[IMPORTANT] Drivers for Windows Vista

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Windows Driver Kit (WDK)

The Windows Driver Kit (WDK) is a fully integrated driver development system for the Microsoft Windows family of operating systems. It combines the Windows DDK and the Hardware Compatibility Test (HCT) kits, and also provides tests that Microsoft uses to test the stability and reliability of the Windows operating system.

The WDK release schedule parallels that of the next release of Windows, codenamed "Longhorn." A Beta version of the WDK will be available at each Windows Longhorn Beta release, and the release candidate (RC) version of the WDK will be available at the same time as the Windows Longhorn Release Candidate. WDK Beta releases will be available through the Windows Longhorn Beta program.

The WDK includes support for driver development and testing:

? Windows Driver Foundation (WDF) simplifies the development and support of Windows drivers.

? Header file refactoring reduces header file complexity by providing a simpler directory structure, eliminating declaration conflicts, and using a single set of header files for all supported Windows versions.

? Installable File Systems (IFS) Kit headers, libraries, samples, and documentation will be distributed as part of the WDK.

? WDK Driver Test Manager provides automated test system configuration and test execution, and test logging. It can be used to run tests and manage test systems and test labs for both Microsoft-supplied and other compatible tests.

? PREfast is a static source code analysis tool that detects certain classes of errors that the typical compiler doesn't find.

? Call Usage Verifier is a run-time analysis tool that tracks how drivers use data structures in device driver interface calls.

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