Signs before the Doomsday.

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My personal belief was, that ll this was written in such a way, that no matter how you look at it it could have been true those thousands of years ago as it reflects true today. A little like tarrot card readings.


Of course, horoscopes are the same way. This is such a joke, but it's not even funny. People actually believe this retardism. :no:
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Does this doomsday thing only affect Muslims, or everyone?

Is this even really part of the Islamic faith?


If you really look at religions, they all seem to be linked together in ways, It's crazy.

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by the time the sun dies, we would be able to reproduce it. Most likely taking plasma, and bringing it to the suns core in one of our supper dooper spaceship mobiles, and there they will somehow reproduce the sun using plasma.

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by the time the sun dies, we would be able to reproduce it. Most likely taking plasma, and bringing it to the suns core in one of our supper dooper paceship mobiles, and there they will somehow reproduce the usn usign plasma.


Won't the sun expand by then and obliterate the inner planets? :huh:

Regardless, I feel we are reaching a threshold of sorts where we have two paths... We will either destroy each other or reach the next state for humanity and society...

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If we were to get there before the sun dies out. Possibly not. By releasing the plasma we would be able to continue the suns cycle, as long as theres helium if im correct?

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The sun will die in 5billion years or so (correct me if im wrong) So I wouldnt worry about it too much, I dont think that the human race will survive that long, eventually every species becomes extinct. And not even your bones will be left in 5 billion years so why worry about it.

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I'm sorry but the world has moved on from the dark ages and people still believe this stuff.  Religion is what's wrong with this world... I'm sorry but false beliefs are going to get people nowhere.  Now that's my personal belief.... respect that. :rolleyes:


:yes: Exactly!

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40:Books will be widespread and knowledge will be low.

41:Arrogance will increase in the earth.

42:Family ties will be cut.

43:Men will begin to look like women and women will begin to look like men.

44:Longhorn ships

Oh gnoooooos!!!!!!!1111

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ur comments show u know absolutely nothing about islam.......u believe  everything u hear in radical western channels like FOX News  and stuff......ignorant fools like u are the biggest sign that the end is near  :yes:


Reported as FLAMEBAIT


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First of all I dont think this is a place to preach any religion. Yes healthy discussions should take place but one shouldnt get all religious or anti religious. Also one should respect what other people believe in and try not to offensive.

Anyway I myself am a Muslim and I do not believe in half of that stuff because how is it affecting us? Yes it tells how Judgement Day is getting closer but if those "predictions" are to happen then they will happen. So why bother. Its inevitable (team america :laugh: )

What a person needs to do is make one self a better person and that is what I believe that religion teaches us (Islam in my case) . Nowadays we need to be concerned about ourselves and not others. Why preach stuff on to other people when you yourself are not perfect.

My two cents.

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christianity is the most corrupt religion there is

whats wrong with a woman singing

whats wrong with with women working

this thing just bashes women and gays

its funny how before a certain time(around the 1600's) gayness was accepted in the catholic church and then the bible was rewritten to hate gays and many other things

sry but..religion is for fools



For the ignorant, that means "Call for References"

Pretty funny to be coming from someone who sets themselves up above God, "BeyondGodlike".


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"Music" makes you forget GOD,no matter what kind of music it is.i don't remmember jesus or other prophets talking about it, promoting it,did they ever used music while they are praying,like in these days.

And by the way music makes your heart weak too.

can you tell me what's your higher purpose of being in this world besides what your religion teaches.A balanced universe is not without reason.

And by the way let me give you little info about "Islam".

"Quran" claims the last Prophet? will be MUhammad(PBUH),no other prophet will come after words,i did not see any prophet coming in christianity,or in jews.makes me wonder why.

And i would like to tell you about the promise of GOD(Allah), that "Quran"(The Book/) will never change,it will stay the same till end".nobody can make ammendment to "quran", like other books.

and yes muslims believes prophet (Isa)Jesus will come back and finish all the evil,but thats a Major sign. yes many of these signs are appeared already,now wait for major signs.


Many Prophets have some since Mohammed - just because you don't happen to believe in them doesn't mean that they're false.

Wake up and look around a bit - it's amazing as to what you'lll see once you step outside of your comfort-zone and do a little learning beyond what the Umma, the Imam and the Ulema teach.


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^ Hmm.. I'm sure you lived with him 1400 years ago and heard what the people said. And I bet the people back then just sat around doing nothing. Oh wait.. they could've been worshipping idols and false gods until a prophet named Muhammed came along and saved them. :rolleyes:

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It's all a bunch of BS. I find it funny that some people actually believe in sh*t like that..  :rolleyes:


And I find that people believe in a god is stupid. But I don't bash on other religions.

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"Music" makes you forget GOD,no matter what kind of music it is.i don't remmember jesus or other prophets talking about it, promoting it,did they ever used music while they are praying,like in these days.

And by the way music makes your heart weak too.

can you tell me what's your higher purpose of being in this world besides what your religion teaches.A balanced universe is not without reason.

And by the way let me give you little info about "Islam".

"Quran" claims the last Prophet  will be MUhammad(PBUH),no other prophet will come after words,i did not see any prophet coming in christianity,or in jews.makes me wonder why.

And i would like to tell you about the promise of GOD(Allah), that "Quran"(The Book/) will never change,it will stay the same till end".nobody can make ammendment to "quran", like other books.

and yes muslims believes prophet (Isa)Jesus will come back and finish all the evil,but thats a Major sign. yes many of these signs are appeared already,now wait for major signs.


Well, I may not have a response to all of that, but for what I do, is in bold.

I Quote:

1 Chronicles, Chapter 16, Verse  4 - 9

David appointed the following Levites to lead the people in worship before the Ark of the LORD by asking for his blessings and giving thanks and praise to the LORD, the God of Israel. Asaph, the leader of this group, sounded the cymbals.  His assistants were Zechariah ( the second), then Jeiel, Shemiramoth, Jehiel, Mattithiah, Eliab, Benaiah, Obed-edom, and Jeiel.  They played the harps and lyres. the priests, Benaiah and Jahaziel, played the trumpets regularly before the Ark of God's covenant.  That day David gave to Asaph and his fellow Levites this song of thanksgiving to the LORD. 

Give thanks to the LORD and proclaim his greatness.  Let the whole world know what he has done. Sing to him; yes, sing his praises.

1 Chronicles, Chapter 16, Verse 23

Let the whole earth sing to the LORD! Each day proclaim the good news that he saves."

I suggest you brush up on your philosophy before you try spreading it.

Also, I believe this to be a tech / science site, and I am in full agreement with the person who suggested religous posts banned. If I want to know anything about your radical religion, I will look it up myself. I am perfectly happy in my place with the Lord.

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to any muslim or christain just remember what Jesus(Isa) said. Mark 13:35 "Watch therefore--for you do not know when the master of the house will come, in the evening, or at midnight, or at cockcrow, or in the morning"

if you believe that jesus is the christ or a just a prophet take those words to heart and stop trying to predict the unpredictable.

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I call total bull****, BS, I want you to show me where these things are stated ANYWHERE in the Muslim religion.


Agreed, I for one know that that thing about ignorance running ramped KNOW is complete BS.

And FYI, Islam teaches that only God knows when the end will come and that it is useless to try to predict it...

So, lets see some sources on this info.

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