it would be copy and paste, but perhaps that is the way it goes initially until the pattern file is done.

Love what you've done here man. Outstanding.


Actually, take a look in the download folder on Dropbox for "Pattern Maker." You can go to your bank account on Quickbooks, select print, then choose "File" and select " "Tab delimited file". Then, import it into the program and convert it into a JSON file


This will create a compatible JSON file for the pattern editor with every vendor you've used in that account through the dates you've specified on export and all the categories already filled in. Of course, you can go through and edit them. Plus, now every account is available for auto-complete.

Once they are all imported, you'll have to tell each one what to match with.

I'm thinking of incorporating this program into the dialog when opening the pattern editor. You would have a choice of

save (which should be renamed to create)
Create from Account export (
Or something)



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Trying to get to the Dropbox to download the new version. Came up with an error. Is it still there? Thx! Jason

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On 12/05/2024 at 18:50, Jason Doster said:

Trying to get to the Dropbox to download the new version. Came up with an error. Is it still there? Thx! Jason

Yes. I just clicked the link and it worked 

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Awesome. I've been working with 3.9 today. I'll download 4.0 next. Don't know why I couldn't get to the Dropbox the other day. Working fine now!

I do think this will allow everyone to work their Credit Card and Bank imports for Quickbooks. I've been comparing the IIF output files to intended required format, and it's really good. Thank you so much for doing this!

I used your "print file method" for my QB credit cards and bank accounts to create initial PATTERN files, imported the vendors and their associated accounts. Currently I have separate PATTERN jsons for each credit card and bank statement. I might combine later, but for now that works just fine. I only have 8 CC/Bank imports I have to do each month. Some notes:

- A transaction item given name had a "#" in front upon json creation that needs to be removed, and then of course given the appropriate syntax to line up with a record you want from the transaction list. That was easy, but took a bit as I was going through 250 patterns imported.

- When I have an import that needs to be split, I actually don't typically know the $ split-out until later. Currently the split needs to be defined with both an account and a $ value. It would be awesome if one could just define the account split out WITHOUT a $ value split until later, perhaps default the first split to all of the $ value, and the second to zero initially, and then only a simple change after import to QB. I dunno. No big deal, just an observation.

- In execution, after I import a QBO file and verify a PATTERN json file will suffice to sort, there are some generic bank-isms like "DEPOSIT" and "CHECK" and a few others that I actually know what they are, so I tried manually changing the name of the transaction to that name which is in the PATTERN json I know it is, all before loading the PATTERN. Then when I loaded the PATTERN, I expected it to pickup the changed transaction name, but instead it picks up the original name to sort. I expect this is because when you do the pattern sort, you are accomplishing on the original QBO, vice any change to the name of the transaction after QBO import. If you could somehow apply the PATTERN to the CHANGED transaction names after QBO import and modification, that would be VERY powerful. I could change the generic DEPOSIT or CHECK name to what I know it actually is, THEN apply the pattern and BAM, ready for IFF write without having to make those changes once in QB. 

Dude, once again, spectacular. If any of these are easy fixes, awesome. If not, thank you so much.

Thx! Jason

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Downloaded version 4.0 this morning and found you had already implemented the behavior of the 3rd bullet above, perfect. The first two above are still observations. A way to split items without specifying amounts initially, but breaking it out as sub-accounts would be helpful. Also, question:

- In the PATTERN load, would it be possible to place the OLD matched transaction name into the MEMO line for reference after the transaction has been matched and has a new transaction name

Thx! Jason

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