Zune #2 In Sales Behind iPod

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Despite the fact that the Zune was only #18 on Amazon's sales chart (it's #17 now)?behind 12 varieties of iPods?Microsoft's doing quite well this holiday season. Statistics released by NPD Group says that while the iPod is still number one, the Zune's leapfrogged everyone else and claimed 9% of sales and 13% of total dollar share. Impressive, until you compare it to the iPod's 63% of sales and 72.5% of dollar share. Looks like Microsoft's 100 million dollar marketing spree is taking hold, at least enough for the Zune to beat everyone else except the iPod. Still, it wasn't enough to let us find a Zune buddy at the airport.


Sandisk, move over buddy, there's a new gun in town. According to NPD's weekly point of sale data collections (which, as we understand it, cull aggregate sales figures from all the top electronics retailers), during the Zune's launch week Microsoft captured a 9% unit share and a 13% dollar share (total cash spent) in the portable media device space. (Comparatively, Apple's iPod range snagged 63% unit share and $72.5 percent dollar share.) Now granted, this figure should be taken with a huge grain of salt. Not because of its accuracy -- since we're quite sure it's totally accurate -- but because a week spent #2 in unit share does not make a device #2 in market share, not by a long shot. Furthermore, those retail figures do not include Apple stores, where droves of customers flock to purchase their iPods, and more importantly, because that's launch week and any new device (especially one so hyped as the Zune) will almost always set its sales records during its week of launch. In other words: sorry Zune fanboys, this is going to be a war of attrition, and while launch week numbers might foretell the Zune's place in the not too distant future, they shouldn't be used as hard and fast figures for today's split up of the market.


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I have yet to see a Zune tv ad.

Microsoft needs to create flash versions of Zune to make it really popular.

It is going to be hard to beat the great iPod...

oh and I've seen TONS of Zune commercials

Just watch adult swim. they have them every 10 seconds lol

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There was a blog entry at the mac site daringfireball.net that mocks this report because its not talking about the whole media player market, including media players with less capacity and without video capability, devices like shuffle etc. its fair pointing this out as articles imply its the whole media player market, but its still missing the point, because nobody was supposed to expect zune to gain on those other market areas

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I was going to buy a Zune... until they said it wouldn't be released in Europe until 2008. Now I'm a happy Creative Zen Vision: M owner. :D

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