Borat (2006)

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This movie is the funniest iv seen all year ;) you want to **** your self at the cinema then this is one movie to make you do that :p

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Not really my kind of humour but I thought it was funny. Especially the fighting part. My and my friend had tears in the eyes and she couldn't stop laughing for minutes until she almost choked on popcorn. Ahh the memories...

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Two words:


But seriously, I have never seen a funnier movie in my life. Nothing comes close.

Yeah the naked fighting might have been a little much but it still makes you laugh uncontrollably while trying to look away, but you can't because it's so wrong yet funny. Like when they're in the 69 position and he's yelling out "Eat my ass!" and his balls are smacking him in the face.. I about died in laughter and threw up at the same time. Definitely not a movie to bring your kids to, the fact it got an "R" rating surprises me a bit.

If you're going to see a movie and haven't seen Borat yet, you must. You'll miss out if you don't see it in the theater. This is a must see if there ever was one.

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It was funny, but I don't think it was worth seeing it in theaters. It's the kind of movie that I think makes a good rental.

Are you nuts? One of the best parts about going to this movie in the theater is seeing how everyone reacts to the stuff in the movie.

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Just came back from a late screening.

Nowhere near as good as the TV series, he does recycle a lot of the material (e.g. "my wife, she is dead").


Classic moments though:

- in the metro, when this guy asks him to "**** off" and stands up threateningly

- the bear!!! I never laughed as hard as during that scene with the small kids

- Pamela Anderson... wait and see. Easily THE most amusing moment out of any film made in the last 10 years or so. I can't actually believe he did that.

- the college students (who have since filed a lawsuit against him)

- the WASP dinner where they all start making up excuses to leave when he brings in the prostitute and he eventually gets kicked out

- when he stays at the Jews' house. The soundtrack, the roaches, every single thing from the moment they open the door to when he runs out was comedic gold

- the guy just before the rodeo that tells him he should "shave that moustache" cos otherwise he'll be mistaken for "one of these muslim folks - we kicked their arses over there though"

Shame about the whole speaking in kazak thing, and we see too much of his home country and behind the scene stuff - the comedy value of Borat is his interaction with Westerners...

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