AtlasOS or ReviOS for Win11?

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On 01/04/2024 at 22:02, Girl5 said:

It's not just about 'snake oil' ;).  This shower, (MS), try to 'dictate' what one does with their system, as if they 'OWN' it?.  Will never happen on my watch!, at least, not as long as I'm above the ground.

Check your system for 'bingchatinstaller.exe' (ADS), the latest sneaky inclusion from them, that just happens to get renamed if you delete it, then reinstalls again < This nonsense is what get's my back up!

I'll decide what goes on my system, not you MS!, and I seriously wouldn't touch '11' with a 6 mile bargepole.

The reason I call the performance improvements of AtlasOS or ReviOS snakeoil is because they are representing a few simple tweaks/settings as special huge performance gains.

As I mentioned the "N" versions of Windows are pretty bare-bones - I do not have anything labelled bingchatinstaller.exe on my W11 Education N pc. Same with my W10 Pro N install.

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On 01/04/2024 at 10:20, Som said:

People seem afraid to modify these days.

Or are just better informed, have more to lose, run an OS with less tolerance for tinkering, etc...

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On 01/04/2024 at 22:08, Girl5 said:

Do you really believe that?, lol?, I suspect not ;) The old 'get out clause'.  Nonsense.

I may have a license, but that does NOT give them a 'license' to infect my system with whatever they see fit.  I run Linux 24/7 BTW, on my main system, have done for 8 years, not the point though.

Yeah, I run Linux too bro.  But your attitude is part of the reason why people are so turned off from using Linux. They made the OS; you using the term 'infect' to describe what code they decide to add to the OS doesn't mean they can't do it. What are you, 15 years old?

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On 01/04/2024 at 22:08, Girl5 said:

Do you really believe that?, lol?, I suspect not ;) The old 'get out clause'.  Nonsense.

I may have a license, but that does NOT give them a 'license' to infect my system with whatever they see fit.  I run Linux 24/7 BTW, on my main system, have done for 8 years, not the point though.

It doesn't matter what I believe.  What matters is what is true.  LOL?  Are you asking whether I am laughing out loud, or are you asking about whether you're laughing out loud? I don't know what you mean by 'the old get out clause'.  Most of what you're saying doesn't make any sense, frankly.

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On 01/04/2024 at 19:02, Girl5 said:

Check your system for 'bingchatinstaller.exe' (ADS), the latest sneaky inclusion from them, that just happens to get renamed if you delete it, then reinstalls again < This nonsense is what get's my back up!

Did a search in my VM Windows 11 - not found anywhere, and no service called that running.  But maybe someone told you that and you're spouting it despite the fact that you don't run Windows at all. I'm not sure what you're smoking, but it's not helping you.  And you're right, you do get to decide what goes on your system.  So, who are you yelling and ranting at in your posts exactly? 

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On 30/03/2024 at 13:08, branfont said:

I'm not sure if this is the right section to post this, please move it to the correct section if it's not.

I have a gaming laptop, it's a 2018 model that I bought in late 2019, but do to an issue in early 2020 & no money for out-of-warranty repair, I never got it fixed. Since I'm not gaming on it, would AtlasOS or ReviOS be the better mod for Win11?

I have Win11 Pro.

I wouldn't recommend any third party hacks for Windows.  Windows is proprietary, so if somebody with one of these projects ships an illicitly modified library or executable designed to steal credentials or something, it would be much more difficult for folks to detect unless they started comparing checksums between these projects and original Windows.  That's not to say I don't trust "applications" that help you trim the fat on a Windows install, like Chris Titus's little toolbox, but installing a pre-configured OS from some random third party that may or may not ship security patches in a timely manner, and may or may not come with pre-bundled malware, seems a little shady.  Also, both of these projects seem targeted at improving gaming performance, which you said you aren't doing on the machine.  Or is it that you want to do some gaming but can't because of the performance issues?

Honestly, I hate to sound like some kind of Linux Chad, but if you're so unhappy with Windows that you would resort to using a third party fork that disables security updates, and if you don't have any Windows specific software needs, perhaps you should try a Linux distribution.  Linux Mint, Kubuntu and many others ship with a desktop environment that is similar-ish to Windows so it might be easier to learn with.

