Neowin's Official Fantasy Baseball Thread

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ok yahoo has opened up for registration.

i will create a league. since we have enough for 2 leagues, this league will be a 10man league.

will ID and PW when setup. advanced ppl in this league plz. and dedicated.

Is it possible to set the draft at around 11:15 that day?  I may be working and I usually get home around 11, which will kind of late if the draft starts at that time :s


Even better, I hope iversonxp moves the draft to a Saturday or so cause I'm sure most of us probably have School or work to attend on Thu Mar 24 11:00am EST.

thats not the draft time. i jus set it to be a random time.

it hasnt been decided. if we all cant meet we could do an offline one i guess, but it would be nice to do a live one.

but i think it doesnt allow weekends when i first set the draft date. i neeed to check it out.

Edited by iversonxp

are the rest of the settings good? roster size etc.

need to add a hits category?

i havent counted exactlly on the total members who want to participate.

will we be having 2 leagues or just one? i guess we could fill everyone into one giant league, or split into 2 leagues with rookies and pros. or active and not as active.

Edited by iversonxp
are the rest of the settings good? roster size etc.

need to add a hits category?

i havent counted exactlly on the total members who want to participate.

will we be having 2 leagues or just one? i guess we could fill everyone into one giant league, or split into 2 leagues with rookies and pros. or active and not as active.


Most of the settings look good - The only one that I suggest you change is Trade Review - League Votes. Some people may shoot down a trade because of there own personal reasons. *Grudge against someone or simply they just like seeing the other person get that player*

If your Custom League is configured to use the League Vote option, 1/3 of the league managers must vote against the trade in order for it to be vetoed. For example, if your league has 12 teams, then four votes against the deal are needed to veto the trade.

Also, I think one big league would be better. It would spread out the talent and make things more interesting in general.

what you mean by league votes?


What League Votes means is let say I wanted to trade Player X on my team for Player Y on your team, the league and its member would have vote on the trade to allow or reject the trade. However, if more than 1/3 of the leagues member vote against the trade then the trade will been defeated/disapproved.

and we'll have to do something with the league size.

i wouldnt mind having a big league again if needed , however, i hope everyone in the league can be active. atleast set the daily rosters, not even asking for dropping and adding players.

ALso, know what your doing. cuz it would suck for the rest of us, if some people give up half way or jus basically have no clue what to do.

maybe we could get a list of whos joined and who still wants to join and go from there?

Edited by iversonxp

Hey guys, I just joined (Crushers for now, might change it later)

Everything looks pretty good, I'm also not a fan of the league votes rule because of the already stated reason of grudges, and I've had experiences where people turned down trades because they didn't want one team to get too strong or they were trying to get one of the players involved in the deal.

If it can be changed that'd be good, if not then maybe I'd suggest if you decline a trade you have to explain your reasoning behind it.

As for the draft, I'd prefer the weekend and anything not Sunday mornings before noon but can work with other nights. I'm in the Central time zone (since it may factor in for people).

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