What are the scariest real life moments you've had

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Whatever your own definition is, what is or are, the scariest real life (humorous or serious) moment/s you've had so far outside of being in a cinema and how did you react in the situation/s ?

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i was in a waterpark at the top of a hill, and a fire broke out and covered the hill. (no, the water didnt help us). we had to evacuate and went into busses down the hill right through the flames. the bus could have coughta fire and exploded at any minute. i dont thenk anybody died but it was pretty damn scary.

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When I saw my dad dying, it was like in slow motion, that was not the scary part, the scary part is when I saw my face in the mirror just to see that I felt nothing, I tho I was a monster.

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rollercoaster ? :blink:

no ..wait ..

It's when i was caught smoking for the second time, i knew wat my dad was gunna do when i go back home..

n i did know ..! worst 3 days of my life ..!

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When I saw my dad dying, it was like in slow motion, that was not the scary part, the scary part is when I saw my face in the mirror just to see that I felt nothing, I tho I was a monster.

Wow. I can't do 'better' than that... :o :(

But, there was a situation when something (I don't remember what) exploded, a there was bits of metal zooming around me. I had seen the explosion coming a second before it happened, and I instictively raised my hands up in front of my head. I was carrying a can of soda (Sprite I think) and I think the soda quite literally saved my life, my face, or one or two of my fingers, because as I threw my hands up (with soda still in hand) this long shard pierces the can enough so that it comes out a bit on the other side.

<So the answer is yes, soda may have saved my life. Die health buffs, die! :) >

Another scary bit was when my dad and I were on an empty stretch of highway, and saw this bus completely in flames, sitting in the right lane, not moving, with these HUGE clouds of BLACK smoke coming out. And the scariest part was, there was no one outside the bus. Which meant all the people were still inside. I called 911 on a car phone (This was when car phones were new and huge, btw, we only had one so my dad would know if my mom went into labor (with my little sister) ) while my father pulled the car over and started running towards the bus, but before he got there there doors opened and people started coming out, so It's actually a good story, and no-one died, I think. (Though people were taken to the hospital , I have no idea what happened to them after that)

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Whilst messing around with fdisk I wanted to repartition my d: drive (which of course I didn't want). After deleting the partition I was sure that I had accidently deleted my C drive (which has 5 years worth of work on it). The 'scariness' lasted only about 2 seconds before I realised I had did what I originally intended, but it is still the worst I've ever felt.

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I was in a car that was hit by a train...beat that :laugh:

I was hit and ran over by a multi-ton garbage truck while playing street basketball... owned :)

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The day my daughter was born and she didn't breathe or cry for the first few minutes....

THAT was the scariest day ever..... :no:

Thankfully, she was given a smack on the bum and some oxygen and they cleared the junk out of her airways, and she is a healthy 3 year old now! :)

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I got a good one, someone leaving a 20liter glass bottle on the stove....then me turning on the wrong element....me noticing the glass bottle was hot.....stupidly grabbing a cloth to move it to the cold counter.....where if you haven't guessed....it exploded right in front of me...everything got covered in glass...and pieces of glass melted into the floor....but all I got was a small scratch on the arm.

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When I was 14 my family took a trip to St. John (an island in the Carribean). One day we rented a boat and took it around the island, stopping in certain bays to snorkel. In the late afternoon we reached the rougher side of the island, where the ocean was always choppier than elsewhere. A half-hour into that part of the journey, a huge storm hit. My dad did the best he could to keep the boat from pitching and rocking. It was horrible. The waves were pushing the boat around everywhere, and were breaking across the boat, throwing us around. I remember holding on to my dad, trying to keep my feet. At one point, my mom was thrown so badly that she almost went overboard. We lost most of the stuff we took on the boat to the ocean. We made it through safely, with some scratches and bruises, but very happy to be alive.

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That would be the day i got robbed at gunpoint. Believe me, staring down the wrong end of a gun really sucks. :angry:

Holy cow that stinks bro. :/

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You can laugh at my stupidity after you read my post...

On a road trip through Canada with three cars total. We were using walky-talkies to signal for a clear road ahead to pass. (There are tons of semi-trucks and you can't always see 'round 'em). We would use the radios to pass by saying, "Clear, go ahead and come around." At the time it made sense but looking back it was just something impatient kids do. For some reason we were all (but me) frantic to get to our destination (school).

Going around a semi-truck in a curvy part of the highway I heard a "Clear" from the radio and went (I was in the back, the third car to pass and the other two had already passed the semi). I got this feeling like I should check and see if it was still clear so I asked my passenger if it was still clear. My passenger promptly replied with ridicule, "Why the hell would you ask me if it's clear if you're already passing?" At this point I was half-way past the semi's carton.

I just told her to ask again...

At that point I'm not sure what order things happened but the next thing I saw was a station wagon moving towards me at a fast clip and only about 40 feet away. My brain examined what to do and the options ended up being one, break and try and get back behind the semi and two, swerve off to the left of the road and hope the other car doesn't have the same thought.

In hindsight, it was extremely lucky the road was wider than just the two lanes it offered as most of the roads were only as wide as their two lanes with no margin. This road was probably about three or four lanes wide with only two lanes for driving (lucky!).

Fortunately (very much so fortunately), the other driver swerved off the road and I hit the breaks and retreated to the rear of the semi. I don't remember how close we came to hitting but I know it was last-second.

And no, my life didn't flash before me but I definitely became brutally aware of the preciousness of life -- the things I have done and have yet to do. It was an amazing experience and the only way I can explain it is something greater than me trying to tell me to make better use of my life -- appreciate things more.

