Fantasy Football Live Draft is TOMORROW!

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Says we can't draft with an odd number of teams.. we have 19 :/

Sign in to yahoo. If you don't have an account, get one at

Then click here: (you may need to login at this point with your own Yahoo account) and select "Join a Custom League"

The league's # is 372224, password is boog

Someone join quickly before 9pm eastern lol

Sorry Gents...I really feel bad about this, but have no fear. we still have a live draft.

It will take place TOMORROW MORNING at 10:30, Central Standard Time. (Illinois time)...

I assumed that no one worked...since it is labor day and alll......for the US.

I can change it to Tuesday...but the next available (after 4 pm) would be 10:30 PM. Not sure everyone wants to stay up on a school/work night to do that. LET ME KNOW. I am PMing the people who posted in this thread with the announcement.

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