NFL superbowl champions!

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The only questionable call was the touchdown pass that they called the seahawks received for pushing off. He pushed off question is did he push of enough to get a penalty. Then the holding call everyone is angry over is stupid, the seahawk lineman practiacally had the steeler in the sleeper hold. Seahawks beat themselves, steelers played a bad game and still won by 11. You won't see the NFL coming out this week and saying there was a wrong call because there wasn't. Oh yeah and Bens touchdown. he might now of landed in the endzone but look where the ball is while he is in the air its over the white line, then he gets hit back. Thats what they called the touchdown not him sticking it over after he landed

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The only questionable call was the touchdown pass that they called the seahawks received for pushing off. He pushed off question is did he push of enough to get a penalty. Then the holding call everyone is angry over is stupid, the seahawk lineman practiacally had the steeler in the sleeper hold. Seahawks beat themselves, steelers played a bad game and still won by 11. You won't see the NFL coming out this week and saying there was a wrong call because there wasn't. Oh yeah and Bens touchdown. he might now of landed in the endzone but look where the ball is while he is in the air its over the white line, then he gets hit back. Thats what they called the touchdown not him sticking it over after he landed

You were watching the game that was on Sunday, right? :p

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he definatly scored! I rewound my DVR and watched zoomed in in slow motion, and the ball did indeed break the white line.

The rule works like this... If any part of the ball crosses any part of the line it is a touchdown. This happened in mid-air, and then Roethlisberger was knocked back while still in the air. The ref. even reviewed it and saw it as such. The problem is people don't know the rules, and think he had to cross the line to score, which is not the way things work in the NFL.

Edited by +general chaos
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Well said general chaos, glad to see someone arguing a point when they actually know what they are talking about.

oh and L3thal, way to support your opinion with an opinionated jerk that decided to jump on the seahawks ban wagon before they accomplished anything. Seahawks finished second this year, its a shame they weren't in the AFC because there were at least 4 or 5 teams better than them, including the steelers who they just lost to.

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Watch it agian, when he is in the air it goes over the white, the white line is part of the endzone. So if the ball goes onto the white one millimeter its a touchdown.

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I saw one photo (I think it was the Daily News) where I'm not sure if it was a freeze frame shot or someone took an actual photograph but it looked a LOT closer than I thought it was. I still don't know for sure but it looked darn close to being in some form of contact with the line. Honeslty, it's been two days now and I'm still not sure which way it should have gone.

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the seahawks had a chance. If they hadn't miss all those conversions then the might have a chance to beat Steelers. and the refree calls sucked even though im a Steelers fan

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oh and L3thal, way to support your opinion with an opinionated jerk that decided to jump on the seahawks ban wagon before they accomplished anything. Seahawks finished second this year, its a shame they weren't in the AFC because there were at least 4 or 5 teams better than them, including the steelers who they just lost to.

Good way to support your opinion by bashing someone's article which clearly states the facts that happened during the game.

I still don't see the ball crossing the white line by millimeters or inches, so unless you have an ultra-zoomed in special image that I can see, that wasn't a touchdown.

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winners win... losers bitch


i know this isn't the best pic, but he is still moving forward at this point. Wait a few days and definitive pics will be everywhere

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I've never known a sport where people bitch about things as much as american football. Are the rules that ambiguous?

Ultimately: What's the point? There's nothing you can do about it anyway.

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I still don't see the ball crossing the white line by millimeters or inches, so unless you have an ultra-zoomed in special image that I can see, that wasn't a touchdown.

I didn't think my TV was ultra-zoom. I didn't have that installed or anything, it must have come built in because I had no problem. Maybe you should get in the market for and ultra-zoom TV, I hear they are top of the line and you can really see when someone scores a touchdown.

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I've never known a sport where people bitch about things as much as american football. Are the rules that ambiguous?

Ultimately: What's the point? There's nothing you can do about it anyway.

Yeah actually to be honest, as much as i love soccer (football to any non-USers) I think that sport has the biggest whiners in the world lol.

But I think it was ridiculous of the NFL to issue the "game was properly officiated" statement.

The Roethlisberger TD, like I said they couldn't overturn that so whatever call they made on the field had to stand. Ws it wrong? I'm still not sure but hey when it's that close in a frozen pic a guy making the call in real time can be given some slack.

The offensive pass interference I think was wrong but, hey judgment call? Fine whatever.

But I mean at the least the clipping call on Hasselbeck had to be seen as just plain wrong.

And again I was rooting for the Steelers.

The officiating throught the palyoffs was very questionable. The Steelers themselves got screwed against Indy and the Pats had some serious bad calls against them against Denver. The NFL has to do something about consistency among its refs.

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But I mean at the least the clipping call on Hasselbeck had to be seen as just plain wrong.

The thing about this play is Hasselbeck wasn't trying to clip, if he would have gotten away with it, it still wouldn't have helped, But it was a clip wether he accidentally did it or not. So if its not intentional and doesn't help it still has to be called. Even though he is and offensive player he has to know the rules for defense.

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The thing about this play is Hasselbeck wasn't trying to clip, if he would have gotten away with it, it still wouldn't have helped, But it was a clip wether he accidentally did it or not. So if its not intentional and doesn't help it still has to be called. Even though he is and offensive player he has to know the rules for defense.

Now I'm really convinced you didn't see the game. :laugh:

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Now I'm really convinced you didn't see the game. :laugh:

You realize we are talking about Football.....American Football, you know the game they play where they use a ball kinda shaped like an oval, not the game where they use a Soccer ball.

Instead of telling me in one sentance "did you see the game?" or "im convinced you didn't see the game" why don't you tell me why im wrong, unless of course "you didn't see the game"

I'm convinced you had something riding on this game and refuse to except the fact that the seahawks lost the game, and went all season with one of the easiest schedules.

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