[NFL] Hit of the Year?

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It was an illegal hit, but I guess the NFL overlooked it or just decided to let it go because the Dolphins are just that bad this year. They don't need any further problems.

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yeah, that should be a penalty. did you see an almost identical hit in the VT/GT game tonight. wasn't called, but i don't think the guy left his feet as much...

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it looked like he kept one foot ont he ground the whole time so woudl that constitute as a full jump? head lead with his shoulder an no intention of using his head. looks like he just trucked the **** out of those two.


saw the other angles and he did jump off the ground....but good hit

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It looked like he lead with his shoulder. A good hit, probably one of the best this year. I'm glad the ref kept his flag in his pocket, it was a clean hit. Now if we want to talk about dirty hits, we should look at the Broncos linemen. The was one of the worst cheap shots I have seen in a long time.

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hahahahahaha thank you so much for that, brightened my friday morning.

he never saw that guy coming...

this isn't college ball anymore son, maybe you should've thought of that before you ran your mouth off about the draft.

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That's one hell of a hit.

I think one of the best (legal) hits i've seen in sport would be Josh Lewsey (England) on Matt Rodgers (Australia) but I cannot find a video of it

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I think the Eli hit was better than the hit by Bua. Yes, Bua took out two guys (technically, since the first one knocked down his partner), but he did it illegally. The hit on Eli is a classic (Y)

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