Contrails in the sky, risk to our health?

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Contrails in the sky, risk to our health?

I started taking lots of pictures of the sky amongst other things, a few years ago. I live in N.Norfolk England..

About a couple of years ago I started to notice alot more trails above us... they are different to normal contrails because they do not disapear after a short while.

What I have noticed is there are plains leaving criss crosses in our skies, their is loads of them the trails start to disperce and go into each other...

Leaves a milky mess of a sky for hours.. most of the day infact.. I know when it is especially bad the temperature seems to drop, even NASA talks about Global Dimming, but my concern is that so many trails in our skies are bad for our health..

I put a search in google video for contrails I was shocked at how many other people where moaning about them.

I was just woundering what your skies are like, have you seen these grids, crosses up there?

The top picture is from a friend from Norwich..


The second is one is of a cross above my house...


The third one is just one of the trails dispercing over my house ..


Care to yas

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Yea I did post this on a weather site, they said it was Persistant Contrails, something to do with the atmospheric temperatures, I do beleive.. but to be honest I don't remember the contrails been like this... hangimg around all day just thining, like I said into a milky looking sky :(

I was just curious to see if other people had noticed what there skies were like??

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did you take all three pics though? It seems like the first one is somewhere else, especially when you look at the image properties. The second two are both with the same camera, but the first does not seem to be from the same camera.

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The top pic is from a friend in Norwich (I did put that above pic but nps) taken from a 35mm camera I scanned the image in.

Have you seen anything like this above you?

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Not in winnipeg no, other than normal contrails from planes in straight lines that disssipate at the normal speed. Every once in awhile you will see two crossing, but never more than that really.

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It's water vapor, and no, water vapor doesn't hurt you, and some contrails in the sky wouldn't cause a severe (or probably even noticeable) temperature drop (considering that clouds trap heat...)

And no, they aren't "chemtrails" (i'm sure somebody's going to start with that)

Edit: too late :(

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You would think, that if these really were "chemtrails", someone would just be monitoring the composition of the air and have proven it already.

If you can't prove beyond a reasonable doubt that someone is putting chemicals in the air, you're either not trying hard enough or it's just not happening.

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You would think, that if these really were "chemtrails", someone would just be monitoring the composition of the air and have proven it already.

If you can't prove beyond a reasonable doubt that someone is putting chemicals in the air, you're either not trying hard enough or it's just not happening.

That is actually a fantastic point.

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You would think, that if these really were "chemtrails", someone would just be monitoring the composition of the air and have proven it already.

If you can't prove beyond a reasonable doubt that someone is putting chemicals in the air, you're either not trying hard enough or it's just not happening.

Of course there are chemicals in those contrails, its caused by exhaust from a jet engine (unless I am missing what chemtrail is suppose to mean). Whether they are enviromentaly harmful (contrail or not) or a health hazard is another matter.

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Chemtrails are said to be chemicals released into the air by planes by the government. And actually, seeing as this is the case.....

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I didn't say these where Chemtrails, and I do think these trails in our skies is a Real World issue...

The trails are not my imagination, their up there everyday nearly,, so I do think I posted this topic in the right place first of all.

The trails above us can't be ordinary Passenger planes...

1, We are not as far as I know on a busy flight path ... no major airport near us,, small airport in Norwich

2, If by any chance ALL these trails where left by Passenger planes, I wouldn't like to be the passenger on these planes.... criss crossing in our skies,,, U Turns,,, Gaining Allitude, right over us.. why? no airport near us so their not just taking off...

As for the health concerns.. we do need to find out via tests... but who will do them and how,, a independent person would be best.. anyone got any ideas where to start?????

I'm not saying who is doing this vandalisim of our skies because I don't know!!! Nor do I know what the trails are,,, but none of us really do...

But all the trails up there nearly everyday is causing us not to be able to enjoy our sky,, this can't be a good thing.

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I didn't say these where Chemtrails, and I do think these trails in our skies is a Real World issue...

The trails are not my imagination, their up there everyday nearly,, so I do think I posted this topic in the right place first of all.

The trails above us can't be ordinary Passenger planes...

1, We are not as far as I know on a busy flight path ... no major airport near us,, small airport in Norwich

2, If by any chance ALL these trails where left by Passenger planes, I wouldn't like to be the passenger on these planes.... criss crossing in our skies,,, U Turns,,, Gaining Allitude, right over us.. why? no airport near us so their not just taking off...

As for the health concerns.. we do need to find out via tests... but who will do them and how,, a independent person would be best.. anyone got any ideas where to start?????

I'm not saying who is doing this vandalisim of our skies because I don't know!!! Nor do I know what the trails are,,, but none of us really do...

But all the trails up there nearly everyday is causing us not to be able to enjoy our sky,, this can't be a good thing.

Generally, contrails the last longer than usual is an indication of an approaching frontal system or maybe the clouds you're seeing are natural forming ? Contrail itself doesn't amplify the pollution that the plane makes.

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Well whatever they are there is alot of them,, I certainly don't remember contrails in the sky like this... they stay in the sky for hours dispersing into a milky haze..

If you read this post please take time to say if you have seen trails like the pics above where you live?

Any comment on the flight paths, just doesn't seem logical that all these planes are normal passenger ones,, criss crossing in the sky?

I saw 4 flying at once in the same direction, not far from each other,, is that correct? saftey issue?

As for the Chemtrail theroy it really doesn't matter who is doing it, if it is chemical trails,

the point is... if it is harmful to our health?

Our health, OUR CHILDREN'S HEALTH that is whats important....

Pictures taken over North Norfolk England Chemical rainbow? in contrail is the first pic




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Chemtrails don't exist, the worlds governments are not conspiring to commit massive global genocide by poisoning the air. :rolleyes:

Contrails will stay if there is no wind where they are located (they also depends on atmospheric conditions), a couple of months ago i saw a plane flying on a mostly clear day, as it flew over, it left a contrail in some parts of the sky, didn't leave one in others, it blew away after a couple of minutes (as it was quite windy)

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