Anyone here paintball?

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Well, I know this is mainly a tech site, but I was wondering if any of you bother to go outside once in a while :laugh:

Me and some homies of mine paintball every weekend pretty much, and I was just wondering if anyone else takes part in this incredible sport :happy:

This is my marker, an Armotech Zeus G2. Its freggin awesome. :yes:


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Paintball eh? Not a bad "sport". Too bad for me though, the nearest paintball place is like an hours drive from me (I live in Australia)

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Never done it, but I know there are a few people Id like to go balling with :)

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OMG They were the days. Me and my mates bought our own guns and balls and used to play in the fields and woods in out village. I used to have a PGP (i think thats what it was called) oh yes here it is. Pump action, but only holds about 10 balls.

Might have to take it up again.

Ohh and i love the phooooomp sound they make. :D


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Never been before, but co-incidently I am going this Sat for the first time!

I am looking forward to it :D

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LOL i love to paint ball with friends always did it during winter when it was snowing in white jump suits it was the best. other times is in summer at night, my friend has a a good amount of cash and bought very nice head mount night vision goggles and its very fun at night to play them, it reminds me of a game though lol :blush: .

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i use to paintball a long time ago. It was fun. but i don't paintball anymore, i feel too old to play.

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Sadly not, id love too though. On a side note my stepdad runs a company who among other things make parts for paintball guns.

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I used to paintball a lot around where I live. I never went into tournaments or anything, but I just did it with friends.

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We play a lot during the Spring & Fall. Summer is way too hot in Texas. We have our own field. It's not very large but it holds about 10 people well. I have a Tippman Model 98 gun but I'm looking to upgrade soon.

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I used to play a lot when I was 12/13. Now I am 16 and haven't played for years due to the fact that the whole day I worked out to cost about ?45 minimum.

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Used to play, quit because of the cost factor (have to pay car insurance and all that good stuff now). We had a team that was pretty good. We brought home 3rd place at our last tourney. I had a Vision Impulse with some upgraded parts. Our site is down right now but here it is

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I do every now and then. Not enough to own my equipment, but enough to know the fields like the back of my hand.

I'm not the guy that runs into enemy territory like crazy, I'll camp farther back and pick people off as they try to get my flag when playing cap the flag -- in elimination I'll camp near a high-traffic area :)

I'm pretty tall so any other way I'd be a sitting duck, easy target.

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you should get a "normal" gun than using a sidearm like the zeus.unless you have a bottom line and hopper adapter,you'd have to change 12grams often and paintballs.i paintball myself,tippmann model 98 custom. ;)

Yeah, I thought about a normal gun, but I liked the size of the zeus, and reloading the co2 and paintballs actaully isnt as bad as one may think. Though Ive played with a 98 Custom before. Very nice gun too. I just hate hoppers because they always seem to get in the way. I s'pose its all personal preference though. Im thinking about buying this when it comes out though, if the price tag isnt too hefty:


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  • 2 months later...

I used to play paintball, yeaaaaars ago, but had too stop as the costs where just way to expensive, but had the following marker kit.

AutoMag 68 with Whispering Death Low conversion

20oz CO2 Tank


12" Smart Parts barrel

8" Venturi Teardrop barrel

Whispering Death Remote Kit

and a few other mods too the feeding/pressure system

Man, how i miss the days of competitions....

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