FBI wants backdoor in MSN Messenger

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The FBI has made a proposal to the FCC that would require all Internet Providers to rewire their current system in order to make wiretapping accessible to the FBI. Experts claim that if the new proposal were to pass, MSN Messenger, Xbox Live and any voice over Internet protocol would be accessible for wiretapping.

The 85-page filing includes language that could be interpreted as forcing companies to build backdoors into everything from instant messaging and voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) programs to Microsoft's Xbox Live game service. New services that do not support a backdoor for the police would become illegal, and companies would be given 15 months to make sure that existing services comply.

It's still a proposal so the FCC still has to decide if they will approve the draft or not. But given the fact that the current Bush administration support eavesdropping, the FCC will take it very seriously.

Source: CNet News.com

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This better fail big time. I have nothing to hide but i dont want ANY 3rd parties reading MY converations.

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No way, this is insane! Haven't they learned anything over the past few years? I think some "genius" hacker would find out and then use this... no, don't like this proposal at all.

btw. who's the FCC?

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ISPs ? They don't need to contact your ISP at any purpose... IF THIS HAPPENS, then as long as you are using Microsoft's server, then that's all they need

What I don't understand is... How can a local organization like the FBI who is restricted only to America be able to spy on conversation Worldwide !?

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Absolutely appalling that it has come to this.

But really, they're now getting to the stage where they're sacrificing freedom to security (Equilibrium, anyone? :p).

I say freedom rather than privacy, because its a little more than privacy (to me, anyway) - I'm not going to be able

to do whatever it is that I want to do, even if it is legitimate, because of the concern that this overhead brings.

And since when was the FBI allowed to make law like this that directly affects other countries?

I mean, what would happen if there is this 'backdoor' in common apps like MSN Messenger, but other countries oppose it?

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if I somehow find out that I'm being tapped (well IF it's going to happen) I'm going to sue them bigtime... so i'm with rolando, they have no right on spying people world wide...

just wondering, if I talk to an american citizen and they tap me too, can I sue them..?

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Oh my god! American truely is the land of the free! :(

Really thats not meant to be a flame, but look what your government (and the various corporations that work with it) are doing to you.. freedom of speech gets you locked up, they want backdoors on everyones computers to find out what they are up to, the RIAA are sueing people left right and centre.. its insane.

Its only a matter of time until we get this crap here in the UK. Well, that is until the next general election comes round and Blair is out on his ass!!

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if I somehow find out that I'm being tapped (well IF it's going to happen) I'm going to sue them bigtime... so i'm with rolando, they have no right on spying people world wide...

just wondering, if I talk to an american citizen and they tap me too, can I sue them..?

yeah... even american citizens will be spyed on

and about suing them... take a number :p

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this is not just America - this is the whole world we're talkin about...

I mean a lot of people here in Australia uses the service and Bush has nothing to do with us.

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The thing you guys don't forget is that what gets adopted in the US normally get tremors everywhere else.... meaning, if that passes, all countries will get by the same place.

That blows.

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