coming soon: 5 bucks a gallon for gas

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Around here gas is $2.85. It makes us wonder if we can afford a Pruis.

Meanwhile the stupidiy of driving big vehicles goes on... And makes me glad I don't have a car.

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The problem with the dumb masses of America is that they're hypocrites. They drive around in SUVs with gas efficiencies that are like 10 MPG and they complain that gas costs too much. Seriously, who in the big cities or suburbs of America actually go off-roading on a regular basis? Need more passenger space? Buy a minivan, at least they're more efficient.


Actually, the people I hear complaining the most (including myself) don't drive SUVs. I rarely hear someone who drives a Tahoe, Expedition, Suburban, etc. complain about the gas prices. Unfortunately, because people keep buying these things, it affects the majority of drivers who DON'T have an SUV. It sucks but there are people who just don't give a sh*t about anything that doesn't affect them.

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I drive a 72 chevelle, i get 10mpg (calculated), and it runs on 93 octane, yeah ;)

I'm not complaining, when I go to the pump, Its because I need gas, I'm not going to say "well i guess i can go a few more miles and pray gas goes down 2 cents", yeah right, your going to fill up no matter what so stop bitching. You cant control it so deal with it. BTW not everyone wants to drive a hybrid, the fact is that americans like their cars and would rather pay the extra money to drive a corvette, or a v8 bmw, than a prius or something.

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I drive a 72 chevelle, i get 10mpg (calculated), and it runs on 93 octane, yeah ;)

I'm not complaining, when I go to the pump, Its because I need gas, I'm not going to say "well i guess i can go a few more miles and pray gas goes down 2 cents", yeah right, your going to fill up no matter what so stop bitching.  You cant control it so deal with it.  BTW not everyone wants to drive a hybrid, the fact is that americans like their cars and would rather pay the extra money to drive a corvette, or a v8 bmw, than a prius or something.


:rolleyes: Unfortunately, it's not that simple. If you've bothered to read some articles lately or some posts on neowin, you'd realize that the price of gas affects the price of OTHER goods. 10mpg? you're nuts.

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Any one else thinking..."There goes my computer upgrade?"

586397274[/snapback] are we to keep the economy going at all if all our money goes to gas?

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Why pick on America? Gas prices are high everywhere, take a friggin look out the window. I can see it rising worldwide over the next few years and I can also see people finally getting fed up with it like we should be. It can only rise as high as we ourselves let it.

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Well the American standard of living basic prices are based on gas. So the most simple things such as ulitiles and everything else will go up. Our economy is going to be screwey for the next year or so. Sorry homies no more spinnin on those 22's. :p

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Pick on America because their gas prices are a third of ours! Damn b*****s lol

With London prices I doubt there would be so many SUVs around :D

And oil will ALWAYS run out in 20 years. That's how far in time the oil companies have prospected. Except it's always 20 years because they always prospect until they've found enough oil to drill for the next 20 years.

After which they go prospect again, extending the time limit yet again.

Although with China entering the balance, we as a planet are going to use enormous amounts of oil so expect prices to keep rising.

As a matter of fact it is more energy-economical to drive an oil-fuelled car than an electric. Simply because so much energy is wasted in producing the electricity (ironically if you're in the States, mostly by burning oil) that it simply doesn't compare to a car where all the energy (except heat and friction losses) is transferred directly into kinetic energy.

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By the time we actually run out of oil, there will be a better and more efficient source of energy that we will use to propel ourselves around town. In 20 years, I plan on being a millionaire anyways, so I won't worry about the price of gas. :D

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Perhaps this will halt the sales of SUVs and other gas-guzzlers? Anything that manages less than 20mpg is absolutely pathetic. :no: It is very sad that people even consider them.

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I can't afford to drive my 12 passenger SUV to the store for a gallon of milk!!! WAAAAAAAA

Big deal!!! Gas is way more expensive up here in Canada. As it is...its already approaching $5/gallon (whatever the hell a "gallon" is).

Easy solution:

IF gas is too expensive TAKE THE DAMN BUS!!!!!!