Since that day I am constantly reminded of almost dying that day right next to my sister. It's quite scary to think about and quite lucky to be alive and able to be writing this. Someone up there wants me alive (and no, I don't believe in God).



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i only remember mine like a dream... cuz i wasn't fully concious..

what happend was.. when i was 9 or 10.. i was playing around with my cousin.. n i fell on this glass aquarium.. my left leg nearly got amputated. i lost almost all blood in my body.. i went into a coma state for 3 days..

docs managed to stick me back together...got lots of nerve damage.. my left leg is still numb.. kinda.. hehe doesn't work as well it shud.

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one time on a trip back from Toronto going to Montreal... my dads Audi 3000 at the time caught fire. I was in the back seat strapped in my kids seat and i remember there being flames on both the left and the right of me, but all i remember was that my dads arm/ahnds unbuckling me through the fire and pulling me out. When we were standing by the flaming heap, some guy stopped and told us not to stand behind the car, cause the bumpers shoot out like a bullet when they catch fire... luckily a few seconds later the car exploded (i guess from the gas tank) and the front and rear bumpers shot out

another time i was downtown and i went downstairs from our office to get something to eat.. as im at the store, i see some guy running passed the front window, so i go outside to see what is happening, this guy running turns around and shoots one of those parking ticket writer guys in the stomach like 3x and then runs further down, 2mins later all i heard were 3 or 4 gun shots and then like 4million ambulances. Turns out the guy had robbed some bank or a vault at some office and ran outside, he got scared at the parking meter guy cause he thought he was a cop and shot him. Then down the block a group of police at a road block shot him.

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I've also looked through the wrong end of a gun.. it was christmas eve and i was walking towards my uncles house and this guy comes out of the bushes and then pulls out the gun right to my face and says "gimme yo money!! come on hurry **** up" and my mom was there and she gave him her purse and my playstation money was in there. worst christmas EVER!!

another time was i was at an alley near my cousins house and we were throwing rocks and i got a huge rock and threw it at a store window.. but this was in the back of the store.. but still i broke the window.. and then i was like oh crap and the guy runs out and starts yelling like "wtf are you doing..." and we run.. now we're near the end of the alley and we were just standing there.. and it was a really hot day so you can see the heat waves. and on the other alley i see this car.. a black and white car. and instantly my heart got goin and my adreniline shot up.. and i ran.. back towards the guys store and i was trapped so i tried opening the doors to the other stores and i found one that opened on the third try.. and i ran in there and without thinking i got inside this display case thingy.. and closed the door.. luckily there was a shelf above me and no one can see me through it.. except for a crack. and then the guy leans over the counter and i was like OMG **** GO AWAY.. and finally he went away and i just sat there.. for another min or so and then the cop walks in and he's like "have you seen any kids..." and the owner was like no. i didn't.. (he didn't see me come in the first place... he was with customers at the front of the store) then i stayed a few more minutes and i opened the door and ran and the guy saw me and he's like "AYE WHAT THE HELL"" and i ran and ran and ran all the way back to my cousins house. that was some scary ****.

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also.. i hate sharing this story because a lot of people don't believe me and it really makes me angry.. but who cares..

it was somewhere between 1989 - 1990 when i was like 4 - 5 years old and i was in ethiopia.. and i guess the country was going through a revolution of some kind the the "derg" party was trying to take over the government.. anyway... we lived about a 5 hour drive north from the capitol (addis ababa) and then all of the sudden my dad rushes into the house and tells everyone to get on the floor.. and a few seconds later BOOM!! freaking bombs were exploding all over the place.. and you can hear bullets ricochet and damn it was scary...

later that day i guess they decided to take a break. some soldiers came over to our house. i guess they were the good guys. and they were telling us to cover the windshields of the cars so that it doesn't reflect from the sun and planes won't drop bombs on it.

a few days later or weeks later me and my dad were driving towards the city.. even though he knew the risks of soldiers and tanks opening fire on us whether we were nuetral or not. so there we are driving and i remember this very clearly. there is a van infront of us and then i hear this bang.. like a gunshot.. but it wasn't a gun shot. it was a tank firing and then i turn back to look at the van and then the biggest explosion i have ever seen in my life. the van was hit from the right and it rolled over to the left side of the rode as it burst into flames.

my dad stopped the car and saw something else.. a wounded soldier (the tank was trying to kill a soldier and ended up shooting the van with people in it) WTF!!! why would you waste a shell for one person? well anyway my dad gets out of the car and puts the guy in the back seat and we take off.. and here i am writing this, so it means i survived :D

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scariest moment hrm...waking up and noticed that i had screws and nails and all sorts of electronic bling bling etc stuck all over into my body, noticing that i've been run over by a car and are in hospital intensive care.

EDIT. for the gore obsessed users: PICTURES!


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scariest moment hrm...waking up and noticed that i had screws and nails and all sorts of electronic bling bling etc stuck all over into my body, noticing that i've been run over by a car and are in hospital intensive care.

EDIT. for the gore obsessed users: PICTURES!


kind of makes you not take life for granted doesn't it?

If I were you I'd look at those pictures every day to remind me of how lucky I am/was.

Edited by chickemoney
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Hit by a van 2 years back while I was on my way to work. That driver swerved towards the roadside where I was walking along (the pavements beside the road was in construction). I was damn unlucky. No one bothered to help me :angry: . A guy who was sitting near by was just staring at me lying on the road. And I was in shock too and the pain only came afterwards. I was lucky my injuries were not serious. To me that was scary enough.

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kind of makes you not take life for granted doesn't it?

yea, despite the fact i almost lost my leg too due malpractice. by now i have a fuct up hip and a total screwed up right leg (full of scars and screws). all caused by malpractise. sueing the hospital and the woman who ran me over with her mercedes.

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