[Rugby] Ireland's 21-6 defeat of Australia

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Saw that as well. What a defeat.

I go for two teams, being kiwi, All Blacks and any team playing against Australia.

Australians do hype themselves up so much its not funny, they win and its gracious and expected. They lose and its some other excuse other then their own lack of form and performance.

For crying out loud, they should just admit they suck right now, be gracious in defeat, praise the other team and be true professionals instead of bloody whingers and cry babies.

And one other thing, the media really does make things hard as well. If a player is having some bad form, he/she is grilled by the media which isnt good as well. Then of course the player is going to be more concerned and play even worse as their name is mentioned everywhere that he/she sucks.

Australians have to be gracious in defeat, respect their competition and public and media have to support their teams in good and bad times.

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The Irish would do the same thing, if not worse like Soccer-riots

I can't say I've ever really heard of Irish soccer fans rioting...but if you can give me an example, go ahead.

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I can't say I've ever really heard of Irish soccer fans rioting...but if you can give me an example, go ahead.

Well a few years ago when England played Republic of Ireland in the republic the game was abandoned due to riots between Irish and English fans.

All teams have their hooligan element.

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The Irish would do the same thing, if not worse like Soccer-riots

Are you retarded? is somthing hindering proper thinking in your brain? No Irish Fans have EVER been involved in such .. the irish are officially recognised by FIFA and UEFA as been great fans and actually been oficially comended for it..so please get your dam facts straight before you shout your ignorant mouth off.

Are you talking about Salvatore Schillaci form the 1990 world cup in Italy?

Yea, thats the lil maggot!lol, he was playin second division in italy when he got called up to the squad if i remember correct..

Edited by snyper
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Well a few years ago when England played Republic of Ireland in the republic the game was abandoned due to riots between Irish and English fans.

All teams have their hooligan element.

Ireland scored and the English fans did not like it, they tore up the place, now neither side is innocent, but it was the English supporters that did the most damage.


Brings back memories.

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Well a few years ago when England played Republic of Ireland in the republic the game was abandoned due to riots between Irish and English fans.

Get the facts straight there...There were only ENGLISH fans causing trouble. The english fans went and tore up seats and threw them down on the irish fans, they were giving nazi salutes and chanting garbage. Typical...the irish police did kick their chav arses, but there were no problems from the irish fans,,AT ALL!

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Are you retarded? is somthing hindering proper thinking in your brain? No Irish Fans have EVER been involved in such .. the irish are officially recognised by FIFA and UEFA as been great fans and actually been oficially comended for it..so please get your dam facts straight before you shout your ignorant mouth off.

hahahahahahahhaa :laugh: :laugh:

Don't take things so seriously :laugh: I wasn't bringing facts into it, I was just saying that all fanatics are the same. No worse than Apple vs. Microsoft.

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Sore losers? What about those umpteen number of countries that apon loosing a soccer match have riots ect? Not to mention that other countries on the reverse are sore winners, infact I hardly see why you went out to see wha tthe Australian reactions would be on sporting forums.

Now I didnt watch the game but to be honest I'd imagine you would have deserved to win. I havent been a fan of the Aus Rugby team since the 90's in the Mcclain era with Jojh Eels as captain. Were an ok team but nothing better than "ok". Totally inconsitant performance and no real discipline. And by discipline I dont mean actually starting fights but more that whenever I watch Australia they are very quick to loose possession of the ball be it kicking the ball too often or general handling issues. They just arent that great a team.

So with that in mind gongrats to Ireland. I'm sure they deserved the win. With a score deficiet of 24-5 or whetever then its clear that the game was lost over more than 1 or 2 poor decisions if there were infact any.

edit: actually if you are going to be making generalisation on Australia being poor sports you should be firstly lookinbg at our reactions over more than a single game and secondly over more sports. Your claim as it stands is pretty baseless if all the research you did was a few forum posts the following day

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hahahahahahahhaa Don't take things so seriously I wasn't bringing facts into it, I was just saying that all fanatics are the same.

OK :/ You just hit the ol' irish sensitive spot..football violence is a distinctly english quality, we like to disassociate ourselves from that.

Sore losers? What about those umpteen number of countries that apon loosing a soccer match have riots ect?

These dirtbags dont do to see the game.They are intent on fighting before the game ever started.

I would have loved to be a cop at the match against england in 1995...love to see that ginger prick near the end of the video bleeding from the head.

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Yeah. I think you will find Australia arent that bad to be honest. It's only really football that attracts this and even then only Rugby Union. When the League team lost the other week to England the criticism fell not on the Umpire but on the teams lack of effort and discipline. Really I think this is something associated with Rugby Union and maybe a small bit with cricket but even thats not so bad and while I know it sounds a bit stuck up to say it we do dominate in that sport and theres alot of people here that while not liking Aus Loose dont get upset overly much as it usually is a great game if its one Aus comes out second best in.

