The Number 23

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I had the chance to see this one the other day in the theaters. I went into it thinking it wasn't gonna be all that amazing, I mean, come on, it's a Jim Carrey drama. It turned out to be an amazing movie for me and is now one of my favorites. There is some humor and I really like the story line. This movie gets some bad reviews which really surprise me but in my book, Carrey pulled it off. What did you all think?


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  • 3 weeks later...

i know this thread is a little old, but i just saw the movie this week... Dollar Theater :p

anyway... i thought the movie was quite lackluster. all this slow buildup and you find out the plot twist and then "eh, ok, who cares"

the perfect word to sum up this movie is "anticlimatic"

overall rating from me = 5/10.

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  • 5 months later...

I saw this movie quite a few months ago when it was in cinemas. I usually like Jim Carrey films, but he was just too emo for me in this :/

A decent watch, but nothing spectacular imo

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I actually really enjoyed this flick. It started off slow, but as they started working through the plot, it warmed up well.

As Slimy mentioned earlier, the ending was a bit unexpected and turned out quite good.

He's definitely showing his acting ability now, glad he hasn't just stuck to slap stick humour.


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  • 1 month later...

2 Words best describes this movie: Painfully Dull.

I thought this was a horror flick for some reason, or a logically thinking movie, which it wasn't.

The movie just looked different in the preview, and seem to lose my attention at times. I did enjoy the plot twist ending, but it wasn't enough to save this movie from disaster. I don't see this being a best seller or anything.

4/10, Watchable, but don't expect too much

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