Calculating Errors

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Im writing up my lab report, and one this they love over here is for you to do long and tedious error analysis.

Anyway, basically I have a set of angles (x), all with independent errors on (0.10 degree) (dx) and i'm asked to take the sin of these angles (degrees, not radians). What do I do to the error? I have a feeling I have to differentiate sinx, and work out cosx (where x is the angle) and times it by dx (error in angle) to determine dz (error in sinx), however this is giving me very large error bars :s

Any help would be GREATLY appreciated!

Thanks :)


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y = sin x

you want to find out the effect on y due to an uncertainty in x. think of it as a rate of change in x.

dy/dx = cos x

dy = dx*cos x

plug in the value of x at a particular point and the uncertainty in your measurement, and you get the estimated error.

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