Signs before the Doomsday.

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i know, it's painfull......but i am inspired by these..cuz 7 yrs ago i read these and did not pay any attention,but one of the signs that appeared recently about "iraq" made me think twice...and i asked myself how come something i read 7 yrs ago before the invasion of true now..or almost true.

"The people of Iraq will receive no food and no money due to oppression by the Romans". well not exactly by romans but still so close.By romans it simply means advanced civilisation, today that is AMERICA.

and not only this lot of other stuff....cuz all of this stuff is been said in the time of prophets. Spare me if you don't like any of these.but thats what i have in my search.

Explore...! :)

Edited by chviqi
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i know, it's painfull......but i am inspired by these..cuz 7 yrs ago i read these and did not pay any attention,but one of the signs that appeared recently about "iraq" made me think twice...and i asked myself how come something i read 7 yrs ago before the invasion of true now..or almost true. 

"The people of Iraq will receive no food and no money due to oppression by the Romans". well not exactly by romans but still so close.By romans it simply means advanced civilisation, today that is AMERICA.

and not only this lot of other stuff....Spare me if you don't like any of these.but thats what i have in my search.

Explore...!  :)


I already wet my pants two times because of you.

If you have something so realistic and scary to freak people out, please keep it to yourself.

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i know, it's painfull......but i am inspired by these..cuz 7 yrs ago i read these and did not pay any attention,but one of the signs that appeared recently about "iraq" made me think twice...and i asked myself how come something i read 7 yrs ago before the invasion of true now..or almost true. 

"The people of Iraq will receive no food and no money due to oppression by the Romans". well not exactly by romans but still so close.By romans it simply means advanced civilisation, today that is AMERICA.

and not only this lot of other stuff....cuz all of this stuff is been said in the time of prophets. Spare me if you don't like any of these.but thats what i have in my search.

Explore...!  :)


But that fact that its transposable to any time just strikes meas odd. Could have been the british years back, the spanish, hell, maybe even the huns.

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Whys it all Asian/muslim stuff? And whys it all about god and holy stuff?

Ya no!:wacko:o:

Im no beliver in religion, so im finding this all bull***:):)



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hey,you are not forced to read my friend...if you don't like to explore or have no interest in this topic so move on to the next one...


No, I do find some of your ideas intriguing, but making two similar threads in a row about this isn't a pleasant idea for most of people. :)

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But that fact that its transposable to any time just strikes meas odd. Could have been the british years back, the spanish, hell, maybe even the huns.


did they invade "Iraq" before or this kind of environment was ever found in iraq before?.. certinely not :no: the iraq history before answering.

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No, I do find some of your ideas intriguing, but making two similar threads in a row about this isn't a pleasant idea for most of people.  :)


because these threads are related to each other.i had to's all up to you when to read them. :)

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@chviqi - i d never read the muslim version - yet my question to you is - what exactly is your opinion about this and why do feel the urge to spread this to the web? to copy and paste is easy to give an opinion shows intellect.

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@chviqi - i d never read the muslim version - yet my question to you is - what exactly is your opinion about this and why do feel the urge to spread this to the web? to copy and paste is easy to give an opinion shows intellect.


I think those scary painfull words speaks truth lound n clear.

if i will keep these (signs) or any other Valueable knowledge just for me....i think i will be looser,how? Knowledge is like food if i won't take Shhitt obviously i will unable to eat more,learn and spread i like to spread to others

now i told you already what i have got..i won't look back to that to feel comfort.."oh wow". but i will go for more to know.

so, those who eat knowledge but didn't take the SShhitt(spread) to others are in loss. :D

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Although they appear here in no particular order, it is important to point out that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said that these last, major signs will follow each other like pearls falling off of a necklace...

1:Al-Dajjal. (The Anti-Christ) He will come claiming to God holding Heaven and Hell. His purpose is to deceive, and unbelievers will follow him. He is short, red-faced, blind in the right eye, and has hair that sticks up. He will go around the world but will be unable to enter Madinah or Makkah (Holy places in Saudia Arabia).

2:Al-Mahdi. He will come at the time of the Dajjal (Anti-Christ). He will call to the true Islam, and will be a military leader. His name will be exactly like that of the Prophet Mohammad (pbuh), and his father's name will match the Prophet's father's name also. He will be a descendant of Fatima, the daughter of the Prophet.

3:The appearance of Masih al-'Isa (Jesus Christ), the son of Mary. (peace be upon him). He will come at the time of the Dajjal(Anti-christ) and the Mahdi also. He will descend at the time of Fajr prayer(Morning prayer) on a mosque in Damascus, the capital of Syria. He is of medium height, red-faced, and his hair is as if he just took a shower. He will call people back to Islam, but he will also be a military leader. The people of the Book will revert to Islam, and wealth will be super-abundant. Isa will break the cross, kill the swine, and personally slay the Dajjal (Anti-christ). He will stay on Earth for a long time thereafter, and then die.

