Illogical/weird people

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(This is kinda a spinoff of the opinions thread, but should deserve its own one).

I just had the same discussion with my dad again, a master example of stupid people. An overview:

Scene 1: Good weather announced.

Him: "Ah, weather forecast announced sunny weather the next 4 days. [editor: notice 4 days]"

Me: "Forecast is bullsh*t, you can't forecast a chaos system for 4 days."

Him: "They said also it'd be sunny today, and it is sunny. You think you're a physicist, or what?"

Me: "Bleh."

Scene 2: The next day, it rains.

Him: "Ah damn, it's raining the whole day. These weather forecasts are good for nothing."

Me: "I told you often enough."

Him: "You think I wouldn't know forecast is nothing to trust in???"


Similar people are also in high ranks, like politicians. Check out all the laws they're creating recently, and actually also in general.

Are there other people here who feel harassed by stuff like that? I mean, my experience is, that this is a common thing. Stupidness combined with False Authority Syndrome. :/

Share your experiences.

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*bangs head on keyboard*

Is this a spinoff in response to what I said in the "*rant*people imposing their will on others*rant*" thread? But yes, there are many stupid people on Earth, maybe some on this Earth, but please make all possible attempts to forgive / correct them in a calm, orderly, and logical fashion.

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If you forgive them, either you stop the convo and don't talk at all, or be prepared to be kicked in the head again in less then 15secs.

People say I'm pretty calm and I don't talk a lot. Guess why! :/

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Same here, i've had tons of such discussions in my college. Some of my college friends can be goddamn dumb. I just say, yeah you're rite and not respond to their crap anymore.

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