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union in Ireland attracts a respectable working and middle class in the southern parts, and a snobby crowd in Dublin.

As for Rugby League, we dont play that here, well, we do but its like as common as snowboarding in cooberpede.

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As a half kiwi. half aussie i do like to poke fun at aussie's teams when i can. One thing i must say though is i'm glad league isn't played there, it's not a real sport (the kiwi talking!).

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I don't think we are the best at any sport? I rarely hear of Australia wining anything to be honest (other then the Socceroos and Cricket) Still, I guess you could say we are a pack of whiners, look what happened at the G20 summit in Melbourne the other day, a complete disgrace :( Australia will probably be banned for future G20 summits cause of that now. Considering we are regarded as been laid back people, you'd think we'd take losing in a more dignified manner..oh well can't live up to all the stereotypes :p

You have got to be kidding. For a start the stuff that happened at G20 would have happened everywhere else in the world.

If you haven't heard of Australia winning anything you must have been living under a rock.

Aussies have won plenty of things. And have some of the best sports people in the world.

Golf - Adam Scott won tournaments this year and is now ranked number 4 in the world. Geoff Ogilvy won the U.S. Open Championship this year.

Tennis - Leyton Hewitt has won Wimbledon and the US Open. The Woodies will go down as the best doubles team in Tennis history.

Hockey - Both the men?s and women?s teams have won gold medals at the Olympics and been World Champions.

Swimming - The best women swimmers at the moment are Aussies. The guy that just retired today will go down as Australia?s best ever swimmer and one of the world?s best. Ian Thorpe I'm talking about.

Cricket - Australia has been the best cricket team in both forms of the game for years. The best cricket player of all time is an Aussie. That would be Sir Don Bradman. And what about Shane Warne?? Might do stupid stuff from time to time but is the best bowler to play the game.

Rugby League and Union ? Both teams have been World Champions.

Cycling ? Robbie McEwen won yellow jerseys at this years Tour de France .

What have the Australian scoccer team won?? They make the World Cup for the first time in 20 odd years and they are the best sports team to come out of Australian?? Give me a break.

Do you want me to go on?? I can name Layne Beachly, she has won 7-8 World Surfing Championships. Anymore??

Edited by Alphanumeric
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I edited the thread title to make it sound less like flame-bait.

Are we talking about Cricket? The first post didn't say and things might have gone off-topic along the line.

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I edited the thread title to make it sound less like flame-bait.

Are we talking about Cricket? The first post didn't say and things might have gone off-topic along the line.

It's Rugby!

I was lost for a second there, because 21-6 in Cricket is a terrible score! Normally cricket matches go past the 100 mark atleast.

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It's Rugby!

I was lost for a second there, because 21-6 in Cricket is a terrible score! Normally cricket matches go past the 100 mark atleast.

Someone went on about Cricket on the first page.

[Thread Title Edited]

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  • 3 weeks later...

You have got to be kidding. For a start the stuff that happened at G20 would have happened everywhere else in the world.

If you haven't heard of Australia winning anything you must have been living under a rock.

Aussies have won plenty of things. And have some of the best sports people in the world.

Golf - Adam Scott won tournaments this year and is now ranked number 4 in the world. Geoff Ogilvy won the U.S. Open Championship this year.

Tennis - Leyton Hewitt has won Wimbledon and the US Open. The Woodies will go down as the best doubles team in Tennis history.

Hockey - Both the men?s and women?s teams have won gold medals at the Olympics and been World Champions.

Swimming - The best women swimmers at the moment are Aussies. The guy that just retired today will go down as Australia?s best ever swimmer and one of the world?s best. Ian Thorpe I'm talking about.

Cricket - Australia has been the best cricket team in both forms of the game for years. The best cricket player of all time is an Aussie. That would be Sir Don Bradman. And what about Shane Warne?? Might do stupid stuff from time to time but is the best bowler to play the game.

Rugby League and Union ? Both teams have been World Champions.

Cycling ? Robbie McEwen won yellow jerseys at this years Tour de France .

What have the Australian scoccer team won?? They make the World Cup for the first time in 20 odd years and they are the best sports team to come out of Australian?? Give me a break.

Do you want me to go on?? I can name Layne Beachly, she has won 7-8 World Surfing Championships. Anymore??

Layne Beachley just won her 7th World Championship. Not bad for an Aussie!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Greg Norman

Cathy Freeman (Meh, no one likes her, she still won)

Dawn Fraser


Makybe Diva

Australia is sports Crazy, hence why we are very good at the things we do.

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Australia is sports Crazy, hence why we are very good at the things we do.

Sports crazy yes, and per capita probably one of the most sucessful sports countries in the world.

But aussies are still incredible sore loosers.

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