New Nintendo Wii Promo trailer!

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I'm still amazed at how people can have such out of wack perspectives as to think that hype about a controller is a bad and weird thing.

The most-used aspect of a gaming system is somehow unimportant. I just don't understand it, and I don't know if I ever want to.

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I mean, I really RESPECT the gamers who choose to get this system over better-looking Xbox 360 and PS3. Have FUN with it you gonna need it!!!

I am NOT a fanboy, nor a hater so it's NOT because I like Sony and Microsoft more, but I DON'T like the price of Wii for what it offers. It should be Less than $200!

Last Gen graphics + a cool remote = ONLY $50 less than Xbox 360/PS3 core? Does the remote really justify all that MUCH?

Not to me!

I think Graphics now days are important ! Of course, NOT MORE important than gameplay, but EQUALLY as important!

It's just Astonishing to see games becoming MORE & MORE like a Hollywood movie, that Wii can NOT accomplish by any means :(

Part of what Next-Gen is about, is to see games becoming more Real like REAL WORLD! And games like Assassin's Creed & Mass Effect on 360 (MGS 4 on PS3) come pretty close now!

And, last time I checked KOTOR, KOTOR 2, Jade Empire, Oblivion, Fable, Metal Gear Solid, Final Fantasy has GREAT gameplays NO shorter than any Gamecube games, so we can throw out the window the Nintendo's OLD Gameplay argument. So that's NOT a factor Nintendo is Better at, period.

Not anymore!

I DON'T consider it justified when compared to Xbox 360 or PS3! Regardless of gameplay aspect of the remote, it is NOT really that innovative!

Even if this is a Virtual Reality based system with graphics like that I am NOT interested for $250 :no:

I would still get it probably around $150 and under... Because I am NOT a fanboy I like to try all systems eventually!

MY advise to Nintendo is: Graphics IS important, ignore that and you gonna lose some consumers.

Edited by JediXAngel
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Have FUN with it you gonna need it!!!

Obviously. Consoles are about having fun. If you're getting a console to experience the real world, you haven't been out in the real world enough.

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Times change and so do i, cant be hanging on for many years with almost the same thing over and over again.

Wii graphics? seen them already on the GC. There are better consoles with better graphics so why shouldn't i go for them? Guess Mario and stuff are allright if you really dig that stuff (still). I just got older and the whole image that Nintendo has isn't for me anymore. Thats why i think the games and the graphics are crappy. Oh man did i love my C64 back in the day,so if you did love it just like me i guess as a real gamer you are still playing it alot unlike me.

And about that controller... didn't they say they wanted to make the Wii for everybody to enjoy? The currently NONgamers.

Then how about the handicapped or physically challenged people? Bet they will have alot of fun not getting anywhere with that thing.

i shown a picture of the wii remote to some guy i worked with, and his eyes lit up because his father is handicapped. He lost his left arm and can't hold a controller with two hands, so yes. the handicaped/physically challenged people will have fun with it.

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i shown a picture of the wii remote to some guy i worked with, and his eyes lit up because his father is handicapped. He lost his left arm and can't hold a controller with two hands, so yes. the handicaped/physically challenged people will have fun with it.

that's a stretch don't you think...i'll be amazed if people that fall into that category even play the system or any system for that matter. I really don't see handicap, elderly, or women sitting around saying damn i'd like to play the 360 or the ps2 but those 8 buttons on the controller just confuse me. give me a break with this non-sense, the controlling for game systems has never been their weak point, it's just a simple as pushing buttons which is something everybody does all day, every day of their life. People who haven't played video games have made the choice simply because they aren't interested, the gameplay itself was too hard for them or for other reasons.

Let's take Zelda. a great game for you and me, the average hardcore game, but for the non-gamer it's still the sam exact Zelda game. It doesn't matter it has a point and click controller now, it's the fact that the game itself is still a difficult and mentally challenging game. The controller isn't going to magically make people have the brains to be able to overcome the challenges built-in to Zelda, that can only happen when somebody develops the mental ability to say i'm going to sit here on this couch and spend my free time trying to overcome this obstacle. About the only game that would be easy for people who've never played a game to play IMO is Wiisports only because a baseball game and bowling requires like no effort. All the other games like Zelda, Red Steel, Rayman and others still present a challenge for people to overcome.

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