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On 02/04/2024 at 18:09, devHead said:

Did a search in my VM Windows 11 - not found anywhere, and no service called that running.  But maybe someone told you that and you're spouting it despite the fact that you don't run Windows at all. I'm not sure what you're smoking, but it's not helping you.  And you're right, you do get to decide what goes on your system.  So, who are you yelling and ranting at in your posts exactly? 


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On 03/04/2024 at 00:04, Girl5 said:


This is so dramatic posting it on r/computerviruses 🤣

I'm guessing it may be related to home versions of windows if it is actually getting pushed out via wupdate (although I find it hard to believe). Maybe find something with a little more detail and credibility than a reddit post?

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On 02/04/2024 at 21:04, Girl5 said:


I don't care what some hack on reddit posts, it's not on my PC.  That is your proof.  Yikes, you're certifiable, buddy.

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On 03/04/2024 at 13:10, satukoro said:

This is so dramatic posting it on r/computerviruses 🤣

I'm guessing it may be related to home versions of windows if it is actually getting pushed out via wupdate (although I find it hard to believe). Maybe find something with a little more detail and credibility than a reddit post?

You know nothing ;)

The post actually comes from the 'NTLite' board, re-posted on Reddit (not myself). ;)  Go look it up, it falls under Winbloat 11, and all over other Windows blogs/forums.  Keep up to date at least!  Jesus.  Dunno who posted it under 'computer viruses'?, but I'd say it well belongs there, regardless, along with the rest of the rot from this rat infested mess.

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On 04/04/2024 at 00:10, devHead said:

I don't care what some hack on reddit posts, it's not on my PC.  That is your proof.  Yikes, you're certifiable, buddy.

Happy days!, whatever lol :), but remember this, I've forgotten more than you will ever know ;), and it's 'Miss', not married, single, and certainly not 'buddy', but maybe certifiable?, I can handle that.

I'll end with, there is no 'proof' needed.  We all well know what this crap is, it speaks for itself, there is your proof.

I'm actually quite happy a few are trying to do something about it, aka AtlasOS or ReviOS, although it's all in vein unfortunately, likewise with NTLite.  Unless you really lock your system down?, all that hard work is worthless now.

MS put more time and effort in trying to 'annoy' and 'control' one, whereas, if they done the same in building and producing on what they used to, then we would all benefit.

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On 03/04/2024 at 19:59, Girl5 said:

Happy days!, whatever lol :), but remember this, I've forgotten more than you will ever know ;),

People who actually know things don’t say this. Stop posing, you are embarrassing yourself. 

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On 04/04/2024 at 03:59, Girl5 said:

but remember this, I've forgotten more than you will ever know

What an embarrassingly cringe thing to actually type, let alone to even think.  Prime example of why people have such a feeling of "Ugh, one of THOSE people" when dealing with Linux zealots!

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On 03/04/2024 at 19:59, Girl5 said:

Happy days!, whatever lol :), but remember this, I've forgotten more than you will ever know ;), and it's 'Miss', not married, single, and certainly not 'buddy', but maybe certifiable?, I can handle that.

I'll end with, there is no 'proof' needed.  We all well know what this crap is, it speaks for itself, there is your proof.

I'm actually quite happy a few are trying to do something about it, aka AtlasOS or ReviOS, although it's all in vein unfortunately, likewise with NTLite.  Unless you really lock your system down?, all that hard work is worthless now.

MS put more time and effort in trying to 'annoy' and 'control' one, whereas, if they done the same in building and producing on what they used to, then we would all benefit.

You have no idea what I know, Miss.  You're right, there is no proof needed for your personal opinions about an idea that exists solely in your own head.  I am not sure what 'crap' you're talking about, or how it 'speaks for itself'.  

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If you really want to thinker, do whatever you want and please consider de risk of doing so. Here in this forum you will find people with total fear in their lives and therefore do not even dare to do anything in windows, which plainly speaking, sucks.

