What are the scariest real life moments you've had

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yea, despite the fact i almost lost my leg too due malpractice. by now i have a fuct up hip and a total screwed up right leg (full of scars and screws). all caused by malpractise. sueing the hospital and the woman who ran me over with her mercedes.

Just be happy your F-ing ALIVE.

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That must have hurt like hell. With all those needles in you. Glad you are ok now.

im not really ok. as i said i have a fuct up prostata (sp) which cant be fixed. and my leg looks like a cemetary of scars. and i cant run anymore.

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Scariest would be the time when I actually got shot at. Missed though. Long story, and I'm not going to tell you about it :-)

Another more amusing than scary tho was when two police officers arrested me "hollywood-style" because of a "little" misunderstanding.. Yes, it was kinda scary looking at their loaded guns from the wrong end of the barrel but knowing I didn't do anything wrong and knowing the police here does not shoot without a real reason i wasn't really frightened, more wondering what the f**k was going on :-)

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being in an old truck with a friend driving... goin down a muddy road... slippin into the ditch flipping 4 1/2 times... landed on roof (both of us had seatbelts on) and smelling gas... And my friend looks at me and tells me don't worry the engine is off... as we started the flipping he turned off the engine. hows that for a reaction. part that sux is my computer and monitor was in the back of the truck (monitor was in box and foam packing... still don't know why i took it to his house like that) and case was a full tower steel case (was only slightly bent).... they came out in the first flip. and i had like 100 disks (before cds became big) all ruined.... One must fall 2097, Doom 2, and some others... they were soaked in gas... no fire only damage to the truck was the engine came off the bolts... no damage to either of us.

whew that was long winded. don't feel like proper grammer just got off work and i'm too tired.

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yea, despite the fact i almost lost my leg too due malpractice. by now i have a fuct up hip and a total screwed up right leg (full of scars and screws). all caused by malpractise. sueing the hospital and the woman who ran me over with her mercedes.

Dude, that sucks so bad. I know what you've been through because I was hit and ran over by a garbage truck (I can post a pic if you want, my scars are pretty disgusting even when compared to yours :devil:) and had to tango with idiot doctors, nurses, and even lawyers... Hopefully you'll be compensated for your injuries (I think you stand a fair chance against a hospital if the doctors made errors, but the lady with the mercedes probably will only provide whatever her auto-insurance will).

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There was that time me and two friends decided to spend an hour in a supposedly haunted graveyard.

One of those two friends was a type who could see ghosts, and she was telling us constantly what we saw. Several times, as I walked away, I could feel hands on my shoulder trying to tug me backwards.

Was totally fuched up...

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well mine doesn't compare to yous but on my bronze DofE award trip it got a little bit story where we were camping and a douglas fir (60 foot tree) fell down on top of our AWO (adult warrent officer (i was a cadet he was the guy in charge)) tent with him in it pure luck hes still around today

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Mine aren't really scary because I was always in some form ofcontrol but here goes.

Once I had a live grenade stuck to my head with no safety pins, that was kinda freaky, but it was funnier to see this other guys expression to it as he backed away. It's a long story but it was great seein' him high tail it.

Another moronic moment was when I went camping and some jack-ass decided to cook a can of beans in the fire. Usually this isn't a problem but he never put any kind of holes in the can, so it exploded while we were all sitting near the fire and little pieces of metal tore through my jacket and barely pierced my skin. I was able to just sweep the pieces off my chest but my jacket looked like I jumped on a grenade.

We had a Javelin missile explode on one of our guys while I was in the Amry and thought he died but luckily the missile went about 20 feet before it did so he was alright. One guy got hit by something from the explosion but no worries, but the look on the CO's face was priceless. Trying to get him on the radio and there was only a few seconds of silence before he answered but you could tell that was to long for him and just in those few seconds he had already written him off just to get an "Im OK" over the radio.

But the moment I thought I was closest to actual bodily harm or death was on the interstate. I was getting on, and our on ramps are really short and I was trying to get over but this moron kept copying whatever I did so I couldn't get over. I was starting to get mad because I was headed for the concrete rail by this point and he still wouldn't let me over, and I couldn't brake because they sucked couldn't out accelerate or decellerate the guy so I was trapped heading for the rail. I tried to see if I could see this guy because I wanted someone to haunt if I was gonna get killed in such a lame way but couldn't see him because his car was lower than my Bronco, so that really made me mad. Looked at the road again and saw I had maybe 20 feet left and decided that if I was gonna go down so was this ###### so I swerved straight for him and he musta saw it coming because he swerved himself to the far left lane escaping my wrath, but I wasn't done yet. No one tries to force me into a concrete railing to kill myself so I tried to follow him but my Bronco topped out at 85mph and I lost the guy. To this day I never got to beat his ass and it pains me.

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I was on a waverunner going about 55mph wearing a bathing suit and a neoprene lifejacket..

This damn boat came out of a cove and didn't bother looking and I caught the white wake behind him and wiped out when I came down.

****ing Hurt.. I thought I was going to die but I was able to get to the shore on the jet ski.

It was scary I mean damn I was in salt water for the first time in my life and I was ****ing freaking out.. jelly fish omfg!!

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