Portugal vs Greece

which team do u support?  

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  1. 1. which team do u support?

    • Portugal
    • Greece
    • None

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Portugal. Just watch the unfairness of the game on Sunday. I wonder who's going to win, a HOME TEAM game or some unknown team? I wonder how unfair the refs r going to be. At least a little bit I believe.


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remember greece beat them 2-1 in their first game.

Yeah, because we were acting like individual stars and not as a team!

Oh boy... that Greek Firewall will be pwned by our Lusitano Horse. :p


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The portuguese team as been reinforced after the first game with Greece.. so I think Portugal can win


P.S.- hope that the ref do a good job:)) so ppl can't say that was the ref fault.. or something..

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I want portugal out!!!!!!!!!!! The portugese match vs England was **** and the ref was a bent ******!!!!

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Portugal Sure!! I'm portuguese so what can i say? I'm with Portugal. I think, and this is not for beeing portuguese, Portugal and Checa Rep. have been the better teams in the tournament. Chc Rep deserved to be in the final with Portugal. But the Greeks are very lucky, and this is football, the one who wins is the one who scores more goals than the adversery. :)

Portugal Plays better football than Greeks, they are too defensive. Even Italy have been less defensive than the Greeks. I think the teams that should win tournaments, are the ones who play an offensive football, and not defensive like Greece.


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hehe, the championship is ending and beggining with two same games;

Greece vs Portugal, first and final game!

PS: go Greece, you beat portugal the first time, you can do it again.

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P.S.- hope that the ref do a good job  so ppl can't say that was the ref fault.. or something..

I feel the same way. I'm tired of people complaining about the ref when Portugal has been excellent and deserved to win every game except the first one with Greece.

We were hoping Greece would go to the final so that we could set the score right :D .

But on the other side, I would prefer a final against C.Republic, I'm a bit afraid the game will not be very good since Greece has a very ugly king of game.

I have a feeling that with the high moral Portugal has now, Greece will be demolished.

Edited by VanAlex
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I want portugal out!!!!!!!!!!! The portugese match vs England was **** and the ref was a bent ******!!!!

For crying out loud......How many times will you have to see the play to agree with one of the most basic rules of football? The keeper cannot be held back, held down, pushed, pulled, etc, by an oposition player in his protected area.

Anyway, I do sympathize with you, since only a few months ago I managed to admit Abel Xavier did put is hand in the ball with intention to cut the play in the Euro 2000 semi-final with France. :p

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if we just play like we have played the last 3 games we'll win..

like i said before greece is a very organized team that defends very well, but it wont stand a chance if we score an early goal.

GO GO PORTUGAL!!! Make me proud one more time :)

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Are there any English people supporting Portugal in the Final? I seriously hope not...

As for the referee's decision, he's since admitted that it was a mistake and the goal should have stood. Ricardo didn't even attempt to get the ball and John Terry wasn't preventing him from trying. Plus, he went down like a sack of spuds anyway, since he knew the referee would favour the 'keeper.

Also, UEFA apparently knew about the poor condition of the penalty spot used in the game. It's strange how EVERY player had to sort the turf out on and around the spot before taking their penalty. If Portugal had taken their penalty first, i'm fairly sure it would have been a bad penalty (or appeared to be).

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Oh man, I can see the flame war coming now - its done, and there's nothing we can do about it now.

Let it go man, and move on.

I sincerely request that you remove the rest from your post and keep this for Portugal vs Greece *please*

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