[Rugby] Ireland's 21-6 defeat of Australia

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After Irelands 21-6 defeat of Australia i decided to visit some aussie sports boards.

I wasnt suprised to see them packed with comments insulting Ireland and full of excuses why they lost. This seems to be a national sport, gracious in defeat is not somthing Australians seem to practice very well.


Australia were played off the park for perhaps 75 of the 80 mins. Despite the incredible phases of ball retention of the ball play that ireland had the aussies moan that they are tired after a long season...well guess what, Ireland rested 5 of there starting team for the game.

Comon guys suck it up.

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I don't visit The Sporting Arena very often so I don't know what typically goes on in here, but this post seems a little like flame bait. You shouldn't insult all Australians because you read negative comments written by a few of them. And if you are posting these kind of threads in response, how does that make you any better than the few you did mean to insult?

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So a few bad mouthed comments on a "sports" forum are supposed to generalise the entire Australian sporting community? I think not, you guys played good but it?s wrong to assume that where all sore losers because of some idiot?s comment:cry:cry:

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Well done to the Irish lads! They kicked our arses and fully deserved the win over the Aussies! In fact they also seriously kicked some Aussie butt!

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I don't visit The Sporting Arena very often so I don't know what typically goes on in here, but this post seems a little like flame bait. You shouldn't insult all Australians because you read negative comments written by a few of them. And if you are posting these kind of threads in response, how does that make you any better than the few you did mean to insult?

No im making a general comment of what i see as typical behaviour from Australian sports fans. Whenever ireland beat the US in any sports, general comments are "good game" well done. The south Africans were gracious in Defeat even tho they only played their second string team against us.

This is not Flame Bait.

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As much of an Australian born teenager i am, i must whole heartedly agree. The media (newspaper, sports news, all of them), general discussion on forums, friends i talk to etc etc Its true, theres always an excuse as to why Aussies lose and its not 'our' fault. Suck it up, we're not the best at every sport.

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Well done to the Irish lads! They kicked our arses and fully deserved the win over the Aussies! In fact they also seriously kicked Aussie buts!

Thats what i mean...The first south african comment... Gracious.

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oh come on we were obviously robbed of our victory irish slimebags can obviously not play rugby

i was joking yes we are the sorest losers on earth and i think there is something in our national anthem on that soccer world cup anyone? but the thing is were always still on top if you win we give you **** about how we were cheated if we win we give you **** about how you suck

aussie and proud

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I live here in Aus and I agree with you 110%

Especially in regards to cricket. Ricky Ponting is a sore loser, and the only credible player that represents Australia is Adam Gilchrest.

Look at tennis and Lleyton Hewit! He is a mass sore loser.

Australians complain and cheat (again especially Ricky Ponting and the ICC (which is dominated by India and Australia))

Now I am an Australian Citizen with Indian Descent and born in South Africa, I am 110% South Africa supporter, and will never, not even for money support India or Australia!

Only respect I give to Australian sports is to the Soccerroos, from what I have seen they are great players and are't as crybaby as Ponting or Shane Warne.

Thats My Rant!

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After Irelands 21-6 defeat of Australia i decided to visit some aussie sports boards.

I wasnt suprised to see them packed with comments insulting Ireland and full of excuses why they lost. This seems to be a national sport, gracious in defeat is not somthing Australians seem to practice very well.


Australia were played off the park for perhaps 75 of the 80 mins. Despite the incredible phases of ball retention of the ball play that ireland had the aussies moan that they are tired after a long season...well guess what, Ireland rested 5 of there starting team for the game.

Comon guys suck it up.

I heard the reason the Australians played so bad is because they were not allowed to remove their ball n chain.

England finally won!

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England finally won!

Yes!! lol... any win even over southafricas B team is a win....

