Owen goes to Real Madrid

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I was looking for this but I couldn't find anyone else who has posted this so I made one. So apoligies if it has been posted.

It looks like Michael Owen has moved to Real Madrid for an estimated ?8 million pounds. He passed at medical in Spain last night and has also taken a pay cut to join the Galactios.

It has come after I think a year and a half of contract negotiations with Liverpool which have finally broken down, resulting in him being sold. He has been sold now because I think he would have left on a free transfer at the end of the season.

In my opinion it doesn't really bother me that he has gone because i don't rate him very highly as he's been burnt out by Liverpool when he was still very young, resulting in him having injury problems throughout his career. But, all the best to him on his new career at Real Madrid.

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I saw ?10 million, but maybe wrong.

I think it's a good move for him, good for England (the team) aswell, as he's clearly giong to improve as a player imo.

I think hes an amazing player, World Cup '98 anyone? The Argentina match obviously stands out, but he's still young, i keep thinking of him being almost 30 or something.

Good things to come i hope.

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Owen serious highly overrated, been like 4-5 years ago when he was really super, and that was for a short time in his younger years, come on be real...he has won nothing in the last 3 years....scored few goals....always injured , like the defenders should pee in their pants seeing him? he only maybe got the speed.

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What's going on with Gerrard? The last I'd heard he'd told Liverpool he wasn't leaving (during the Chelsea speculation) and that all he wanted to stay was Heskey's #11 after Heskey was sold to Birmingham. I just watched the Liverpool v Tottenham match and there were signs up in the crowd saying "Merci Gerrard, 1998-2004", etc. which gave me the impression he's leaving after-all!?!?!

Sorry if this is off-topic, but I'm a Brit living in Canada right now and there's not a lot of football coverage.

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Why does Real Madrid want another Striker ? They already have Morinettes, Raul and Rolando. I thought they would be going after defenders.

They couldnt get Viera so now Owen somehow ;)

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I think this is very good for English football. The more English players we have playing in Europe the better, in my opinion. Not only will it benifit the national side because players can gain experience playing against foreign teams, it will also promote the English game abroad which can only benifit the Premiership, attracting more players to these shores.

Althought Owen hasn't really been on form recently, he is still a world-class player and I wish him luck in Spain with Real Madrid.

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Why does Real Madrid want another Striker ? They already have Morinettes, Raul and Rolando. I thought they would be going after defenders.

yeah... what Real really needs now is a Right Defender (ei..Salgado isn't good as it appear to be...) and a Central (Puyol? Nesta? L?cio?)..

Now they have 4 Strikers, Morientes, Ronaldo, Raul and Owen... Raul isn't what he was anymore... Ronaldo is fat... only Morientes and Owen left...

So, do you remember McMannaman?? I don't think that English players fit to Iberian soccer... ;))

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I think they don't get many defenders because in my opinion they play let's score more than we let in an we will win, so they splash out on attackers but not defenders.

Also, more or less all defenders would love to play for Madrid but I think wages is a big deal to them because they have a policy where defending players don't get as much as attacking players. I think this was a major decision in why Makelele left them as they would not give him more money when he's earning like a quarter as much as players like Zidane and Ronaldo.

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owen has played appalingly for liverpool over the past three seasons it was good to get rid of him, he has lost his pace which was the only thing going for him

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:rolleyes: Michael Owen,s recent move to Spanish Giant Real Madrid does,nt seem to benefit neither Owen nor Real nor English Football.

Madrid already have top europion strikers like Morientes, Raul & Ronaldo. :happy:

:no: While most of them are supposed to do well they did,nt need to sign Owen who has left anfield fans dissapointed after 13 years of strong relations with Liverpool.

I dont think that Owen wuold be able to play the whole season for his new club;an opportunity which he had at Anfield.

:angry: On the other hand if Liverpool had to sale Owen they must have exchanged him for Morientes.

It seems as if Real would replace Raul or Moriente next season but likely person to leave madrid is Raul who did,nt perform well last season as well as in EURO 2004. :sleep:

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Now they have 4 Strikers, Morientes, Ronaldo, Raul and Owen... Raul isn't what he was anymore... Ronaldo is fat... only Morientes and Owen left...

ehm, well.....

Raul is still one of the best strikers in Europe. He doesn't play to well for Spain, but for Real Madrid he is invaluable.

Ronaldo is fat, but the size of your tummy doesn't mean sh*t. He still blasts the (important) goals in for Madrid and in the end that is what counts. Morientes is a great striker too.

Though Owen.... well, I'm sorry, but Owen is a highly overrated striker and I don't see him fit in at Madrid either.

I don't think he will play much games, the internal competition is too heavy.

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what they really need to do is to fortify their defense, they lost the primera and the champions because of this, I mean, they cant be all about scoring more than what they get in....

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What's going on with Gerrard? The last I'd heard he'd told Liverpool he wasn't leaving (during the Chelsea speculation) and that all he wanted to stay was Heskey's #11 after Heskey was sold to Birmingham. I just watched the Liverpool v Tottenham match and there were signs up in the crowd saying "Merci Gerrard, 1998-2004", etc. which gave me the impression he's leaving after-all!?!?!

Sorry if this is off-topic, but I'm a Brit living in Canada right now and there's not a lot of football coverage.

they are refering to gerrard houlier. Its writen in french init

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I don't think it is a good move for Owen, I don't think he will get that many opportunities because I think Ra?l, Ronaldo and Morientes are better players even though Ra?l had a poor season last season. I'm sure a lot of other clubs would have offered ?8 million, It would have been in his better interest to go to a club where he is going to be one of the first names on the team sheet

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I dont think this benefits anyone really...

1. ?8!? Is he on sale or something... Thats half the price you could get for him... Its a shame that he left because rafael doesnt get along with divas.. and if he must sell owen he could have sold him at a recnable price... His personal issues with owen made the club suffer://

2. Real madrid doesnt play the kind of football that owen plays, he will struggle to play and end up with the same thing he had with liverpool, to little play time...

3. I dont think owen would have been a crutial part of liverpools play this season, but I think we will miss him for next season...

4. Owen convinced Gerrard to stay, I think gerrard will feel disappointed since he stayed thanks to owen... Now that he is gone I think gerrard will regrete this disition...

5. Now liverpool hasnt got a good replacement striker for Cisse or Baros... Ohh yes sorry you have singelle pongolle but he sucks, even le antec is better than him....

This is starting to look like the steve mcmannamen case....

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Most stupid move Owen make. Does he realise that he has to compete with Raul, Ronaldo and Morientes??

Does he realise that Real Madrid finished "craply" last season...

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Real Madrid finished 4th, which is better than Liverpool did. The reason he left is because he doesn't get to play in the Uefa Championships at all, and with Real he will get to play in the Champions League.

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