The Powerpod...

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well i don't know if it has been posted before but here is some news i guess.. Edit: forgot to mention it goes for $699 anyways is all in the article take a peek, i think it looks good, the frame is too thick but looks good and the stuff it comes with sounds good...



Got the article from slashdot so check it out heres the link:

Edited by xp1ode
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april fools

:huh: , well that just sucks i guess, sounded like a good deal and i guess i understimated people actually still play that game... :p

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I found this more interesting:

This might be more funny if Mobilemag and its owners didn't have a less-than-stellar history that could be compared to Infinium Labs.

Don't reward Mobilemag with clickthroughs and traffic that they can use to gain advertisers and products. Mobilemag's owner Fabrizio Pilato has a history of being a dishonest scam artist.

The most recent example of Mobilemag dishonesty ( ) is posting a story to Slashdot as an anonymous reader that points to (surprise, surprise!) Mobilemag. Of course the post is written as if some third party who has nothing to do with the site submitted it.

    An anonymous reader writes ( ) "According to a piece on ...

Check Mobilemag's Recently Accepted Submissions history  ( ) for the proof. The Slashdot scam is the least egregious of Mobilemag's sins.

If you need some background on, here's the skinny:

Mobilemag is the latest incarnation of TwoMobile (a.k.a. TwoMobile Guys), a pair of high school drop-outs who participated in a de facto fraud with the Canadian dotcom incubator NRG Group. NRG billed itself as a youth marketing research firm that used teenaged "CEOs" as gimmicks to get media attention. (Based on NRG/Mobilemag/TwoMobile activities, the investment waters in Toronto -- Canada's financial capital -- have been poisoned for serious businesses that have an Internet strategy as a key business component. This comes from a lawyer who brokers investment for technology-related companies.) The domain is now being redirected to

The two teens used the investment money to buy all sorts of top-dollar toys and electronic equipment such as digital video cameras, pricey suits, etc., burned the cash away with parties, personal trips around the world, vacations and booze. They moved back in with their parents in small-town Ontario when the free ride was over and they ran out of money, and therefore couldn't afford to live in Toronto.

"I created a business where we can play with toys and go on trips!" Mobilemag owner Fabrizio Pilato said that to a Toronto newspaper about an earlier version of the site when he was asked about funding. In other words, he's a scam artist.

"We were sick of reviews that were really more like advertisements" is what the owners of Mobilemag was quoted as saying. His statement would be laughable if it weren't for the fact that Mobilemag is all about advertisements -- the site sells its coverage to manufacturers -- and pandering to the product manufacturers just to get more electronic toys for free.

So don't reward Mobilemag with clickthroughs and traffic that they can use to gain advertisers and products.

That $2000 bandwidth bill will be more than paid for by increasing their ad rates (for the larger audience) and by revenues from clickthroughs on existing ads.

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