[MLB] Yankees to build new stadium

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They're paying for the stadium itself, so I'm happy about that. I do admit, I'm going to miss the current stadium a bit. It has that nostalgia and aura to it that few parks have.

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Why do they need a new stadium?

BTW, no stadium has the "nostalgia and aura" that Fenway does. :)


Are you kidding? While I agree Fenway is an amazing park, one of the top 5 easily, it doesn't have 26 championships behind it. It doesn't have Gehrig or Mantle or Dimaggio and so on and so forth.

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Are you kidding? While I agree Fenway is an amazing park, one of the top 5 easily, it doesn't have 26 championships behind it. It doesn't have Gehrig or Mantle or Dimaggio and so on and so forth.


Yeah and no other team has billions of dollars. Whats the argument? :p

I am glad they are putting their money to good use.

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Why do they need a new stadium?

BTW, no stadium has the "nostalgia and aura" that Fenway does. :)


Wow I could make a good arguement to why Wrigley has the same amount of "nostalgia and aura" in it.

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I am glad they are putting their money to good use.


agreed (Y)

at least they are not giving money to a veteran past his time...oh wait, they are, his name is Randy Johnson

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agreed (Y)

at least they are not giving money to a veteran past his time...oh wait, they are, his name is Randy Johnson


lol just randy johnson their average age is 34..thats 3 years higher than any other team.

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I meant, is the stadium crappy? Too small? I've never heard one complaint about Yankee Stadium on T.V and stuff.


It's old and they want to focus on putting in more box seats and such to be able to get a bit more money from ticket sales.

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thats kind of the wrong motiviation but it's true, and pretty much the current trend. screw the working man out of a decent view from a decent seat for a decent price, just so the rich can sip champagne and watch the game on a TV...

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The should do what the Islanders are doing and refrabricate the whole stadium instead of ditching for a new one. :yes:

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well what usually happens is that they build a new one next door, and then like knock down the old one and use it as a parking lot or something. is there even room for a new stadium near it? they can't possibly finish it all in the off season, can they?

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well what usually happens is that they build a new one next door, and then like knock down the old one and use it as a parking lot or something.  is there even room for a new stadium near it?  they can't possibly finish it all in the off season, can they?


There is a park a block away that will be used. Once the stadium is built, the city has agreed to rebuild that park space elsewhere in the community.

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Maybe they should spend their money on players who aren't seriously overrated. A $200M+ payroll and a below .500 record tells the story. New York Rangers, anybody?

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Will the new park be named something else, or will it still be Yankee Stadium. I expect it to have a new name.

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well what usually happens is that they build a new one next door, and then like knock down the old one and use it as a parking lot or something.  is there even room for a new stadium near it?  they can't possibly finish it all in the off season, can they?


The article says if they start in 2006 they expect it to be done in 2009. And yeah not possible to do in the off-season under normal conditions. DO you KNOW what NYC construction unions are like? lol. I hope they don't tear down the old stadium but instead keep it as a museum. As much as I dislike the Yankees that place doesn't deserve demolition. It's not like keeping it would take up prized real-estate either. Nothing really developed around the current Yankee Stadium so I don't see why anyone would seek to develop the area around the new one that would basically be next door.

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is it going to be a lot bigger than the current stadium? i hope it's not huge and ends up looking ugly. we all know how new yorkers want everthing to be the biggest and best so they can brag.....*cough* trump *cough*

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is it going to be a lot bigger than the current stadium? i hope it's not huge and ends up looking ugly. we all know how new yorkers want everthing to be the biggest and best so they can brag.....*cough* trump *cough*


It says it will actually have a smaller seating capacity. Actual total size I don't know. I guess we'll have to wait for the plans to be released.

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Maybe they should spend their money on players who aren't seriously overrated. A $200M+ payroll and a below .500 record tells the story. New York Rangers, anybody?


Oh noes, they are having an off season! The end of teh world!

And I don't think they should build a new stadium. I'm sorry but Yankee Stadium is a holy place (I hate using that word) for baseball. Say what you want about the Yankees, but so much history has taken place in Yankee Stadium, it is an absolute shame that they want to destroy it for a new stadium. Just rebuild it or something come on!

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I'm a lifelong hardcore yankees fan and even I believe a new stadium is needed for the fans. There are just so many problems with the current stadium, from consessions to much needed restructuring of the seating. From what I understand there will not only be a new stadium, but a whole new parking center, and other things around the stadium too. They could really revitalize alot of the area. What I would like is for them to turn the old stadium into a Baseball museum of sorts.

I'm looking forward to seeing what new seating types are available, but I doubt anything will change for me being a season ticket holder behind the plate for quite a few years now.

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The should do what the Islanders are doing and refrabricate the whole stadium instead of ditching for a new one.  :yes:


They practically did that back in the 70's already. What would they do in the meantime? I guess play at Shea Stadium again. I wouldn't care for that.

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