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With hybrids becoming more prevalent and fuel cells going into cars within the next 5 years, we'll survive. Best way to avoid getting bitch slapped by fuel prices... find a car that doesn't use it (or at least not as much).

I also find it amusing that just to injure Americans (or any other "Infidels"), terrorists would be willing to blow up their main source of income for their respective country's economy (oil pipelines). I understand them taking their own lives for their "worthwhile fight", but to take their lives and lower the standard of living for hundereds of thousands of their countrymen who don't want to participate in a fool's battle... lets just say i dont even begin to understand that one. Ya know what... the American's and everyone else will leave Iraq eventually. At that point the insurgents will likely be kicking themselves after they take stock in their economic situation. We may pay out the arse at the pumps, but they're driving themselves to be a heavily impoverished country once all is said and done.

It's a little mind blowing to see the lengths people will go to just to stick it to the man sometimes. *boggle*

i apologize ahead of time if anyone finds what i said insensitive.

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I can't afford to drive my 12 passenger SUV to the store for a gallon of milk!!!  WAAAAAAAA

Big deal!!!  Gas is way more expensive up here in Canada.  As it is...its already approaching $5/gallon (whatever the hell a "gallon" is).

Easy solution:

IF gas is too expensive TAKE THE DAMN BUS!!!!!!


Well the bus in my city, Charlotte takes about 1 to 1 1/2 hour to get to your destanation. Now you might want to consider what you just said.

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Yeah, I was kind of thinking of Canada's gas price because I had heard it was nearing $5 a gallon. And on the topic of SUVs and other such gass guzzling cars, this would be your own damn fault. Even with fuel efficient cars though, the cost is just too much to afford now as it is at just $2.50 something where I live. I can even remember back when if it went over $1 per gallon my dad would complain.

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Easy solution:

IF gas is too expensive TAKE THE DAMN BUS!!!!!!


In a lot of cities, it is not an option to use mass transportation. I'm lucky in that my roommate and I work at the same place so we can take turns driving to work. My SUV gets about the same gas milage in the city as most V6 cars(20 mpg). The main problem is that people in the US do not like to drive cars that use wimpy 4 cyl. engines.

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Time to sell my 17 and drive a gas guzzler lol ah well payed for it all myself makes me proud but now time to buy a lil rice burner import to save lol costing me bout 79-80 canadian to fill every week and a half or so

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I heard there is a gas station in charlotte that uses that "corn oil as an option." I dont know the spefic name and I know only a variety of cars run off of it. Anyone know about this?

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You are looking for the product called E85. It's basically 85% ethanol, and 15% gasoline, average price right now, is at $1.59/gal. THere are currently about 400 of these E85 gas stations around in the U.S.

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Even thinking of the dealerships...if it really does go up that high, they'll have a hard time selling their cars if they run on gas.

Plus, people who take the bus will have to pay higher fares to ride it.? Pretty unreal.? Since I drive everywhere as an outside contractor, it's a definite concern.

Hard for me to jump on my 10-speed and make it to customer sites 50 miles away.? I'm not Lance Armstrong!:laugh:ugh:

At least I've been getting good prices on my Diesel though - well, better than gassers anyway.

I guess we'll all have to wait and see...Glad all my customers are set with remote access to their sites.? I really only have to visit some of them when hardware breaks, since I can do nearly everything remotely.? Yeah VPN);? ;)


When the oil runs out it is not only a matter on how high the oil prices will be...EVERYTHING will be more expensive, because to make stuff we need energy, energy means oil....sure there is nuclair energy, but it seems to have some negative side effect....HYDROGEN!!! that is THE future. It's easy to make, produces no bad exhaust. Hell they where able to make those fuelcell engine back in the 60's so why not now. And not only in cars, energy plants running on hydrogen. So why not now? Because those arabic countries have invested soooooo much money in Europa and the USA that if we would stop buying there oil at any price, they start retracting their money and leaving us bankrupt, but leaving us bankrupt we will stop buying there oil, leaving it a black sticky worthless substance.......the end (of the world as we know it)

Edited by ThaOddie
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