4:Ya'juj and Ma'juj. (Gog and Magog) Two hidden tribes of people will break free of the dam that hold them back, and ravage the Earth. They will drink all the water, and kill people until Allah sends against them a worm which will wipe them out.

5:The destruction of the Ka'bah(Holy place for muslims in Saudia arabia) and the recovery of its treasure.

6:Emergence of The Beast. This Beast will call people back to Islam and he will place the word mu'meen (believer) on the foreheads of the believers, and will plot the word kufar (disbeliever) on the foreheads of the disbelievers.

7:Three major landslides (one in the East, one in the West, and one on the Arabian peninsula).

8:The rising of the sun from the west.

9:The smoke. The smoke will appear all over the Earth which will cause all believers to catch something similar to a slight cold, whereas the unbelievers will be hit harder by it.

10:The wind will take the souls of the believers.

11:The fire will drive the people to their final gathering place Three blasts of the trumpet (fear & terror, death, resurrection).

when these Major signs appear after The Minor Signs that means the Last Day have arrived according to muslim belief.


:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Are you trying to convince all of us how the world will end.

By saying this I'm not Anti-Christian or any religion. I'm not exactally Unreligeous Or Religeous I'm still trying to decide. :p

But I will gurantee you that the World WILL NOT END the way your post said it to end.

It will end by the Sun burning out eventually and turning into a "White Giant" or a "White Dwarf" can't remeber the name but its something along those lines. And since the Universe expands by heat and that source of heat is the Sun and if the Sun is a "White Giant" (It Means Like Its Got No Gas Its Just Burning.) then it will have no source of heat, And Scientists belive that the Universe will reverse its expanding cycle and reverse crushing all matter (Everything) Within it including all the 7 Planets starts and EVERYTHING with in a fraction of a second. - And this will happened in like 1,000,000,000,000 Years or Something.

But "chviqi" I honestally don't know whats wrong with you but isn't it just a "little" too early to start thinking about the end of the world.

"I Do Care About The End Of The World And What Will Happened To It, But Until Then I Woulden't Give A Rats Ass About It Now. And I'll Be Dead By Then So Oh Well."

I Hope I Reincarnate To Be Bill Gate's Son's Son. :laugh:


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Whys it all Asian/muslim stuff? And whys it all about god and holy stuff?

Ya no!:wacko:o:

Im no beliver in religion, so im finding this all bull***:):)


Agree to:):)

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Science theories change all the time bro,but this is something very very old,and makes you think how it could be so sure.

Anyway you do whatever you want to do..this is just old pieace of information/knowledge for explorers. :)

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It will end by the Sun burning out eventually and turning into a "White Giant" or a "White Dwarf" can't remeber the name but its something along those lines. And since the Universe expands by heat and that source of heat is the Sun and if the Sun is a "White Giant" (It Means Like Its Got No Gas Its Just Burning.) then it will have no source of heat, And Scientists belive that the Universe will reverse its expanding cycle and reverse crushing all matter (Everything) Within it including all the 7 Planets starts and EVERYTHING with in a fraction of a second. - And this will happened in like 1,000,000,000,000 Years or Something.


I agree that this is a possibility. There are also many other things that could happen though.

The names are white dwarf and red giant.

The Sun is about 4.5 billion years old. Since its birth it has used up about half of the hydrogen in its core. It will continue to radiate "peacefully" for another 5 billion years or so (although its luminosity will approximately double in that time). But eventually it will run out of hydrogen fuel. It will then be forced into radical changes which, though commonplace by stellar standards, will result in the total destruction of the Earth (and probably the creation of a planetary nebula).

The sun gets its energy by nuclear fusion. Hydrogen is converted to helium. When this runs out, I think the helium will be used up. I can't remember exactly what will happen after.

After it has run out of hydrogen it will (i think) become a red giant, then a white dwarf.

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^^ You missed the planetary nebula phase. What will really kill us is when the sun suddenly diverts off the main sequence when it runs out of fuel eventually. It will then begin shell burning and rapidly expand to fill the orbit of Earth. at least thats the current theory. (pretty sure thats right, had astro last semester)

It turns into a white dwarf after we're all dead anyhow, so it doesnt really matter. lol

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ya but not as much now right? now they can actually SHOW THEIR FACES  :|



ur comments show u know absolutely nothing about islam.......u believe  everything u hear in radical western channels like FOX News  and stuff......ignorant fools like u are the biggest sign that the end is near  :yes:


Well, im astralian, so i dont get the "radical western channels" as you describe it. And i dont think im ignorant, ill listen to anything anybody says, but they have to back it up with evidence for me.

You are wrong.

Islam glorifies women like no other religion.

"Heaven is at your mother's feet"


Yeah, but i always though having to cover up and all was sort of repressive, but that's just my thoughts.

And scaredmogwai, oh yeah :pinch:

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