Ubuntu and Lin/Freespire to collaborate

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Canonical Ltd., the sponsor of Ubuntu, and Linspire Inc. the developer of Linspire and Freespire, on February 8 announced a technology partnership to integrate with each other's Linux distributions. Linspire/Freespire will be based on Ubuntu, rather than Debian, and Ubuntu will integrate with Linspire's CNR package installer/updater.

For Linspire, that will mean moving from Debian to Ubuntu as the base for its Linspire and Freespire desktop operating systems. For Ubuntu, starting with the 7.04 release in April, this means that Ubuntu users will gain access to the newly opened Linspire CNR (Click and Run) software delivery system, which will give them one-click access to commercial programs and proprietary multimedia CODECs and drivers.

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Edited by Kreuger
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Well it says that CNR is now free (or at least some of it) so if they maintain this, I guess it will be good for new users as it will help them be able to install although I'm not sure that's the right way to go/

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As long as the changes to Ubuntu are just additions giving access to CNR as an option and it does not lead to a closed comercialized system then this is good for Ubuntu. For Linspire/Freespire should open up the repositories of Ubuntu giving an extended managed range of free/open packages - this is good for them.

It should be noted that as Ubuntu is based upon Debian there is little change to Linspire, except prehaps less work to do in developing going forward as there will be two development teams I guess.

I can see two reasons for this ;

1. Linspire can see th poulatrity of Ubuntu and has decided that to remain a comercial sucess they need to change there current position in the market. An easy way to reduce costs of development is base upon a well established base and in addition with Ubuntu take advantage of its poularity. This can't hurt Ubuntu and open a retail outlet for the work of the development team and possibly a revenue stream.

2. Ubuntu needs to move towards a more comercial structure to remain and teaming with Linspire with the eventual merge could provide this over time, I hope this is not the hidden agender here and we are simply seeing some clever handeling of the situation. Remember Ubuntu's backing is from a wealth (extreamly) business man from South Africa, his object will always be making money in the end - and so with the popularity of Ubuntu and the existing chanels and structure of Linspire this would be an obviouse route ? I prey this is not the case as I love the current philosphy of Ubuntu and the product as stands is superb, I have it installed and running on my home PC back in UK and love it.

Long live free Ubuntu - its only Human !

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As long as the changes to Ubuntu are just additions giving access to CNR





Long live free Ubuntu - its only Human !

Stop reading my MIND! :D

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