More WMP 11 "Information?"

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Its not "Information" acutally, it's more about the "things" that a few people is working on lately, and that has to do with WMP11...


Ok, so do you remember the following picture:


Old news, right. This was a WMP 11 "Mockup" Made right after the 5219 build was available. Now, somebody actually took a bit of his time to

make an awesome gadget with these specs -


This is a gadget of the "Fake" Windows Media Player 11 UI. I tested it already, it still does not have any big features as it is in its

"pre-release" phase. But i guess some of you might want to test it and give feedback to the creator.

Here is a link to his thread at WinMatrix:

And here is the link to download it at deviantART:


Now, back to the "Real" things. Here is the "Real" Windows Media Player 11 UI... ahem, running on XP?

Yes, as you heard. This is something I thought of but *thanks :cool:* that somebody else did it already!

It's a skin of WMP11 that works on WMP10!

Oh yes its real... this is a screenshot of it running on my Work's Desk...


there is nothing else i can say, but... click below to download :)

Download Here

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Yep the WMP10 skin is very buggy... you can still download it but I don't recommended since its compatibility with the player is very limited and buggy...

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Yep the WMP10 skin is very buggy... you can still download it but I don't recommended since its compatibility with the player is very limited and buggy...


very true, when you hit burn it brings you to nero webpage and you can't use album art, and the visualizations still play in the background of a video if you don't turn them off yourself.

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this is just a skin. It's *not* the WMP11 ... give it a break.

(edited to add *not*)

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