Finding a Wii

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Okay, So I'm heading down to the U.S. on Sunday and I was looking to buy a Wii when I was down there. I'll be in Orlando from Sunday to the following Tuesday (March 19th). Does anyone know if they have any Wii's in stock or if any retailers are expecting any?

Any help would be great

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seems like sundays are wii days for many stores. some places hold their stock of wiis and sell them on sundays. if you're lucky you can find one. i would check gamestop, eb games, target and wal-mart. i don't guarantee that you'll find one, but looking on sunday would be your best bet. call around some places too and maybe they'll be nice enough to tip you off on when they'll have wiis.

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A guy at EB told me his nintendo rep told him march was going to be very bad for stock, because nintendo is trying to achieve a stockpile to ship in April for people to buy with their tax refunds.

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here's a rumor on wiifanboy :)

Tipster HexiJosh was spot on about the last TRU Wii hoard, so we have no reason to disbelieve him now when he tells us that Sunday, March 18 is the day to queue up. Still, we're marking this as a rumor just to be safe.

He says that Toys R Us stores are getting even larger shipments this time than last time-- his store is getting a minimum of 12 systems-- and that TRU is planning to sell them bundled with Sonic and the Secret Rings. We hope these bundles don't cost full price-- bundling is only fun when there's a discount involved, and even then it's kind of annoying.

But complaining about bundles misses the point, which is HEY THERE ARE PROBABLY GOING TO BE SOME WIIS FOR SALE. Plan your next weekend accordingly!


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I finally decided over the weekend that i was going to pick one up... i have $300 in bestbuy giftcards but i gave up hope of getting one from them(have been trying since christmas time)... thinking it was going to be easy to get one elsewhere.... after 4 ebgames/gamestops, circuit city and 3 walmarts i finally realized i am never going to get one... lol... i will try toys r us on sunday for my final attempt...

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well if your intrested in a uk unit, im thinking of selling mine. pm me for details

someone got bored of their wii already. hahah

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someone got bored of their wii already. hahah

yep lol. ill admit, its a VERY godd little machine, and i congratulate Ninty for doing such a good job, but its just not my thing, i prefer online gameing on my 360 , and out of the 2months ive owned my wii, except 20mins after excit truck cam out, i ain played i for 6weeks lol. im jus gunna stick with my 360 atm

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someone got bored of their wii already. hahah

It's not boredom of the Wii that's the issue, because it is an amazing little console.. But rather the lack of "quality" games coming out. April will be Paper Mario, which is hopefully pretty amazing (switching to 2d and 3d on the fly is certainly cool). But we're going to see the really good games starting in Summer. Metroid Prime 3, Super Mario Galaxy, Smash Bros Melee, etc.

Personally I'm going to try and pick up some Gamecube gems (Anyone want a Gamecube? Lmao!). Eternal Darkness is the one I'm trying to find, but it's ridiculous how hard it is to find one. But it's one of the very few Gamecube games to support both 480p and 16:9 widescreen.

Oh I have a little tip for those playing RE4 on the Gamecube. You see it's weird, the game IS 16:9 in terms of the size of the screen (with the blackbar on the top and bottom), but there is no true 16:9 "mode". But if your TV has a zoom function, use it, and you'll get true 16:9 by expanding the image from the original 4:3 perspective. Unfortunately because there is no true 16:9 mode, when you do enlarge it the game tends to look jaggy as hell lol.

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It's not boredom of the Wii that's the issue, because it is an amazing little console.. But rather the lack of "quality" games coming out. April will be Paper Mario, which is hopefully pretty amazing (switching to 2d and 3d on the fly is certainly cool). But we're going to see the really good games starting in Summer. Metroid Prime 3, Super Mario Galaxy, Smash Bros Melee, etc.

quoted for truth.

my brother and i haven't touched our wii (sounds wrong i know :p) for a couple of weeks. it is a great console though, so once they release some more non-party games like the ones mentioned, i'll start playing again. the party games are fun, but they're kind of losing their appeal for me.

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A guy at EB told me his nintendo rep told him march was going to be very bad for stock, because nintendo is trying to achieve a stockpile to ship in April for people to buy with their tax refunds.

I heard that from an EB sales rep too. I think it's a load of BS since nobody else seems to be saying this but people that work at EB. I have a feeling that it's something EB is doing. It is not in Nintendo's best interest to hold back Wii stock for any reason, because they're selling regardless. They don't need any gimmick to get people into the store to buy more Wiis at a specific time because they sell as soon as they hit the store shelves.

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I have a wii, and yes indeed I don't play much.. but I never play consoles much anyways. I do have to say that Wii is worth buying, nothing wrong with the system and definitely unique on the gameplay. In terms of games, I think the current Wii titles are better than what PS3 has to offer. I don't think there is anything wrong with the launch titles, just takes time for games to be developed for the system you know... However, I do predict that when Metroid gets released along with Smash Brothers both supporting Online play, the Wii will be on huge demand again. I really can't wait until what other ideas game developers come up with. Wii definitely has potential, time will tell if it becomes more successful or not.

drool.... Sega.... Night into Dreams for Nintendo Wii...............

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