Jack Thompson Blames Bill Gates for VT Shooting

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Oh sure it does, for instance, if you erode a parents ability to know what their child is exposed to you make it harder for them to parent, and if its harder to parent, then kids who are either unstable or have emotional issues will either not get help or will latch on to outlets that will feed their emotional problems. --- and then, this is not just an issue with parents and kids, but teachers and kids and psychologists and kids. and then its not even about kids, but with how the culture provides outlets for adults, even to the point that it becomes so easy to make a market around stupid clones of shooter games, because FPSs are like the porn of video games.

So anyway, I don't want any bans. I just think there are some common sense measures that consumers want. For instance, consumers want ratings for instance and they want the ratings to be done correctly, so there's correct advertising, for whatever reasons. I think stores that market to certain audiences should also be understood to only carry certain ratings. But if you even mention that opinion on a video game forum, they'll treat you as a villain, with an almost paranoid hysteria. Calm down, your games aren't going to be taken away.

What are you talking about? Ratings are all over games, all game advertising shows the ratings, and stores aren't allowed to sell M-rated games to minors. What more do you want?

Look, you can say that the game industry needs to do more, but they do as much as they need. It's up to the parents to follow suit. I played many violent video games, and I still do, but I'm not about to go shooting up a school. If the child is raised correctly, and/or has no psychological disposition that would result in such a thing, than he/she won't have any problems when exposed to violent video games. Plain and simple.

The game industry is not at fault and I'm sick of Jack Thompson blaming them for every little tragedy that happens in this country.

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Is there a public email for this joker anywhere? I ned to write a letter.

He used to have a Comcast email, plus his own little bull**** propaganda site. The email address was shut down due to the crapload of flame mail he got. The site just disappeared one day.

As someone else said on a post made earlier this week, the only way he'll stop is through natural means, i.e. his death.

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I am SO glad that Thompson is no longer a lawyer. I would love to see him take Gates to court, and I would love to see him get served by the judge.

Hey, Mr. Thompson. In case you a: can read, and b: are reading this, here's some helpful facts:

- Valve published Counterstrike, not Microsoft

- You do have a point that Hale is from Microsoft, but that is more of a space-age FPS, ya think?

He really needs to do the world a favor and retire the rhetoric. He's blind enough in his own beliefs that he can't even think of the parents that don't use discretion when letting their child play a game like CS or Halo.

The funny thing is, OTOH, I grew up playing all sorts of games, and while I do have a general dislike for alot of people and keep to myself alot, I don't plan on going on any murderous rampages. You know, I'm not that bitter at the world... I just don't care for alot of the activities that go on this day and age.

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How far-reaching would this go if JT had his way?

I mean, computers are merely death, murder, and destruction simulators while games are just the simulation software.

PC hardware mfgs. need to stop making computers. It will save lives I say!

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It's alright, I mean everyone needs something to do with their life. Some people work, some dream, some bitch. Like one of my six neighbors. Five out of six neighbors enjoy's listening to my band practice, but it's people like number six that prove why we _need_ labels on products, not for us ladies and gentlemen, it's for the stupid people. The ones that have no aspirations, no goals, no dreams, and the only way they can get over the fact that they had a ****ty childhood is to bitch about things and make other peoples lives a living hell.

Here in Darwin about 4 years back a grandmother was watching her grandchild who wandered into a neighbors yard and drowned in the pool. Now, after that incident everyone in Darwin had to get mandatory inspected and regulated pool fencing. They even made a guy with a spa in the middle of his house get a fence. Instead of making the parent/grandparent responsible for the safety of the child, they've made everyone else accountable for it. Just another way the governments cater to the minority group of whingers and bad parents to the detriment of the the intelligent homosapien.

Its people like Jack Thompson that basically say, we're too stupid to take care of ourselves and we all come from bad homes and need to be sheltered from the real world. Get a life... seriously... you're rants are beginning to annoy not only the gamers, but the media who can see through your flawed, no supporting evidence claims.

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Jack Thompson must die, CS has nothing to do with virginia tech shooting.... the players of Team 3D play a lot of CS and they arent violent.

Seung-Hui Cho had mental problems, he was sick when he born.

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I really don't think there's anyone else in this world who irritates the living crap out of me more by having to listen to them than this moron. He's so out of touch in every aspect it's ridiculous. He spreads baseless claims without facts and is doing nothing more than fear mongering. While this jackass is going off he ropes in every other jackass who is also unable to determine the difference between what a gamer sees on their computer screen as opposed to what a soldier sees in Iraq. They are not one in the same, playing video games does not train you to kill... I mean ****... you don't see me bunny hopping down the street with a shot gun...

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The truth is that almost everyone has or does play Counter-Strike sometime or another. It is just a popular game, Jack Thompson needs to shut the **** up and learn that video games are a part of mainstream society now, and the possibly of someone having played some sort of violent video game are high so whoever commits a murder, crime, attack, shooting or whatever you want to call it has played a violent game.

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He used to have a Comcast email, plus his own little bull**** propaganda site. The email address was shut down due to the crapload of flame mail he got. The site just disappeared one day.

As someone else said on a post made earlier this week, the only way he'll stop is through natural means, i.e. his death.

Do you think we could help speed up the natural process? ;) You don't want to come face to face with a couple thousand angry geeks....

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What an IDIOT.

Agree'd.... I think after him writing a formal letter like this, Bill Gates should reply back to him, and pwn him. Jack Thompson is a plague on all laywers / legal members and should be considered banned from life anything that requires opening his mouth; he is actually doing MORE HARM than GOOD.

and if you are reading this Jack... do yourself a favor...

He was mental in the first place, games didnt help him, he was already disturbed... look at his parents... they tried to kill themselves after he did; and i know his parents don't play games... they actually listen and follow your direction!

click the link below to be served Jack....


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Bill is a heck of a nice guy, nicer than I'd be with his kind of money anyway. If I were in Bills shoes, people like Jack would cease to exist. Oh, and let me clarify. It's not because of any games I played or movies I watched or music I listened to. It's because Jack has a terminal illness that has no cure and can be spread in epidemic proportions. His illness? Terminal stupidity.

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I don't know if this already posted

Today Jack Thompson amended one of his many suits, adding Gawker Media and Kotaku to the list of judges and the Florida Bar he is seeking injunctive relief from.

The amended suit was initially filed on March 13th against the Florida bar. On April 11 he added the members of the Florida Supreme Court. And today he added Gawker


The Complain

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I cannot wait until this guy looses his license to practice law (And he will). Crazy hypocrite. O_O

I thought he already lost his license?

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What an IDIOT.

Yeah sure, they published the game for xbox, but what big CS guy ever played it on a console to begin with? Vivendi published it. This guy is a disgrace, always trying to put his own face into the spotlight every time something happens as a "moral crusade." He just wants more money. :angry:

OMG, this guy needs to see a shrink! :( What's Next? Does he plan on blaming santa claus for violent video games? ROFL :D

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This guy is a disgrace to all US, the political scene and all Christians as well.

This guy is a radical, he should go make his own religion and start his own country instead of disgracing everyone else.

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This guy is a disgrace to all US, the political scene and all Christians as well.

This guy is a radical, he should go make his own religion and start his own country instead of disgracing everyone else.

Hm.... L. John Hubbard? :D

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His illness? Terminal stupidity.

Come now, that's not fair to all the other mentally challenged in the world ;)

"In related news, Jack Thompson adds Neowin.net to his list of people to carry out unsuccessful lawsuits against."


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