Any Professional Video Editors Here?

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Basically, i'm extremely interested video editing whether it be film or television. I am a regular watcher of the special feature discs, and notably the parts where they show the video editing process, how speed is used, how the type of scene is reflected by the way the editing plays out the scene (ie. keeping motion in the scene, no static shots etc). Anyway....

How would i go about getting into this type of career? What kind of qualifications are needed? Is it possible to go into this type of work without degrees?

I'm interested to get your answers to those questions, and any tips or advice you may have.


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I'm certainly not a pro, but from what I've read about getting into the CG industry (which might not be the same idea) you need to have talent and a good demo reel. A degree isn't necessary I think, but it would be nice to have. Depending where you would like to work, the company may require one to know the program they use for video editing like Avid, FCP, Premiere Pro. CG, video editing, and possibly directing is something I'm interested in to.

CG Schools and Demo Reels @ CGTalk

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Yes but i am asking this from the point of view somebody who is starting in this career from scratch. Somebody who has a interest and wants to take it further.

Thank you for your input anyway.

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Well - experience would be key. Can you use one of the respected programs? Premiere, Final Cut very well? You NEED to learn one of these programs. Build a portfolio of work you have done. Probably its a good idea to have a degree too, im just about to start on my degree course in it. Editing looks fun but it takes aaaaages to get a scene to look right - i've almost finished filming and editing my summer movie project i've done for fun - its taken ages to perfect it. If you dont enjoy doing nit picky lengthy editing, its not for you.

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Well - experience would be key.  Can you use one of the respected programs? Premiere, Final Cut very well? You NEED to learn one of these programs.  Build a portfolio of work you have done.  Probably its a good idea to have a degree too, im just about to start on my degree course in it.  Editing looks fun but it takes aaaaages to get a scene to look right - i've almost finished filming and editing my summer movie project i've done for fun - its taken ages to perfect it.  If you dont enjoy doing nit picky lengthy editing, its not for you.


I am a picky editor! hehe

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trust me, companies usually frown on you having a degree in this kind of work. I work in sound, but I do the occasional video job. I got hired because I had a good portfolio and no formal training. They actually told me they didn't want to hire people with formal training because it limits the imagination. Just learn your stuff well, make a kick-ass portfolio, and you'll get hired quickly

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