Manchester Utd. beat Chelsea 1-0

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Manchester United beat Chelsea 1-0 to go up to 3rd in the table, Darren Fletcher scoring the only goal, and ending Chelsea's 39 match unbetaten streak. What a belter of a match it was!!

Hope this signals a change of fortunes for Man Utd.

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Hopefully, apart from the last 20 minutes or so they looked like they were playing like the Man U of old.

Still think Man U need to buy a player or two in the transfer window, another striker and a midfielder (Ledely King as a replacement for Keane???).

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Looks like they have answered some of the comments made during the week.

Was a good game, it's nice to see Chelsea having to fight for the ball for once

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yh, that was a well good match. How come man u play only good against the good team and play **** against the crap team, I.e lille, Middlesborough.

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Since Beckham left Manchester this team only can play the weak Premier League. To be International-level Manchester needs more attack power and Nistelroy is _very_ regular player.

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Wasn't it obvious? I knew for like a whole month that Man UTD will beat Chelsea today, not because I care really... I like Liverpool but I don't like the FA Premiership at all .

But I guess this is good result no matter who fan you are, its better for the sake of football anywhere.

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The match was poor. They cancelled each other out most of the 94 minutes.

Arsenal will still win the premiership, problem is past season and a half we've had out our second team playing.

There is no-way Chelsea can win a trophy this year if they play that bad and against Man U's youth team.

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The match was poor. They cancelled each other out most of the 94 minutes.

Arsenal will still win the premiership, problem is past season and a half we've had out our second team playing.

There is no-way Chelsea can win a trophy this year if they play that bad and against Man U's youth team.


Hope Henry isn't injured and you never know you might get 3rd place ;)

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It's actually a 40 game winning streak

it's actually a 40 game unbeaten steak


yeh we need ballack and we need to **** off keane i hate him. if only we got essien :(

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You can tell fergie is under pressure, he swore in the post match interview. When asked if this is the worst spell in his 19 year reign he said "that's absolute bollocks, we've had worse spells then this" :D

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since when was bollocks a swearword lol


I suppose it is a swear word when the kiddies are listening :rolleyes: , as if they don't already know what it means.

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Man Utd almost signed Ronaldinho if not for Peter Kenyon who jumped ship to Chelsea. :angry:

Man Utd almost signed Michael Essien if not for Chelsea who offered more money.

I wonder if Chelsea will spoil Man Utd's chances of signing Michael Ballack too!

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Don't forget Roben and Duff, Man U were interested in both of them and they went to Chelski.

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Man Utd almost signed Ronaldinho if not for Peter Kenyon who jumped ship to Chelsea. 

Man Utd almost signed Michael Essien if not for Chelsea who offered more money

i almost cry when i hear these again lol

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I though t Chelsea went 40 matches unbetean? Well thanks Man Utd for keeping Arsenal's unbetean record of 49 matchs intact!

As for the match, I saw it all on T.V. and it was great!

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Awesome! :D

As long as Utd can build on this.

Ball to Ledley King, he's crap. Go out and get Ballack in the summer for a free, and get Willy Sagnol for a free too. Both great players. Times are changing at Utd, he is building a new team and needs more time. I am still suprised that we are competing as we are, good on the players in there. Smith and Fletcher responded to the criticism well too.

Don't forget, we may have beaten Chelsea and proven something to them, but we still have to go out and beat every other team out there.

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