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Un torrent de logiciels gratuits et sans espion

Le site n?erlandais Neowin publie une liste de logiciels gratuits et d?pourvus de programmes espions ou publicitaires.

On le sait bien, les d?veloppeurs de logiciels gratuits financent souvent leurs activit?s en ajoutant ? leur cr?ation des modules espions ou publicitaires qui peuvent notamment exp?dier des donn?es sur la navigation Web, afficher des publicit?s intempestives et ralentir les PC.

Les utilisateurs qui ont horreur de ces modules indiscrets, et ils sont de plus en plus nombreux, peuvent consulter cette liste publi?e et maintenue ? jour sur le site n?erlandais Neowin. Les dizaines de logiciels propos?s - apparemment certifi?s sans logiciel espion ou publicitaire, mais nous ne les avons pas tous v?rifi?s - sont pr?sent?s par cat?gories: visionneuses d'images, antivirus, lecteurs multim?dias, utilitaires, clients FTP, ?diteurs HTML, navigateurs Web, suites bureautiques et bien d'autres encore.

Notez ?galement que la section Logiciels de ne vous pr?sente que des applications d?pourvues de parasite puisqu'elles sont syst?matiquement test?es ? l'aide de l'anti-espiogiciel Ad-aware SE.

too lazy to translate :p

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Google Translation:

A torrent of free software and without spy the Dutch site Neowin publishes a list of software free and deprived of programs spies or advertising executives. It well is known, the developers of free software often finance their activities while adding to their creation of the modules spies or advertising executives who can in particular dispatch data on Web navigation, post inopportune publicities and slow down the PC. The users who detest these indiscreet modules, and they are increasingly numerous, can consult this list published and maintained up to date on the Dutch site Neowin. Tens of software suggested - apparently certified without software spy or advertising executive, but we all did not check them - are presented by categories: viewers of images, antivirus, readers multimedia, utilities, customers ftp, editors HTML, navigators Web, continuations office automation and well of others still. Also note that the Logiciels section of presents only applications deprived of parasite to you since they are systematically tested using anti-espiogiciel AD-aware SE.

EDIT: Didnt notice translation link on your post lol

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  • 2 months later...

I thought it was Dutch seeing as Dutch was mentioned a few times in the article (hard to understand it translated that way).

Sorry :ninja:

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Here are my poor translation skills for you all :ninja:

A flow of free software without spyware

The Dutch website, Neowin, publish a list of freeware without spyware and adware.

As we all know, free software developers often finance their creations by adding spying modules or adware that can send information regarding surfing habits, display obtrusive ads and slowing down PCs.

Users who hate these intrusive modules, and there is more and more, can use this list published and maintained up to date on the Dutch site Neowin. The tens of suggested software ? apparently certified spyware and adware free, though we haven?t verified them all ? are currently in categories: Picture viewers, Anti-virus, Multimedia player, utilities, FTP Client, HTML editor, Web browser, Office suites and many more.

Also, take note that the Software section of (Get-Connected) only offers spyware and adware free software since they were systematically tested with the anti-adware Ad-aware SE.

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A torrent of free software without spyware

the dutch site neowin publishes a list of free software free from spyware or adware.

it's well known that developers of free software finance their activities with the inclusion of spy/adware that can track website navigation, cause popups and slow down the pc.

users who detest these hidden programs, with ever increasing frequency, can consult the list on the dutch site neowin as it is maintained daily. dozens of software programs - apparently certified to be spy/adware free, but we could not verify all of them - are presented in categories: image viewing/manipulation, antivirus, media players, utilities, ftp clients, html editors, web browsers, office suites and many more.

also note that the software section of contains only applications we have systematically tested to be free of ad/spyware with Ad-aware se

yay translation abilities.

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Neowin publishes a list of software free and deprived of programs spies or advertising executives

sorry that just made me laugh :laugh:

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Yay!!! Even though I rarely go to , I think they're.. a good site in the end lol

It's them who keep me aware of the upcoming stuff of my ISP.

Too bad they're just talking about anti-spywares :(

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