Installing Vista as a 2nd window?

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i want to know is the possible to run multiple windows on the same comp. like when i turn on my comp it will ask me which windows i want to use. if yes how do i do this. i am currently running XP Pro, and i want to use vista, but dont want to reformmat my comp. also how do i uninstall windows vista and keep xp pro when i dont want it anymore, without reformmat, so i can keep all my files in xp. thx.

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make another partition on your hard drive and install vista onto that partition. then wipe when you are done. Partition making software such as Partition Magic will help you do this more easily.

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Yep, use Partition Magic. If you already have unpartioned space, partition it, if you dont resize your current one then make a new one out of the space.

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yes its called dual boot.Its good to run the vista on a diffrent partition or harddrive. During setup of vista simply install to the new partition or harddrive.

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wat if i have a different partition already with files in it can i install it in there anyway. or do i have to reformat that partition first. i have about 40gb left in that partition.

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wat if i have a different partition already with files in it can i install it in there anyway. or do i have to reformat that partition first. i have about 40gb left in that partition.


You would loose the files that you want install Windows Vista onto.

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ok i got it work that way. but i used it for i while, it was okay. now i want to delete it. people told me that all i had to do was to reformat my partition that i installed it on so i did. but now the problem is that everytime i turn on the comp or restarted i have to still select a window, longhorn or xp. i want to delete the longhorn, so that i dont have to pick, i want it to take me straight into xp pro. since i dont have longhorn on the partition anymore. so how do i fix this so that it takes me straight into xp pro, i dont want the longhorn there anymore? is there a way to work around have to reformating my "C" drive? thx.

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