Violent Video Games Banned...

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Oh and in reference to the person who commented about women not being able to show their faces...   It obviously doesn't matter to you at all that said rights are being violated/denied in "some countries" since you don't even care enough to research what countries such violations are occuring in.  Are you part of Amnesty International, etc?  I doubt it.  Anyways, my point is don't make useless comments about things you know nothing about...

LOL. my simple point was that some things are more important than others. A womens freedom to show her FACE in public is more important to me than the freedom of someone to play a video game. THERES A BIG DIFFERENCE HERE, and said "harcore-gamer" may not see it and it's scary.

Something banned related to MEDIA VS something banned related to something YOU WERE BORN WITH.

In the United States a movie called Faces of Death, which depicts people dying, is banned in most states. There hasn't been a huge uprising over this. If we banned women showing their faces in public I'm sure there'd be a problem. There are some freedoms more important than others. No country on the planet is completely free.

Suddenly I've been labeled not a part of the "hardcore gaming" industry and Amnesty International. No, I'm not a hardcore gamer...I play what I like but that doesn't change my views. Of course I think it's wrong to scapegoat games, but Honduras IS NOT AN INTERNATIONAL MODEL FOR FREEDOM. Therefore Jago, whats your point in that context was my question. And Knoxca...Amnesty International? Come on dude, AI would work if the world was one single country and AI was the one single political-ethical structure. ITS NOT. There are religions other than yours. There are morals other than yours. Your views don't coincide with the views of everyone else in the world. Your line of thinking blurs into the realm of the Fallacy of Compostion.

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I'm pasting here what I posted in the Gamers News about this topic:

Guys, try think from another angle...

From time to time, some stupid kid/guy believe the real life is like a game... You saw that in the news...

Suposse this game is Carmaggedon or something like that...

This kid/guy stole his dad's car and go to the street and kill a couple of persons...

Do you think the freedom for play any type of games is more valuable than a couple of lives...???

I think this is the reasoning from this guys in Honduras, is their choice...

Guys... I'm father from a teenager, I let him play whatever game he choose (I play those games too :D ) but from time to time I see unnecessary cruelty in some games...

I take care to help my son grew knowing the difference between real life and games, but some parents and/or kids are really stupid to understand this...

Think about it... ?;))

Ok... lets the flames begin... :pp

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Let me also state that I'm in no way saying scapegoating video games is ok. My argument was simply that a single countries opinion on it doesn't jeopardize world views of the subject. what's ok in one country isn't ok in another...yada yada...its what makes each country unique i guess. What I would have a problem with is that if videogame scapegoating was a WORLD as if video games are deemed demonic as a morality. While it seems like that sometimes, thats not the case. If it were they'd be illegal in most countries and only the exceptions would allow them. It's just the extremist watchdog groups who have nothing better to do than to blame a game for an incident that happened, rather than investigating other environmental issues that might have caused the disruptance. I do agree with that.

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to be honest i have had resident evil and castle wolfenstein for six months now which i got from friend. i knew they were horror games. all i ever did was install them and after watching the openning scene i removed the from my system. i think its a good thing that these games are being banned because they are not to my taste. this is not a gamers preferance but how could anyone digest such games. thanks but now thanks

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to be honest i have had resident evil and castle wolfenstein for six months now which i got from friend. i knew they were horror games. all i ever did was install them and after watching the openning scene i removed the from my system. i think its a good thing that these games are being banned because they are not to my taste. this is not a gamers preferance but how could anyone digest such games. thanks but now thanks

to each is own.. i don't think they should be banned because people dont like them, hey you dont like them? dont buy them!!

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i think its a good thing that these games are being banned because they are not to my taste.

i think you said it all right there, and thats the problem with people banning video games. these people, like yourself, didnt like the games and banned them because of it. but what about people who DO like the games?

instead of taking away the ability to play the games for the people who do enjoy it, simply don't buy/play the games if you don't enjoy them

its as simple as that

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I think you are wrong there... people don't ban games because a stupid thing like "taste"... there are reasons. You can agree or not agree with that reasons, but they are there....

Each culture is different, besides, you don't know the CAUSES why those congressmen did the project for the ban and approved it...

Nobody can judge the people or the reasons without knowing all the facts or history... :cool:

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i think its a good thing that these games are being banned because they are not to my taste.

i think you said it all right there

if they are banning the games from shops they are not exactly saying i don't want this person to buy this game. there are rules in decisions and they are mainly directed to game developers to let them know that there are limits to games. its not a matter of culture. that's way off the subject. we are seeing rules being imposed on games and game developers and i think this is a good thing. a person that plays games every day because is a hardcore gamer will not mind such games. not everything is acceptable in the world and there are people who make these decisions. i certainly don't like having bad dreams so why should i like something that's unacceptable for being a game. for years people have known of the word game. but what does it really mean? i think it means fun and enjoyment.

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ok.ii'll post my opinion so its easy to understand.

if someone doesn't like a game, DONT PLAY IT.

if parents don't like a game, DONT LET THEIR CHILDREN HAVE/PLAY IT

This crap is some people imposing their values on everyone else. DONT take away everyone's ability to choose what they want to play for the 2 reasons stated above.

thats it :happy:

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we are seeing rules being imposed on games and game developers and i think this is a good thing. a person that plays games every day because is a hardcore gamer will not mind such games. not everything is acceptable in the world and there are people who make these decisions. i certainly don't like having bad dreams so why should i like something that's unacceptable for being a game. for years people have known of the word game. but what does it really mean? i think it means fun and enjoyment.

Well why dont they ban movies which are violent, have horror, and give people bad dreams? This is being taken out on videogames unfairly. If they REALLY wanted to make a difference, they should have banned movies too. But they didnt because they know that there are many more people who watch movies than videogames. Videogames are still considered an industry for kids, even though it is the BIGGEST industry in the world, and I think this is unfair.

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This crap is some people imposing their values on everyone else.

Sorry to say this, but when you live in a civilized society there are values you must respect or learn, like honor, honestity, patriotism, to be solidary, etc, etc, etc.... you know what I mean...

If you don't like imposed or teached values, you must live alone in an island... :D

Values are an inevitable "feature" when you live in society...

I know what I'm gonna say is annoying: You gonna understand the reasons for some values when you become an adult...

I'm still a rebel in a lot of things coming from the "society", but I was worst when I was a young guy... :D ... I'm not "weakened" now... I understand more things now, and I have the "hard" work to teach and help my son to grew up... :p

Edited by JHAres
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