ASP.NET AJAX 1.0 Released

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Tuesday, January 23, 2007

ASP.NET AJAX 1.0 has been released! ASP.NET AJAX is a free download with 24x7 technical support provided by Microsoft. It can be used to create more sophisticated and more interactive ASP.NET 2.0 Web sites that work across all modern browsers. Many of the most popular ASP.NET component and solution vendors have also released new versions of their products with ASP.NET AJAX support. Go download today and start building a better Web.

Release Notes

Version 1.0.10123.0 - Requires ASP.NET AJAX version 1.0

This is a major release for the Toolkit. We have ported over all fixes in the development branch and have brand new set of controls, feature changes and script base classes.

New Controls:

AutoComplete: The much-requested control that provides suggestions to complete input typed in a textbox

Calendar: Client-side calendar control

MaskedEdit: Control to enforce input entered into a text box is in a specific format complying with specific types using client-side validation

TabContainer: Tab strip control to organize page content

General Notes:

Updated the Toolkit framework, all controls, all samples, and all documentation for the new ASP.NET AJAX v1.0

Bug Fixes: Over 75 issue fixes in the Toolkit development branch are a part of this release making it those most stable and feature rich one so far

ModalPopup changes: Added absolute positioning, drag/drop ability, async post-back support

RounderCorners: Added ability to specify which corners to round

ExtenderBaseControl/Script changes: Revised ExtenderControlBase architecture to make it easier to author new Toolkit Controls

Breaking Changes:

No breaking changes

Known Issues:

No new issues

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