Sugar Bowl

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Yea, this is a horrendous game. Miami fired 4 coaches after an ass whooping. I wonder if the same will happen here?

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WVU is no joke...Pat White is going to be a heisman candidate soon. Those guys may just contend for a national title in the next few years (the team is really young and they have alot of really good recruits).

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Heh, yeah, I keep expecting Georgia to turn it around and score at least once but everytime I think that, off goes WVU scoring again. I actually just started channel surfing to see if there is anything better on :laugh:

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ahh offenses come and go. congrats on the win against iowa, by the way.

No, no. Congratulations to you and a big fat THANK YOU for the absolute domination of scUM. That was a pretty game to watch, definitely LSU has been the class of the SEC this postseason.

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yeah, 40-3 was quite delightful. i'm not sure the game was even that close, haha.

it probably will turn out to be better... i've seen a lot of football and there have been some great ones which started out this way.

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This is the funnest game to watch... I thought the Teddy Ginn show in the first half of the Fiesta Bowl would be hard to beat

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I think they decided to play now, too bad it's half time, they'd probably blow the door down, now they have to break momentum

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I think they decided to play now, too bad it's half time, they'd probably blow the door down, now they have to break momentum

Yea thats gonna hurt their momentum...I just wanna see a good game tonight though.

btw...Do you go to App. State?? Congrats on your National Title if so :yes:

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bowl season is always crazy. i really thought auburn would win that game (thought before the game started, that is) and i thought Notre Dame would win too. oh well, thats what makes college football great, that and USC going for their second crystal trophy this year.... people have problems counting all the way to three, don't they?

yeah, congrats on the app state title this year!

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Haha, I applied to App State (I'm from Raleigh), and then I ended up going to OU. Who knew I should have gone to App State if I wanted to go to a school that would win a National Championship :p

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btw...Do you go to App. State?? Congrats on your National Title if so :yes:

I do... well did, I graduated in December. And thank ya. It was a fun game, i'm glad I got to be a part of it. Now I have to find out where they are holding it so I can go see it and take a picture with it hehe

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