Want to take another thinkering route? please go Linux, Debian to be exact and thinker to your hearts content.... (until the OS itself no longer boots, but you just reinstall and learn from the mistakes)

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On 03/04/2024 at 22:49, Girl5 said:

You know nothing ;)

The post actually comes from the 'NTLite' board, re-posted on Reddit (not myself). ;)  Go look it up, it falls under Winbloat 11, and all over other Windows blogs/forums.  Keep up to date at least!  Jesus.  Dunno who posted it under 'computer viruses'?, but I'd say it well belongs there, regardless, along with the rest of the rot from this rat infested mess.

Acting smug and coy is pretty sad. This is a place to share information and bolster knowledge among folks interested in technology.

The least you could do is provide some sort of information to back up your claim instead of deflecting and saying "look it up".

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I think this thread has gone off topic.  Anywho I decided to to try them both, starting with ReviOS and with that one I could not get it download, dodgy site in my opinion . Tried AtlasOS then and everything went smoothly and whilst everything felt snappier I didn't like the compromises it made. It seems to disable a lot that I would personally use. I can see it being handy for slower computers though.

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On 05/04/2024 at 13:20, satukoro said:

Acting smug and coy is pretty sad. This is a place to share information and bolster knowledge among folks interested in technology.

The least you could do is provide some sort of information to back up your claim instead of deflecting and saying "look it up".

I did, and in this day of age, why should I look it up for you?  Do as you please.  I shared info, got 'shot down', so take it as you will?, as I don't give a jot otherwise.   Nothing to do with 'smugness', nor being 'coy', and I'm sorry, but, I just hate holding anyone's hand, period!

This rubbish is riddled with all sorts, that maybe even I, don't know about?, shocking, but I can miss stuff :)

Listen, I don't run this crap 24/7, so I have nothing to worry about, and that is all that matters to me, and JFYI.

On another note, running the recently leaked LTSC version, and even that has bloated beyond recognition, better, but it really is a festering dung heap.

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On 05/04/2024 at 16:18, Girl5 said:

I did, and in this day of age, why should I look it up for you?  Do as you please.  I shared info, got 'shot down', so take it as you will?, as I don't give a jot otherwise.   Nothing to do with 'smugness', nor being 'coy', and I'm sorry, but, I just hate holding anyone's hand, period!

This rubbish is riddled with all sorts, that maybe even I, don't know about?, shocking, but I can miss stuff :)

Listen, I don't run this crap 24/7, so I have nothing to worry about, and that is all that matters to me, and JFYI.

On another note, running the recently leaked LTSC version, and even that has bloated beyond recognition, better, but it really is a festering dung heap.

Jeez. I thought I could stomach your trolling, but the stupid in you runs bone deep. Time to filter you out like everyone else has (or should).

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On 06/04/2024 at 00:18, Girl5 said:

I did, and in this day of age, why should I look it up for you?  Do as you please.  I shared info, got 'shot down', so take it as you will?, as I don't give a jot otherwise.   Nothing to do with 'smugness', nor being 'coy', and I'm sorry, but, I just hate holding anyone's hand, period!

This rubbish is riddled with all sorts, that maybe even I, don't know about?, shocking, but I can miss stuff :)

Listen, I don't run this crap 24/7, so I have nothing to worry about, and that is all that matters to me, and JFYI.

On another note, running the recently leaked LTSC version, and even that has bloated beyond recognition, better, but it really is a festering dung heap.

Are you young? You’ve got that whole vibe of “unearned arrogance” that goes hand in hand with an assumption of knowledge that only extends as far as your nose. It’s REALLY cringeworthy.

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whilst getting back on track, also neither, just run plain vanilla win11 there is nothing bloat about it. if u want minimal go back to dos

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On 06/04/2024 at 08:25, Dick Montage said:

Are you young? You’ve got that whole vibe of “unearned arrogance” that goes hand in hand with an assumption of knowledge that only extends as far as your nose. It’s REALLY cringeworthy.

61 years of age, a boomer! (before you say it), and was on this board, and many others, before you were out of nappies/diapers :)  The 'youth' of today know nothing, their minds all festered with 'social media' nonsense, and quite oblivious (and happy), to let crap run, as long as it gets them 'likes' ;) 

That is what's really cringeworthy!, and exactly what is wrong with this world we now live in.  Your blocked also, as I need waste no further time with you, and I suggest you do the same.  Thank you for your shallow input.  Happy Easter!

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