Ireland made light work of them the previous week...

if you win we give you **** about how we were cheated if we win we give you **** about how you suck
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So a few bad mouthed comments on a "sports" forum are supposed to generalise the entire Australian sporting community? I think not, you guys played good but it’s wrong to assume that where all sore losers because of some idiot’s comments. :cry:

That was what I was thinking too...so just cause a few, all Australians are now branded as sore losers..hardly seems fair does it? :unsure:

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Look, stereotypes exist. Live with it. One stereotype about the Aussies is that they are a race of whining sore losers. Recent sporting events have sorta shown that is CAN SOMETIMES be the case.

To this end, I agree with snyper. As brits, we can often hold our hands up and say "Hey we lost, we gave it a good try, but lost". The Aussies often seem to list off reasons why they lost - reasons beyond their control. These are excuses, nothing more.

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We're just no good at losing graciously because we haven't had enough practice!

OK OK Joe King.

Yes we take our sport a bit too seriously, but what else can we do? We are second to the USA in terms of obesity! Gotta lose that fat!

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As much of an Australian born teenager i am, i must whole heartedly agree. The media (newspaper, sports news, all of them), general discussion on forums, friends i talk to etc etc Its true, theres always an excuse as to why Aussies lose and its not 'our' fault. Suck it up, we're not the best at every sport.

I don't think we are the best at any sport? I rarely hear of Australia wining anything to be honest (other then the Socceroos and Cricket) Still, I guess you could say we are a pack of whiners, look what happened at the G20 summit in Melbourne the other day, a complete disgrace :( Australia will probably be banned for future G20 summits cause of that now. Considering we are regarded as been laid back people, you'd think we'd take losing in a more dignified manner..oh well can't live up to all the stereotypes :p

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I am encouraged by the responce of Neowins aussies...

Im nt calling all aussies sore loosers, but the prevailing opinion from what i have expierenced is that they are.

Irish ppl like drinking? Not all of us, but the prevailing opinion is yes as a nation we do....get my point.?

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One Australian player who did not want to be named paid the Irish the ultimate compliment.

"They are on the curve that the English were before 2003 (they beat the Aussies in the final minute of extra-time in the World Cup final) in terms of age, experience and class.

"Next year will be their last chance for this group because a lot will have to go afterwards but I have to say that they look like they are the sole realistic challenger from the northern hemisphere."

However as one Irish pundit put it reality can bite.

"If only the World Cup final was next weekend."

An extract from a news article in South Africa.

Why did the player want to remain unnamed???

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I don't think we are the best at any sport? I rarely hear of Australia wining anything to be honest (other then the Socceroos and Cricket) Still, I guess you could say we are a pack of whiners, look what happened at the G20 summit in Melbourne the other day, a complete disgrace :( Australia will probably be banned for future G20 summits cause of that now. Considering we are regarded as been laid back people, you'd think we'd take losing in a more dignified manner..oh well can't live up to all the stereotypes :p

as an individual thats yours and my thoughts, but as a collective community especially shown through the media, 'professional' ( :rolleyes: ) critics and other members of the society, had Australia not been so soundly robbed and cheated by the Italians, we would have been Football World Champions in our 1st appearance at the cup in 32 years.. along with last years ashes, Wallabies terrible European tour and losing the League tri nations to new zealand were all due to reasons OTHER than our performance... what im trying to say is that it always seems as though it wasnt the Aussies playing bad or anything, but rather the other team or external influences causing the 'unlucky' australian team to lose

about the G20, yeah it is a shame that our country is 'advertised' in that way, hopefully there is none of that at next years APEC summit :s

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had Australia not been so soundly robbed and cheated by the Italians, we would have been Football World Champions in our 1st appearance at the cup in 32 years..

I doubt that but the Aussies were great..the Irish were rite behind them, it reminded us of our first world cup too, we made it to the last 8, only to be robbed by..guess who?! yes Italy

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I doubt that but the Aussies were great..the Irish were rite behind them, it reminded us of our first world cup too, we made it to the last 8, only to be robbed by..guess who?! yes Italy

That was not Italy that robbed you it was the referee and linesman.

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