[question] Notebook Glass effects

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Hi folks, I have a question, and maybe some of u installed 1st Beta of Vista will be able to answer my questions.

Will this specs of my notebook can see the whole glass effects on the final Windows Vista?

Intel Celeron M 1.3Ghz (400Mhz, 512KB L2)


40GB Fujitsu HDD

Intel 855GM Integrated Graphics with 8-64MB shared memory << will this be enuf?

Intel integrated sound chip

Will this be sufficient? I mean I'm not planning to install in Beta version, but will this be enough to see all the eye candy on the final version later?


Fixed the speed parts :p

Edited by democles
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I don't think so especally since it's intel graphics and not ATI or nVidia.

And what do you mean by 8-64mb?

It only has 8mb of physical VRAM?

As for seeing it in the final version, I still don't think so, especally since that will be way under par now.

The final version is due over a year from now.

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8-64MB >> I can set from 8 to 64MB shared. Maybe 32MB shared I pressume enogh to see the effects there.

So u mean that most notebooks that we bought now will not see any eye candy of Windows Vista (with exceptions of GeForce2Go and ATI X-Series) later? Are notebook users are doomed to see the same GUI again just like WinXP?

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Basically. The term "eye candy" is important implying that its just for show.

That's not even worth considering a "graphics card." Anything with shared memory has a slim chance of being able to work well.


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8-64MB >> I can set from 8 to 64MB shared. Maybe 32MB shared I pressume enogh to see the effects there.

So u mean that most notebooks that we bought now will not see any eye candy of Windows Vista (with exceptions of GeForce2Go and ATI X-Series) later? Are notebook users are doomed to see the same GUI again just like WinXP?


No, it doesn't mean that at all. It means your laptop is painfully outdated even by todays standards, let alone what will be standard by the time Vista launches.

There are many many laptops out that will support the full features of Vista visual effects right now. Yours isn't one of them. Sorry.

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Only ATI and nVidia have released LDDM video drivers, and only for directx 9 compliant video cards. These drivers are required to have the aero-glass experience.

I HIGHLY doubt your on board intel video card falls in this category.

Now to answer your question, will Vista final enable glass for non LDDM driven video cards? I don't know, but I can bet that they won't. Will Intel release LDDM drivers for your card ?


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Whoops... sorry major mistake, its an Celeron M 1.3Ghz (400Mhz FSB and 512KB cache) It fairly new aniway..

So.. if Intel releases LDDM driver for my 855GME integrated graphics, will I see those glass effects? (sorry no eye candy term again here :) )

Why everyone so doubtful that Intel will come out with LDDM enabled driver for 855GME chipset? I see the 3D capabity of these chips, and yes eventhough its mediocre but it still have some punch on the 3D part (more like tickling punch :D )

So notebooks bought today are doomed not to see full glass effects yes?

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I have a realitevly up-to-date laptop (at the moment) and it has a Nvidea GeForce 6200 Go with 128mb memory and that is nativly DirectX 9, would that be compatable with the final version of Vista?

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The level of Glass effects in beta 1 do not require a card with DX9 shaders. They just need to be DX9-compatible. That's why the FX 5200 works fairly well (although you'll want a 64MB version at least - the 32MB in my laptop slows down a lot at resolutions over 1024x768).

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So for notebook user, at the final version later, what level of Glass effects ultimately notebook user will get without any Dx9 native support? I know it wont be the maximum setting allowed (Glass Aero??) but at least level 2 of the setting, will it be possible?

Jeez, Dx9 compatible adapter just for the desktop, I see Mac doesnt need this kind of hardware muscle to display the effects on their MAC OSX...

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