Fantasy Football Live Draft is TOMORROW!

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Says we can't draft with an odd number of teams.. we have 19 :/

Sign in to yahoo. If you don't have an account, get one at

Then click here: (you may need to login at this point with your own Yahoo account) and select "Join a Custom League"

The league's # is 372224, password is boog

Someone join quickly before 9pm eastern lol

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^yup i pM'd Boog

? Your league will not be permitted to conduct its draft if it contains an odd number of managers.

we need to boot the last guy


hmm the live draft thing went away.... ummm yah

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Sorry Gents...I really feel bad about this, but have no fear. we still have a live draft.

It will take place TOMORROW MORNING at 10:30, Central Standard Time. (Illinois time)...

I assumed that no one worked...since it is labor day and alll......for the US.

I can change it to Tuesday...but the next available (after 4 pm) would be 10:30 PM. Not sure everyone wants to stay up on a school/work night to do that. LET ME KNOW. I am PMing the people who posted in this thread with the announcement.

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